Panic attack, anxiety & depression. Nothing seems to help. Got no one but my therapist and psychiatrist to talk about it. No one understands. Feels like you're dying, crying for no reason, the heartaches. It's terrible. The Zoloft or Trazodone is not helping and my MD will not prescribe Xanax. HELP.
I'm taking Zoloft for panic attacks but it's not helping. What do you suggest?
Question posted by migdaliarsd on 10 July 2010
Last updated on 19 May 2022
33 Answers
Hi, migdaliarsd!
First of all, what dosage are you taking and for how long? Options may be a dosage increase if you're on a low dose and essence of time if you've only taken it for a short period of time.
Just because one medication doesn't work for you doesn't mean another won't either. If you and your doctor would consider switching you might discuss Paxil, Lexapro, or Prozac.
Another option is adding a "booster" like Abilify. A mood stabilizer might also be helpful.
All this sounds like trial and error... and it is. I suffered for half my lifetime before I looked for help. It was so bad I couldn't drive or leave my house and any suggestion of a social activity caused panic attacks. I ended up hospitalized and then on disability.
Then I found a wonderful psychiatrist... and I'd recommend that if your doctor is a general practitioner... who helped me through the trial and errors very successfully in the end. Now I'm as happy, healthy, and functional as I hoped I'd be.
There's always hope at the end of the tunnel. Don't be discouraged... keeping working at it with the help of your therapist and doctor/psychiatrist. You will get better!
PS, Most doctors will no longer prescribe benzodiazepines because of the probability of addiction and serious short- and long-term side effects. There are liability issues because next only to the opiates the benzodiazepine crisis is the second most prevalent drug issue today.
Believe it or not, Zoloft actually CAUSED my very first panic attack! Heart pounding, hyperventilating, terrified-without-any-reason, sweating PANIC!!! I can NEVER take this SSRI. And have had no luck with any other SSRI or SNRI for panic, though they don't cause it. Have never taken Trazodone.
Xanax (which years ago used to be prescribed like candy for panic disorder) is by far the most effective drug to stop a panic attack almost instantly. Valium and Klonopin not nearly as effective for panic. Trouble is the medical field appears to have completely changed its mind about Xanax (now considering it as bad as an opioid) - doctors are very reluctant to ever prescribe it now. Luckily, my doctor will prescribe it if I stick strictly to his tapering plan - he wants me off of it entirely. And guess what! He suggested Zoloft for my anxiety and occasional panic attacks! Cruel irony!
Finding that nortriptyline (a tricyclic) helps, but it knocks me out for hours and worsens my tinnitus. Magnesium glycinate seems to be a good nutritional panic mitigator, but it must be taken every day at full RDA or more. NB: other forms of magnesium - citrate, threonate, etc. - don't quite cut it. And magnesium oxide is just a laxative! Pumpkin seeds are a rich source of natural magnesium (and are delicious, too).
I have never taken Ativan but my sister swears by it. I have taken Zoloft and would not recommend it. In my opinion Xanax is the best for me !!! My dr. Was hesitant to prescribe it for me at first. As long as you take this Med. As PRESCRIBED you should not have a problem. Try again if he will not do it maybe it’s time to find another dr.
Try Klonipin
The main drug to treat Panic / Anxiety attacks (which I take) is XANAX either short acting for immediate relief or XR (extended release) for steady control of attacks throughout the day. I have never heard of Zoloft for anxiety. I was prescribed Zoloft years ago for depression & it didn't even relive that! Ask your Doc about Xanax. It's a life changer.
Zoloft isnt good for anxiety Lexapro is better for anxiety.Lexapro has something in it for anxiety.Zoloft better for just deppession.
hi, have been on zoloft and for me also didnt help panic attacks or anxiety. SO i went onto the xanax which was great till i got on it and needed more and more over the years! its a short term drug, but i used it for years ( prescribed of course ). SO now am off the xanax and back onto the prozac... doesnt help with the panic attacks but get yourself a good pyschiatrist,,, xanax am telling u is not good long term... terrible to come off ! hope u feel better soon...
dont be embaressed to go the the er and tell the dr there that your having panic attacks, chances are youll get a shot of atavan and xanax by mouth, and a small prescription, i had a panic attack so bad, twice last a few weeks ago and went to the er, its real this feelings we get and needs to be treated, youve got support here, i understand what your going thru, keep comming back to us
The last two docs I've seen won't prescribe Xanax either. I take Klonipin. Doc has just raised the dose to three .5's a day. I've dealt with depression for close to 20 years. It is heartbreaking honey. I've just recently gone through divorce. My 2nd divorce... we separated a year ago, but the divorce was just final in July. I know heartbreak. I can truly relate. I've been on Valium. It caused me to be irritable, angry, I snapped at people, I was aggrivated. Had to stop it. Ativan caused flu like symptoms. Achiness, weakness. So I'm back to the Klony. She just raised the dose to three a day from 2 a day. We'll see how it works. I also take Lamictal and a new med doc put me on, Celexa. Kinda waitin to see how it does. Best of luck honey! Hope you find help SOON!!
Have you talked to your doctor about trying cymbalta? Or have you tried that already? I was on zoloft for about a year, it helped some with GAD, but caused my blood pressure to become elevated . The doctor tried me on lexapro, which did not help at all. After the lexapro didnt help, we tried cymbalta . It was like a miracle drug for me, I took it for about 6 months, but had to stop taking it because of the cost $175 a bottle w/o insurance.I am going to see if there is some kind of program through the distributor so I can start taking it again. Good luck and I hope you and the doctors find something that works for you . Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. I know how tough it can be
Hi migdaliarsd!
We are definitely in the same boat. I just feel like no one understands or even cares what I feel, INCLUDING my doctor. If you are taking Zoloft, I am also, you can always increase your dosage. The max is 200mg and the normal dosage is around 100mg. I am on the max. My suggestion would be to try some specific medications for your anxiety. (ex; Klonopin, Xanax, Ativan) These are "benzos" and they specifically target your anxiety and work instantly. Klonopin did wonders for me. Everyone is different so talk to your doc about how you are feeling. There are so many different options for you out there, and different combos to try, so don't think you're stuck :) Make sure you inform your doc of the trazadone and never take it at or around the same time. If taken together they may act as a pretty nasty tranquilizer. Wish you the best of luck and hope you feel better soon! ~HOPE
hi there, i was given celexa for overall anxiety, but i also suffer panic attacks. My regualr GP would not prescribe Xanax also, I think they're scared to. I had to seek a psychiatrist for the Xanax, and even then I had to cry in the office and beg. it was pathetic, but I got it. People don't understand these attacks are like life and death when you're having one. Good Luck,
It didn't help me either. Why won't your Psychiatrist prescribe an anti anxiety and something for panic attacks? Make sure you write down everything you feel and think and don't forget anything. It can take years for a psychiatrist to figure out things if you are not upfront with him/her. Do your thoughts race when you go to bed, do you feel shakey, do you feel like you are going to dye, do you think other people don't love you,are you unable to trust others, Do you believe other people are thinking a certain thing when you haven't asked them if they are actually thinking this? Are you impulsive, Did you have ADHD as a Child, Were you considered a stubborn Child. All these things are a key factor in getting the right treatment and the right meds. Another one is were you abused either physically, emotionally, pshchologically, sexually. Post Tramatic Stress Disorder can give you panic attacks. Are you Sleeping well.
Do you get angry more than you think is proper. Tell your psychiatrist all of this. If this Psychiatrist is not giving you what you need, than you need to see a different psychiatrist. Medical Doctors are not trained like psychiatrists. A Good Psychiatrist will be able to give you the right meds. MDs are limited as far as what they choose to prescribe. If you want to get better. Keep in mind that finding the perfect medicin combinations may take time and med changes are never easy.
Another thing to consider is your diet. What we eat has a big effect on how we feel.
I have seen Psychiatrists and therapists since 1981. I hope you find this helpful.
I can't underemphasize the importance of prayer also and reading the Bible will also have a very calming effect. Joshua 1:8 1Peter 5:7
I have Chronic pain from polio when I was younger and broke area's in my back and along with that have had panic disorder since about 10 years ago, unless a person has had the experience they have no idea how to understand what someone like you or I go through,.
at times you do feel like you are going to die and then when it passes you wonder if and when it will happen again, I have taken several of the benzodiazepines such as Librium (old one) Valium, Ativan and then was placed on Xanax I am on the extended release that comes in 2mg release, I could take it up to four times a day but only take it once a day, usually they giuve that one a 12 hour basis but things got so rough that the doctor said I had a healthy liver and it was detoxifying it and ridding itself becuase I had been on it for a good period of time, she does not restrict me to every 12 hours I just know deep inside if I don't try hard to control the amount I take then it will not be as effective, some doctors just don't and frankly won't prescribe xanax, it has potential for abuse, I am not perfect but I use just what I have to and no more I had a friend who became addicted, once I saw that I decided to restrict myself and deal with some of the attacks rather than be in the condition that he was in, I have used Lexapro 10mg tablets 1/2 tablet for a week then increasing it to a full 10mg dose it did a good job for me and worked faster than most rugs in its class it is an SSRI, not suppose to be habit forming like the Xanax is, have you ever taken Klonopin I haven't it was just a thought, its given for other things as well but it is also prescribed for panic, you might discuss this with your doctor he might be willing to try this and who knows it might even help you please let us know how you are doing I do care I am going to add your name as a friend and I am listed as Caringsonbj please take care
that is so true, unless you go thru these horrible attacks you will never know what its like, hoping and praying your not gonna have one today, or just trying to get thru one without the feeling of dying. hang in there
I use Xanax and Klonopin and haven't had a panic attack in a long time.
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xanax, zoloft, depression, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, trazodone, anxiety and stress
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