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Latest Questions (Page 1712)

Where can I buy Tavist D and why has it disappeared from the stores?

Can I give Amoxil 500mg to my 10-year old child?

Does Tetracycline work for oral abscess?

Can I drink Grapefruit juice while taking Lisinopril?

... for the purpose of going on a diet.

What is the difference between symbicort and combivent?

I have Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Why would my Dr. change me from taking Symbicort to taking Combivent?

Adderall for ADD - Is it normal that it makes me hyper?

My question is about Adderall. Is it normal that i got diagnosed with ADD and i am taking Adderall 20 mg? is it normal that it makes me hyper? is that what it is supposed to do if you have ADD?

Can the ZPak be used to treat flu-like symptoms?

What is the shelf life and dangers of expired penicillin?

I had some left in the mecicine cabinet and have another toothache. If past it's exp date what is the danger or does it just lose potency?

Can you drink alcohol with Z-Pak (Azithromycin)?

Can or does prednisone cause dizziness?

I have Chronic Lymphoid Leukemia and have been getting chemo and am 77 years old. Ten days prior to chemo I started on 80mg per day of prednisone. I did not experience dizziness. Some time after my first chemo prednisone was reduced to 60mg per day then another chemo. Some time during this...

Mupirocin Ointment?

My doctor prescribed this ointment for Impitego ... I had redness with lots of annoying itching around my mouth and cracked lips ( I thought I got too much sun, as I was just home after two weeks at the beach). I have been on it for 5 days now and still have lots of redness and some itching... how...

Will taking pristiq every other day instead of daily lessen side effects?

Will the drug still be effective?