I was taken off haloperidol and benztropine because of too many side effects I could not deal with. He put me on seroquel xr. 50mg. This medication I do love because of one side effect and that is a lack of sleep. I am a paranoia schizaphrenia and just want to get a good night sleep. I have always wake up at 8am every morning even if I just two hours of sleep. Just want a sleeping aid to help me a little.
I cannot sleep well sometime on seroquel xr. What can I take along with seroquel xr to sleep?
Question posted by Raeellis on 19 Aug 2015
Last updated on 28 August 2015
3 Answers
Hi, you could try combining the Seroquel with Melatonin... it will take a little while to work most effectively but it is certainly an option that could prove successful
Now I can sleep. I just take seroquel on an empty stomach. I then take my highblood pressure medication about an hour later. Now my doctor said it causes diabetes. I hope I do not get this disease because I love seroquel. I do believe I will not get this disease because it is not in my family.
Let your doctor know of your continuing symptoms allowing the doc to adjust your medication as necessary. You may need a higher dose of Seroquel.
The short time I was on Seroquel XR I was also, on Lunesta as needed and I did need it. I stayed on Seroquel 3-4 months but, didn't like it because I felt I was gaining weight on I stopped taking it and we switched to something else.
Related topics
seroquel, seroquel xr, sleep disorders, benztropine, haloperidol, side effect, sleep, medication, sleep disorder
Further information
- Seroquel uses and warnings
- Seroquel XR uses and warnings
- Benztropine uses and warnings
- Haloperidol uses and warnings
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