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Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder Questions (Page 3)

Related terms: PMDD, Premenstrual Tension, PMT

Displaying 54 questions associated with Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder.

Switching from Paxil to Wellbutrin?

I have been on Paxil for about 3 months to treat anxiety, depression, PMDD, and SAD. It has helped to some extent, but it makes me feel like a zombie. I changed to taking it at night which made me less sleepy, but my lack of motivation, enthusiasm, and passion due to feeling zombie-like is just as... read more

Sertraline - Does sertraline actually help?

I mean it could just be that you are having a good day.. I don't take any anti depressants and I feel good some days and bad at other times but its worse when I do take a anti depressant.. I can't rely on drugs to be happy when the pill stops working for me I try and get another and when... read more

How long does Zoloft take to work?

I have been on Zoloft for about 5 weeks and i have maybe seen a slight improvement in my anxiety but nothing major yet. I’m starting to lose hope. can anyone tell me how long it took for their Zoloft to start properly working? Thanks.

Anxiety and depression. Please help?

So I have been taking Prozac for 2 weeks 4 days alongside of taking Ativan .5 mg to deal with any side effects from the Prozac. First week 10mg second 20mg now. My anxiety causes me to be very depressed and for the past 2 months it’s been out of control I don’t feel like myself and just... read more

Lamictal wired on 25mg and tired on 50mg?

Just started generic lamictal. Took for two weeks on 25mg. Took it in the evening. I had trouble sleeping at night and felt it did not make me tired. Switched to morning with my Zoloft and Doc upped it to 50 mg and told her I take in the morning. So now, I am so tired I can't stay awake. Will... read more

Not sleeping on Zoloft 25mg?

I’ve just started Zoloft, the first 2 days I took about 3pm, but only took 12.5mg, I then increased to 25mg taking at about 2pm. It is really wrecking my sleep! I fall asleep but toss & turn and was awake at 4am... will this get better? Should I take it in the morning or night? My pdoc... read more

Will restart Zoloft after 3 weeks of stopping work again?

Started with Zoloft for 1 week then went to dr to get rf and he switched to lexapro i took for 5 1/2 weeks cried anxious whole time!! then switch to Zoloft was on Zoloft for 3 weeks 25mg 1st week, 50mg 2nd week and 75mg 3rd. I have alot of anxiety and crying!!! Dr switched me to buspar and said to... read more

How long before you feel the effects of upping your Zoloft dose?

Hello! I have been on Zoloft 50mg since December. I recently was still struggling with postpartum OCD, so I upped my dose to 75mg. I just took my 4th dose at 75mg. I’ve been feeling pretty good the past few days and am wondering when I would feel the effects of the increased dosage? I feel... read more

2 month on Lexapro (5mg), but still having anxiety & intrusive thoughts?

I just started Lexapro this last month for anxiety, after having side effects from Zoloft. The first month on Lexapro was great, when i went back to the doctor for a usual check up on how the meds were doing he advise me to up it to 10mg, which i refused ( i know dumb me ). So I guess now I am... read more

What time of day to take Zoloft for PMDD when on Adderall for ADHD?

I’m on Adderall (15mg XR early am, 5mg IR midday) and it’s mostly great. Took a while to get that dose, was still having issues and after tracking realized it was pretty severe PMDD. Doctor just added Aoloft and I’m wondering peoples experiences and if you take Zoloft in the... read more

What is the difference between SNRI's and SARI's (serotonin antagonist and reuptake inhibitors)?

Currently take trazodone & venlafaxine with ziprasidone. Have Ehlers-Danlos, fibromyalgia, with muscle/joint/nerve pain,osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis, bipolar I with mixed episodes, PMDD, and severe complex PTSD. I am trying to work with doctors to take as few medications that will treat all... read more

Would 30 mg Adderall XR and 10mg Paxil be a bad combo?

I've been on Adderall for ADHD for about a year, currently at 30mg XR taken before noon. I recently started taking paroxetine(10mg) taken around 8 to 9 pm for PMDD to see if it would help. I've had a headache all day and am wondering if it's because of the drug interaction or if its... read more

Making Sense of PMS

Sertraline 4th week worse?

I'm nearly 4 week's taking sertraline. Started on December the 9th. I felt a few small positive changes, the first 2 week's. Then u got my menstruation on December the 30th. And thing's have gotten worse! I'm extremely depressed, unable too get out of bed or function.... read more

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