The gums around my teeth, that have a cavity in them hurt very badly. I have taken Ibuprofen, Tylenol and nothing seems to touch the pain.
How can I relieve extreme tooth pain temporarily, until I can see a dentist?
Question posted by Jkoch1 on 29 March 2013
Last updated on 17 May 2023 by Mariposa555
75 Answers
I have two suggestions and they are polar opposites.
One is coconut oil use non-GMO virgin coconut oil its called oil pulling... this technique has been around for centuries the pharaohs used this method as well as other tribes. When you google how to do this method it will tell and teach why this is an effective method.
Second is take an Ibuprofen liqugel cap take a pin/safety pin/needle or a small very small sharp object that can pierce a teeny hole in it... and then squeeze the inside medicine directly onto the affected area. My neighbor does this and swears by it.
Hope this helps, but please get to a dentist when can.
Usually a dentist will put you on an antibiotic before they do anything and they keep you on it for about 10 days and after about three days your pain should subside and you can make a decision at that time what you want to do with the tooth but you have to get an antibiotic
For over a year ago I had my right lower side wisdom's tooth removed because underneath had an infection. After 2 weeks the same pain I was back but the dentist said that he did not find anything wrong and dismiss me. I went all over looking for help and I ended in a pain management clinic (no pain killer was working! ) where they gave me gabapentin and after sometimes oxcarbazepine, which is normally prescribed for trigeminal neuralgia but evidently it works for severe tooth neuralgia as well (with dreadful side effects!) last June, after I took some strong antibiotics and prednisone due to a very bad bronchitis, the pain was gone.
It came back a month ago but this time I went to an oral surgeon and after several tests it looks like the pain is of periodontal origin with also an issue with the molar next to the wisdom tooth I has remove last year! However, before 2 oral surgeons and 4 dentist were able to release a diagnosis, I have been bearing this excruciating pain with no relief because I did not want to take again the oxcarbazepine! This Tuesday I will be seeing the fifth dentist which promised to help me to solve this problem for good: it will take care of the tooth and proceed with a deep scaling and rooting of the area, to remove all the bacteria which are causing this awful inflammation! I hope so because I am worn out!
This is going to sound weird but trust me, It works!! Get some ibuprofen, the gel cap kind. It HAS to be the gel cap. Poke a little hole in one of the capsules with a pin. Squeeze the gel on to your finger and rub it on your sore gums. Be prepared, it tastes awful and it bites a little on your tongue. It starts to work right away and it lasts for a couple of hours. Repeat as often as needed. I hope you feel better soon!!
Best things to used for toothache is BC power take one pack with a little water swish around mouth for about 15secs then swallow instant relieve or use lidocaine liquid works like magic. My GMA told me they had these cocaine tooth drops back in the day that work instant. Wish they still made them. Or try 3 tablets of ibuprofen 500mg with food
I had dissolved a piece of Ibuprofen in a small cup or sample size cup that I had already squeezed lemon juice in. Once the piece has dissolved, then get a Qtip and stir it around so that it soaks into the Qtip, then place that end of the Qtip onto the tooth that is giving the pain. Within seconds the pain will almost go away for a while until it wears off, then repeat the process again. But hey it helped when it was a Holiday weekend and no dentist office open until a couple of days later to get an antibiotic. The pain is usually from an infection that has came about. So if you have antibiotics around you may want to start on those. Hope this helps!
Clove oil is the best. Nasty, but a little bit on Q tip and dab it on it. Wow it helps!
Put a hot compress on the area.
Use Oragel max strength.
Rinse with warm salt water.
Take over the counter pain reliever.
Are you taking the regular Tylenol? Well! My family member had the dental problem, but the dentist prescribed him with Tylenol#2 which did wonders for him. It made him sleepy though.
I have tried clove oil, mouthwash, oragel, Tylenol, motrin800. I don't know why, but after trying everything one night and after waiting hours with no success in excruciating pain, I took 1mg Xanax. THE PAIN Disappeared!!! I don't know why, but it helps. Hope this may help others too, because I know how horrendous tooth pain is.
I was very glad to find this area of, as I too had recently, even now, been having some serious tooth pain.
So, let me cut to the chase.
Some time back I purchased what's called "The Dentaid -- Dental Emergency Kit." If you do not have one, I suggest you purchase one.
In my particular case, I had/have a tooth from which some of the mercury fillings broke loose, leaving a large hole. At first (actually, for a few months) I rather ignored the situation, as it was causing me no pain. But very recently (and not unexpectedly) that changed, and I last night was THE worst night I can recall ever having. To say I slept would be an overstatement. But it was only TODAY that I remembered that I had this dental emergency kit.
Anyway, the item in the kit that I used is called "Dentemp," which, as the name suggests, is a temporary filling material. I applied it about two hours ago and I could tell within the first 30 minutes that it was helping.
Mind you, I'm not pain-free, and am still taking Tylenol, bathing my mouth with cold water/salt water and otherwise trying to avoid anything that will create more or sustained pain. But, this has been helpful for me and hopefully will keep me sane until my appointment later this week.
Bottom line is this: look into getting this kit and, to turn a phrase, "I feel your pain."
P.S. I did want to note that I tried Oregano (that stuff is strong; do NOT get it on the outside of your mouth as it will burn and irritate), Clove and Ginger essential oils; nothing helped. Also, I tried the hydrogen peroxide and Vicks Vapo-Rub on the jawline; again, nothing helped. Each person is different, but you may be wise to try all of the suggestions so as to find some relief.
Take an over-the-counter pain reliever, such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) or acetaminophen (Tylenol). Even if this helps, you still need to see your dentist. If you medicate the pain and don't get treatment, the infection can spread. It could even become life threatening.
I tried salt, cloves, and Oragel, then an old timer told me to buy Red Cross Toothache Drops and they worked very well. Try them out.
Ibuprofen 800mgs taken every 8 hours along with 650 mgs of Tylenol every 6 hours. ALSO, use ice packs on the side the toothache is on AND get some Anbesol (topical mouth anesthetic to numb the pain)
I have had success with varying degrees of oral pain using Oil of Clove. Wether it was a tooth (nerve) or gum relief came from Oil of Clove. This natural remedy has worked. It is very strong; a small amount will likely do for hours. It is sold in a small bottle available from most Homeopathic or Natural Oil makers. Many online sites & some drugstores etc carry this product. Note: a little goes a long way; be aware of food allergies. Also this is drug free counter to Oragel type products and works comparable to if not better than those products, in my opinion. Smile!
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pain, toothache, tooth infection
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