I've been on Effexor XL 75 mg slow release for about six months for depression. Sertraline, citalopram, and mirtazapine never worked, but I'm better than I've ever been in my life now on venlafaxine and haven't had to up the dose. It's probably the most 'stable' I've ever been. My question is: does anyone else feel a little dreamy? My thoughts wander in the middle of sentences, and concentrating is difficult on anything but stuff I'm completely absorbed by. I started to wonder whether I have ADHD, because I've always struggled to focus on one thing at a time, unless it's interesting and then I can do it for hours. But now I'm wondering whether it's actually a side effect of the venlafaxine. My friend described me as a bit 'word a minute' the other day and suggested I seemed to struggle to focus since I started taking venlafaxine. It's been really frustrating, I'm a busy person but I've started to dread work because it's so difficult to focus. Any insights are really appreciated. Ps: glad this group exists. When I've missed days I encountered the brain zaps, which was unnerving. Relieved to know, at least it's not just me.