I am also on Prozac but just curious to know the dosage of Xanax. I am aware it starts at 0.25 but what is the usual recommended safe dose daily?
What is the daily recommeded dosage of Xanax for severe anxiety/panic attacks?
Question posted by puckiemull on 8 March 2011
Last updated on 19 February 2023 by Drkatzjr27
30 Answers
Prescribing Xanax is a very individual differences issue.
The prescribing information, which is the official information provided by the manufacturer and FDA for Xanax states that in certain patients up to 10 mg is required for severe treatment refractory panic and anxiety.
The usual dosage of Xanax for a patient beginning would be 0.5 mg to 1 mg three times daily.
If a patient is still under profound, duress, most psychiatrists prescribe between 4 to 8 mg daily.
I hope this helps!
Sometimes alprazolam must be prescribed at high does for certain individuals.
In cases of patients with treatment refractory panic disorder, it is not uncommon if the disorder is so distracting to the patient’s life, the Xanax is prescribed it up to 10 mg daily, which would be the maximum safe dose, and only very liberally prescribed to certain patients
I've been on alprazolam for 24 years .05 mg 4 times a day for prsd and panic attacks.last October my doctor said he wants me to try antidepressants .I was hesitant because I have panic attacks I'm not depressed.i have been functioning fine with taking just alprazolam( (Xanax) same dose
Now I have thus celexa I'm looking at and scared to take it because I'm not depressed why would I take that stuff?
Why can't I just move on with my life as it was on alprazolam? I've never then more than prescribed and since my doc has suggested it.I'm seeing a psych and psychologist and my life is a train wreck messing with my dosage.from 4 to 2 times a day.05 mg
I was fine why the sudden change of heart with doctors about this? And has anybody taken celexa 10mg? Gheesh
Since doc cut my alprazolam dosage from 4 to 2 times a day.panic attacks on top of me not wanting to leave my own home or see family members. I'm accumulating phobias I would not normally have.what is going on in the Benzo world?
My husband took Celexa for years for mild depression come to find out when he was diagnosed with throat cancer, that DOCTOR told him he didn't need it,and has felt better ever since he quit taking it... IDK? What's up with that but I don't feel like just because Docs say "let's try this pill that it's actually the one for you!!
It depends on how long you have been taking it. Seems to me it's one of those drugs that you build a resistance to so you're always needing a higher dose
No that's just me.. plus I've gained weight. Xanax works the quickest but it's not necessarily the best relaxant for anxiety there's Klonopin but that really will put your butt out. And of course Ativan Valium. Talk to Dr. Anxiety on what will happen or what might happen or things that are happening? Sit down write down everything that is bothering you and see if you yourself can solve se ossutes at hand. Melatonin is good for sleep to if that's when you take most of your Xanax, hydroxyzine is good too they've been giving it to patients for 50 years
I took Xanax for many years at a high level as my tolerance increased. After 10 years I was switched to clonazepam which worked better for me and is longer acting. Believe it or not I have been on the clonazepam for well over 30 years and I was on the Xanax for 10 and before that it was the old valium. I was on too much clonazepam at one point I was addicted for sure and I had to wean down over 6 months but I am still taking it and it still works for me. I never found that anti depressants helped my anxiety and I tried a lot of them. I also found they have a withdrawal syndrome too when you try to stop so I am sticking with what I know works. When I was on Xanax I took 6-8mg. a day near the end when they switched me.) One of the reasons that Xanax did not help me much was similar to my ativan trials it just wears off. The clonazepam takes 3 days to get out of your system and there is no abrupt feeling before the next dose that it has worn off. However it has gotten a bad name lately and many doctors hesitate to prescribe it long term. I wish you the best!
Xanax 0.25 is safe. And you are taking Paxil. Some people are on 2mg of Xanax. It helps Lot with anxiety but it also didn't your body builds up a resistance to it. And why do you have such bad anxiety easy question and how long have you been on the paxil maybe the paxil is not right for you I mean there's other medications out there for OCD. Trinyellix is a new medication. It's better than paxil. I took that for 5 years and so did my daughter. It made me angry. O.25 is the lowest dose no worries
Xanax is banned in Australia.
For those with insomnia you may want to try melatonin. Available over the counter. I take 5 to 8 mg each night. It works for me.
Be careful. Xanax is fast acting. It is also euphoric. I was prescribed it in 1 mg doses and within a year 2mg and more. I stick to valium 10mg 2x daily longer half life. Point being xanax may help severe panic anxiety disorders but can lead to a road you dont wanna go down.
I started on 20 mg but told my GP I wanted to reduce my amount. I cut the tablets in half, then half again so I am now on 5mg a day. I would like to reduce to zero but there is no talking therapy available where I live. I don't like/ want to be on ANY medication.
I have a question bc I have Insomnia bad and can't sleep between the hours of 12 midnight - 7 am daily. I have to take a.05 Xanax to be able to sleep for about 3 hours max In a 24 hour period. There are times where I can't sleep at all for 3-4 straight days. I've tried trazodone, Lunesta and ambien and no lie they keep me awake for like 12 hours. I was recently prescribed tomazapam which I've only taken once but it worked. I'm literally scared bc I hear different things about Xanax and benzos and tamazapam is also a benzo but the thing is only benzos relax my brain to where I can shut down to sleep a few hours. I also never feel rested like I had a REM sleep that's needed to feel rejuvenated. I'm scared like I said bc I heard benzos can increase cancer and seizures.
Is there anything else on the market more safe that might have some of the same ingredients in them as benzos but be more safe? I've even tried calm from gnc that made me very sick and sleep patches, pm this and that and otc store sleep meds and nothing works. How can a person literally stay up every night and not sleep and than fight in the am to sleep and it's broken 1-2 hours here, 1 he there etc and than my days are spent in bed to where I can't work now, go to any appts or do anything but watch the days go by and I don't smoke drink alcohol or to any drugs. I just dont get it. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I take 0.25 dose and have to take more for it to work.
I have been on Alprazolam (Xanax) for over 22yrs. My Rheumatologist actually started me on this drug for Fibromyalgia! He stated that once his patients are on that drug, they don't want to do without it. Initially, my dosage was .25mg 3x times daily, but after using it for so long that dosage was upped to .5mg 3x a day. I have resigned myself that I will be on that drug forever... it keeps my anxiety & pain at bay!
Depends on your overall health and how quickly your body metabolizes it as well as tolerance. What dosage did your MD prescribe? Always consider the other medications you are on, related to the combined effects.
I hope you are able to get relief soon.
I’ve been experiencing twitching throughout my legs and arms at times mostly in my legs. I have had blood work done and all my levels are fine potassium magnesium hormones everything checks out. But for some reason about one month ago I started to feel like twitching in my legs got to the point where I would get very nervous at night and I was not able to sleep. The doctor put me on Xanax 1 mg twice a day but he says I can cut it down to half if I need to. Does anyone else experienced twitching?
I take 1 mg of Xanax every Sunday at 6pm. I've done this for about 7 years now. I've not developed a tolerance to it at all. I TRY to not take a half mg during the week but if it's stressful I'll take a half on a Wednesday or Thursday night. Little background, I've been on 20 mg of Paxil for 12 yrs now. When it was given to me I thought it was a wonder drug. My cares vanished, but so did things I should've cared about. Dropped out of college, etc. and it changed me as a person. Not to detail the post, but looking back, I wish I would've been given about 10 Xanax with strict directions to use only when needed to curb panic attacks and general depression. The Paxil does nothing for me and hasn't for 8-10 years, but I've found taking 1-1.5 mg of Xanax a week helps me keep the "crazy" at bay. It's also reassuring knowing a CAN take one whenever I want. Knowing it will vanquish your anxiety and knowing you can take it at any point has been a safety blanket for me. Good luck.
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prozac, xanax, depression, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, dosage, anxiety and stress
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