Hey fam! As u all know I am going thru a lot right now. I am severely depressed. One minute I am fine and the next I am crying and shaking uncontrollably. The only time I am relaxed is when I take a benzo my mom will give me to calm me down. They really help. I also take celexa and it usually works but I am at total rock bottom right now. My mom and hubby think I need to ask my dr. to prescribe me a mild benzo, and I agree, but I dont know if my dr. will. Any advice on what I can say to my.dr. I dont wanna sound like i want them for the wrong reasons cuz I really feel like I have good reason, but I don't know what to say and what not to say...
Will doctors prescribe u benzos when u take methadone?
Question posted by annatfultz on 7 Dec 2010
Last updated on 3 October 2017
7 Answers
I'm suffering from Cerebral Palsy and I'm currently on 4 medications. I'm on one benzo "Lorazepam" and one opiate "Codeine". I think some doctors believe in pain management, some don't and don't prescribe combinations of opiates and benzodiazepines.
I am currently prescribed to 90 mgs of methadone per day from my clinic and I am prescribed up to 3 .5mg Xanax per day (as needed). In the state that I live in, you will not be punished for taking benzo's along with your methadone AS LONG AS IT IS PRESCRIBED! The clinic is in contact with my other doctors office once a month to verify the prescription. This can be a dangerous combination for people who do not have a tolerance for one or the other, but I have a pretty good tolerance for both; I've been on both for years. I've been prescribed to my methadone since 2006 and my xanax since 2007 and I've been fine, both medicines work for what they were intended for. Just make sure you take both medicines as prescribed, alot of people that die from this combination arent even prescribed to both meds and have no business combining the two OR they take more than what a prescribed dose would be.
Just start out slow when you first begin adding your benzo with your methadone, I recommend cutting your first few benzo pills in half and build up a little tolerance first that way your body can adjust.
What state
Hi there im on 30ml of methadone as iv been on a reduction I was on 60ml , my doc. conected to the drug center I go to would only give me a reduction plan which means 8 ,5mg a day for 4 weeks then they take 5mg from you every month . It did actualy work but once its over if you have an anxiety problem it hasent miraculusly disapeard so back to the benzos you go , id feel better if he had given me say 5 5mg daily as iv sufferd for nearly 20 years now .If there was a non benzo that worked as good as valium id take that ,im not after a buzz I just dont want to be a walking bag of nerves .My drugs worker told me just 2 days ago that valium is the new heroin , more and more people on meth.
, heroin or both usualy take valium aswell , I think that could be the problem for people with genuine anxiety , I think thats why GPs are more inclined to refuse you unless its short term like a death in the family and even then it would last 2 or 3 weeks and they would probably start you on whites 2mgs .Hope this helps a bit , sometimes it just depends on your GP but as soon as they see meth. on your file I think your doomed ,sorry .
Please don't take benzos with methadone. My little brother died in his sleep from the combination :( There are other medicines out there that are safe to use together.
What can you take other than benzodiazepines that is safe?
For what it's worth, my psychiatrist (he's also a pain doc) prescribes me 35mg of Methadone and 3mg of Klonopin... and a while back, 300mg of Ultram, 5mg of Abilify, 6mg of Minipress and 225mg of Lyrica. Actually, I take all the following, just no longer take the Ultram as of now... it's just a plain out bad drug, little help, and terrible withdrawls if you aren't careful. My question for that med is just why? Most medications out there are better than that one. This of course is just and only just my opinion and experience. Everyone reacts differently to these meds.
Back to the actual question, it sounds like you should be on Klonopin or Xanax XR, as they have much longer half lives. I personally didn't care for the Xanax, but if you're currently taking Xanax and it does you good, then why mess with a good thing? Just remember that the XR only lasts 12hours exactly, and not 24hrs. If the doc tells you otherwise, then you should ask for the Klonopin (Clonazepam) cause it's half life is extremely long, something like 18 to 50 hours (according to wikipedia).
The one thing that sucks about Benzos and Methadone combined is that you put yourself at a greater risk of non-obstructive sleep apnea, so lower the dosage, the better.
Good luck,
Jeff K
As usual, great info buddy!
How can I mark answers helpful? Do I have to be up to a certain level? Or is it just flying way over my head?
Hi Anna. You got some great info. Hope it works out for you. If you thumbs up an answer that's the same as finding it helpful. You should be able to vote up or down at your level. Jeff's info is always interesting to say the least. I too have friends on methadone treatment and also take a benzo. The breathing suppressive effects of methadone stay with you long after if wears off. So combining it with a benzo does increase the risk of respiratory problems. It's always best to take the least amount possible yet still control the symptoms. Be safe and hope you find better relief very soon!
best wishes,
Wow, thanks! BTW Chris is totally right on, really have to watch out for the CNS depression...
My husband has severe sleep apnea. I am so worried about him in the middle of the night when he stops breathing! I have to push him to wake him up enough to breathe again. His doc wants to do sleep studies on him but he keeps putting it off. I am so grateful he doesn't need opiates too often. He had his 3rd and final cervical reconstruction surgery and needs only half a percocet every few days or so. Now I have to convince him to get these studies done! The more I find out the more worried I get!!
Yes Chris, Jeff is wonderful, so r u, Lara, and everyone. I always trust the answers y'all give me. Jeff I am so happy things r turning around for u in such a good way and it always helps when u have a supportive spouse. And Chris, u r like me and go thru so much and I am so sorry to hear that abt your hubby. I really do admire the fact that along with your own problems u stay strong and give everyone great advice. As soon as my computer gets fixed I will do the same. Doi.g this from my phone drives me crazy. But anyways yall are the best. Thx and if I do get a.script y'all have my word I will be EXTREMELY careful
Luv y'all bunches!
Dixie we love you too !!
Hey anna!
I think all docs are different so its a really hard question to answer. I do know of many people who are on methadone and see a phsyc doctor who prescribes them benzos.
I def wouldn't say to a doc that you have tried benzos thru a script your mom gets. It tells the doc you don't follow the script as prescribed and looks bad! You could say that you went to the hosipital due to thinking you were having a heart attack and it wasn't a heart attack in fact they said it was a panic attack. You were finally given a benzo(which one you think may woork) that it worked extreamily well. Say recently you have been having a lot of family problems and the panic attacks have been returining at night causing you to lose a lot of sleep and concentration. You may have to try a few doctors before you have any luck... You may want to leave out the fact that your on methadone.
Benzos arw addictive and methadone is most prescribed to addicts more so than for pain and a doc may look at you like you have an addictive personality and be reluctant to scribe you benzos.
Hello dear Anna,
Just tell your doctor exactly what you've told us, in fact, print this out and hand it to him/her!!! I know that you are feeling really bad right now, you are in my prayers gurl.
Good idea girl. Thx so much. Luv ya. ANNA
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