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Has Repatha caused weight gain or loss as a side effect?

27 Answers

Campbell01 15 July 2024

Yes, I’ve gained several pounds. Very Uncomfortable. Will discuss stopping Repatha with doctor at upcoming appointment. It had drastically lowered my cholesterol but if side affect weight gain may not be worth it

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pumpkin71 28 Aug 2021

Good morning
I started taking Repatha 6 months ago and I have gained 15 lbs and my hair is thinning !
I have a family condition called protein A which causes high triglycerides, the repatha has lowered it from 300 to 110 but the side effects are not worth it to me! I will be stopping this medication.

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Mrcraig10 11 Jan 2021

Repatha has lowered my LDL from 160 to 46 which is awesome. My problem is the weight gain and lethargy that I’m experiencing. I lost 65 pounds prior to taking Repatha by working out and eating right. Now I’ve gained about 20 pounds and feel tired all the time. I know that I haven’t been as strict on my diet because I feel like a have protection but not enough to gain 20 pounds and now I’m reading posts of people who haven’t changed their diet at all and till gained tremendous weight. Seriously considering stopping for 6 months and see what happens.

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Patiem1 28 Dec 2020

Yes, I gained about 7-9 lbs over 5 weeks. Plus distended abdomen, headache, upper back pain on left behind heart, upper shoulder and neck pain constantly, burning tongue, horrific intestinal problems, stinging in fingers and toes. I went off of it and waited six weeks and all side effects subsided except for weight gain and distended abdomen. I tried it again, one shot and within 20 minutes the upper back pain, shoulder and neck pain, headache and intestinal problems started. Within 3 days, the burning tongue, stinging in fingers and toes returned. I have never responded to a drug so severely. It has been over one month since I stopped again and stomach is still distended and I cannot drop weight. I am 9 lbs. higher than I have ever been before.

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dennisgus 21 Oct 2020

I have been on statins for 40 years but when I was told I have coronary disease and needed Repatha to lower my hyper-cholesterol I started a diet, Low Fats, low carbs and very low sugar, Charted my calorie intake (Weight Watcher points app) and have lost 12 lbs in 8 months. BMI is now perfect and LDL is below 60.

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Telogia 1 July 2020

Yes 30 pounds in a year

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ter1114 27 May 2020

I have been on Rapatha for one month and gained 7 pounds. I hate wait gain.

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Rgent52 3 Nov 2019

I have been on Repatha for seven months now. I have lost about 5 pounds or so.

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dannysan 3 Nov 2019

Just want Repatha users to know there is latex in the injector pen! I developed an all-over rash one year ago and still have traces of it. Dermatologist insisted it was from another medication I had taken for 10 years. Stopped Repatha 8 months ago. My primary doctor spoke at great length with the drug company rep and finally determined that a latex allergy is the cause. I started Praluent a month ago. The injector is latex free.

Rgent52 11 Jan 2021

I have been on Repatha for about 14 months now. My only weight difference is due to inactivity because of Covid restrictions. (Originally I had lost 12 pounds playing Pickleball). I have probably gained 5 or 6 pounds back. My last lipid test revealed my total cholesterol at 99, my HDL at 64 and my LDL at 16. The doctor dropped my Crestor to 20mg from 40mg and discontinued my Zetia. The main thing that I notice is increased bowel movements which could be due from diet also.

Tricia Webb 3 Nov 2019

i just started taking Repatha so I do not know.

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Juan64 16 Aug 2019

I am a 54 years old man with high cholesterol. I started REPATHA a year ago an my cholesterol dropped to normal leves, but my triglycerides are still high. I have gain 20 pounds (belly) during the past year with same diet and level of exercise. It has been difficult to reduce these extra pounds. My levels of blood sugar fasting have increased as well. Some back pain has appeared. I definitely associate it as a side effect of REPATHA.

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drspicher 15 May 2019

I am a 66 year old male with hereditary high cholesterol. Unmedicated, my total cholesterol runs 430-450. I have tried multiple varieties of statins with little effect. Diet and exercise seemingly have little impact also.
I started Repatha 6 months ago, and my total cholesterol dropped to 220 almost immediately. However, since then I have gained 25 pounds, with no change in diet and exercise. I have also experienced muscle pain in my arms and legs, and a burning/tingling sensation in my soft tissues. I also am experiencing the fatigue symptoms that many others have reported.
My father lived to 85 and my mother is currently 92, both had hereditary high cholesterol which did not seem to cause them any heart problems. I am discontinuing the Repatha to see if my symptoms go away.

Votes: +1
scoobiedoo76 29 April 2019

Yes I’ve been going up about 5 pounds every month and yes I just buzzed my hair off because it was becoming so thin and weirdly greasy... while my skin is becoming thinner and I’m getting swelling in my legs with reddish purple patches in my thighs and love handles ... this is my only medication I take sooooo it’s definitely the repatha.

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Jmak09 31 March 2019

I gained 35 pounds in six months. I have been off Repatha for five months and haven’t been unable to loose any weight. Any suggestions? I’ve tried diet, exercise and even diet pills from my doctor. She can’t believe that I cannot even loose a pound!

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Clfurman 5 March 2019

I’ve been on Repatha for one year. No change in weight. No side effects, except for a slightly runny nose once in a while. My cholesterol has dropped dramatically. The shots are virtually painless. No bumps or swelling at the injection site. I can’t complain.

Votes: +1
Janniez 27 Feb 2019

I have been on Repatha only 2 months. Going for cardio check up tomorrow. The only side affect was feeling achy the day after injection. Now I take my shot followed by 2 Aleve and I’m fine the next day. No weight difference to report as yet.

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Related topics

high cholesterol, weight loss (obesity/overweight), high cholesterol - familial homozygous, high cholesterol - familial heterozygous, side effect, weight, repatha

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