Is there any non benzos out there that can combat anxiety as well as benzos if so id be over the moon if someone could point me in the rite direction , after being on valium for nearly 17 years I know all the downfalls , it is a great anti anxiety but the cons out weigh the pros. Any help would be much apreciated ..
What non benzo is as good for anxiety as I dont want to return to any benzos ?
Question posted by gadget42 on 27 May 2012
Last updated on 16 April 2021
13 Answers
Ask your Dr. about Gabapentin. It works wonders for anxiety. It's the next best thing I've tried to benzos. It also helps with sleep and a number of other things. I have no cravings for alcohol when on it and minimal to no side effects.
I am looking for a non-benzo that will help with my anxiety and panic disorder. I used to take Klonopin 2milligrams, which was the strongest of Klonopin I took it three times per day after I weaned off the medicine I have been trying to find something that is not a benzo. I first started taking the Klonopin back in 1991 but I went off of it several times for at least one year or longer. I'm taking 15 mg of oxycodone 4 times a day for chronic pain so I am not allowed to have a benzo while taking a narcotic. Any and all help would be truly appreciated.
Ask your Dr. about Buspar (buspirone) is an anti anxiety med, non addictive and it is not in the benzo category of drug class.
I can no longer take antidepressant/anxiolytics because of my Bipolar disorder and I will NOT take any benzodiazepine.
I started taking buspirone several years ago and it's been a wonder medication for my anxiety!
Yes, there are many different choices for anxiety; Celexa, Prozac are just 2. There are also natural remedies if you would be interested in that. Hope this helps.
Escitalopram, which is sold under the brand names Cipralex and Lexapro. I've tried so many different meds over the past 19 years & I now take (for my anxiety) Cipralex daily and 2 1mg of Ativan for work. My anxiety is extreme but if you want a non benzo I highly recommend Cipralex. I'm on the highest dose which is 20mg a day but I started with just 5mg a day. Definitely ask your doctor about it!
I have try bluspar and say no way. If you have a have been on benzo, this is not it. I have been on most phyco drugs and Lamictal is it. Anxiety is driven by your mood. Your mood changes when you obsess about you life and it's problems that come with it. I have never had a panic attack when I was enjoying myself with friend and family.. Well family is not a good example cause you know why!! I had to tryout few (LOT) different medications COMBINATION. LAMICTAL is one to try! I also take Wellbutrin, cymbalta, and sequel to sleep. I don't recommend no more than 25 mg. These pills make you a walking zombie. BUT sleep is always good. That is why I do a low dosage. Also one last thing... LAMICTAL gives you a bit of short term memory loss.. I out weighted the positive and negative aspect and hey with anxiety, being forgetful works for me.. I forget Why I'm upset! Your mood is stable and keeps anxiety at Bay. And if I do get rattled, I'll take a sequel, and that helps but takes time to kick in. Good luck.
I need to know a good non benzodiazepine anxiety medication that actually works?
Everyone is different... it took me a long time to find what works, but as far as anxiety goes, a good non-narcotic is Vistaril or Clonadine... ask your doctor!
Buspar is absolutely horrible. It takes three weeks to get in your system and hardly does anything for anxiety. I recommend Vistaril, you take it when you are about to have a panic attack or if you feel anxiety and it makes you feel great in no more than 20 minutes.. ask your doc about it...
hi gadget42,this is a question for your doctor and you to really talk about.sure i could rattle off all knids of med names.but to change after 17 years must be done under yours doctors care. my best advice is the trial and retrial of meds till you get one that works best for you.can i ask what are the cons of your valium... subzero58
I try and go the natural route, although even plants are chemicals... Valelrian Root, and/or Kava Kava. They both work well, if I'm not too worked up.
Just wanted to tell you about my experience with Lamictal or lamotrigine. It is an anti-depressant, anxiolytic and mood stabilizer ... in my body and head.
Hello gadget42. Just to add on to want Laurie said. I take Paxil, and it works fairly well. Not on the same level as a benzodiazepine but does help curb my anxiety. The down side to this drug is the potential of weight gain. Regards, pledge
There are many antidepressants that also help with anxiety as well as the medication called BuSpar. Some of the antidepresssants include Celexa, Zoloft and Paxil. BuSpar is unlike benzo's or antidepressants and is specific for anxiety. Worth asking the doctor about.
Buspar didn't work for me
Hydroxyzine may, also, help.
Related topics
valium, anxiety, generalized anxiety disorder
Further information
- Valium uses and safety info
- Valium prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Valium (detailed)
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