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Results for 'Zoloft Generalized Anxiety Disorder'

Zoloft initially raise anxiety, then anxiety subside?

Anyone that has a panic disorder/major depressive disorder/OCD... begin Zoloft only to have the anxiety level go up as a... read more

Zoloft - for anxiety OCD and panic attacks, is it ok to take Zoloft just when I need it?

Is it okay to take a whole prescrip. pill the first day,but then discontinue using it the next day. My doctor prescribed me 50 MG Zoloft for... read more

Zoloft - Ok so I just started taking 50mg last night and I didn't fall asleep until two hours later?

... then I woke up exactly 5 hours I had a feeling like a thump in my throat but I also use to get this because of my anxiety I have REALLY... read more

Should I give up on Zoloft?

Started 25mg, now at 150 mg , five months in and severe panic and anxiety , feels like I drank fifty cups of coffee , had a few good days on... read more

Zoloft isn't working PLZ HELP!! I have OCD, BPD, Situat/General Anxiety, Claustrophob, Depression?

I am new to this support group but not to the? sight, I usually come here to compare meds and do some of my research, however I NEED to reach out and... read more

Zoloft - what side-effects did you experience?

Hello! I have recently started taking 25mg of Zoloft for my anxiety and panic attacks.I know it takes a while to kick in but has anyone... read more

What should I do? Ran out of Zoloft for a week, finally getting some, should I take normal dose?

I’m on 200mg of Zoloft, I had run out for a week but I am finally able to get my prescription filled. I have been experiencing some... read more

I am on Zoloft, can I eat anything?

I know Zoloft might have an interaction with grapefruit. Is there any other food I should be aware of? I read that I have to be careful with... read more

I'm taking Zoloft for panic attacks but it's not helping. What do you suggest?

Panic attack, anxiety & depression. Nothing seems to help. Got no one but my therapist and psychiatrist to talk about it. No one... read more

Sertraline - Help horrible heart burn from 50mg Zoloft what to do?

Started on 25 mg for 10 days doc uped it 50 mg horrible heartburn and burnt gas how can I cure this?

Anxiety - Generic Zoloft helping anxiety but making me jittery, will this get better?

... I started generic Zoloft 12 mg, tomorrow will be 3 weeks. The past week and a half I have been? taking 25 mg. I can tell a big difference... read more

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