When is it safe to have sex with your partner when you have a uti?
Can you have sex with a UTI?
Question posted by steph282014 on 7 June 2013
Last updated on 24 May 2018
It depends on what is causing the UTI. If it is due to a sexually transmitted bacteria then you shouldn't have sex until the infection is clear but if it is a standard UTI from e.coli ( a very common bacteria that lives around the perineal area that originates from the digestive tract) then you could, if you feel like doing it - UTI's can be rather uncomfortable and orgasm can sometimes aggravate bladder spasms. E.coli is not contagious or transmitted sexually BUT be sure, if you do have sex that you be sure to void (pee) right after sex. Sex is a common way for E.coli to be introduced into the bladder in the first place. In women (I am assuming you are a woman-forgive me if you are not) the urethra (the opening above the vagina that leads to the bladder) is very close to the anus and E.coli is hanging about in that area in colonies so the penis can come into contact with this bacteria and your partner can transfer this bacteria to the urethral area and the friction from sex can drive the bacteria high up into the urethra. Voiding after sex will help to flush any bacteria (and other cellular matter) out of the urethra so that is doesn't "set up shop" and cause infection. The bladder and urine are sterile. Urine can grow bacteria easily outside the body but it is sterile (or should be) when in the bladder. Cystitis (or UTI) is very common in women who are sexually active for this reason (sex driving bacteria into the urethra by friction). In fact, years ago they called it "honeymoon cystitis" when women got UTI's shortly after marriage because they were sexually active for the first time and therefore got UTI's this way. If you get chronic UTI's, and you want to know how to prevent them, send me a private message and I will go into more detail. It is often a matter of some simple lifestyle changes. I once helped another woman on here who used to get frequent UTI's and I told her my methods for avoiding them.She wrote me back a few months later to tell me she hadnt had one since she started doing what I taught her so just send me a PM if you are interested. Hope this helps! It was probably more than you ever wanted to know about UTI's but there is lots more if they are chronic!
If your UTI is caused by a sexually transmitted infection then you need to wait until you have finished with your antibiotics. If it is not a sexually transmitted infection then anytime you feel up to it is fine. OH-if you are on birth control pills, remember that antibiotics reduce the effectiveness of the Pill so you need to be using a barrier back up, like condoms, the whole time you are on the antibiotics and for seven days after you finish. You can become pregnant while mixing antibiotics with birth control pills so beware. "Pulling out" will not help you so dont rely on that as a back up. Pulling out doesnt do a thing to prevent pregnancy as men secrete sperm all throughout the sex act, not just at ejaculation (cumming) It is a wasted gesture. To truly protect yourself, you must use condoms! Just a thought-if you are not on the Pill, dont worry about it.
Could you please share your methods to avoid recrurring/frequent UTI's? Thank you.
I would like to ask you a question on uti.
I would be interested in your methods for avoiding UTIs.. is there a reason you don't want to post it here? I'm a new member, and am not sure how to PM...
What are some ways to prevent uti when having sex
Hey so what's the method
Olson can u help with recurring uti
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