I have been taking 200 mg for 6 weeks. Starting last week, I began to have waves of panic. Starting in the middle of the night. I saw my primary care and asked if Plaquenil could be to blame. I do have anxiety disorder but have not had a panic attack in two years and certainly not waves of panic. I have since lost my appetite and can only eat a little. She said right away that she does not think it is the Plaquenil and then suggested I see a psychiatrist. This didn't make me happy because I really feel that looking for more medication from someone else for sudden symptoms is not a wise choice. She gave me Xanax to stop the panic. It helped me sleep but makes me way too tired during the day -- so it is like I am anxious, panicky, and exhausted now. I called my Rheumatologist who I have only seen twice to ask if the Plaquenil might be behind my sudden anxiety. I waited two days for a call back ( a long time when you are panicky). Finally, I called the office and got someone to call me back. A nurse said that my rheumatologist has never heard of Plaquenil causing anxiety attacks. I commented that it is listed as a side effect and that they came out of the blue. She said he also said I should see my primary care. I want to believe in my doctor but I don't feel like either one of them bothered to really look into my concern. I think I will just stop the Plaquenil and see if I get any relief and I will let him know what I have decided. I am wondering how long it might take for the drug to leave my system so I can see if this is the problem. By the way, I have fatigue and joint pain but no certain diagnosis.
How long does it take for Plaquenil to leave your system?
Question posted by disneygirlj on 7 March 2012
Last updated on 15 March 2022 by sheryl0120
22 Answers
This is a good question that I've been wondering about. I've been on Plaquenil 200 mg nightly for 2 years. It has worked well to lessen my flare-ups and daily pain. But once this medication was in my system after 2 months I started losing hair. I asked my rheumatologist if the medication could be responsible and he said no.
I am now in the process of winning myself off. I've only been taking one pill at each night for the past week. And I'm going to start taking one every other night until I wean myself off completely. I do know it will take up to 2 months for it to be out of my system and I won't see any improvement in my hair until after that.
I'm really hoping I don't have a huge exacerbation. The only adverse reaction I have felt in the past week has been a little bit of uneasiness in my chest... The kind you get with anxiety attacks. Hopefully that will pass.
Everything each of you have shared in your post has touched my heart because I know the language you are speaking. It's important to feel that you're seen and you're heard. Sadly the only people that can understand/empathize are the ones who suffer alongside of you.
Be well.
Hi everyone, I have also taken Hydroxychloroquine. I took a very small dose (200mg x2 over two days). I started to develop all the symptoms you describe - chest pain, heart pain, tingling in left arm, anxiety, panic, high blood pressure, fear, intense emotionality. I stopped immediately. It has been 2 weeks and I feel a lot better. Some days I am convinced that I am back to normal. And then there are times that a wave of anxiety and panic comes on and I feel like I haven't made any progress. It seems that it is a journey and some days are going to be better than others. As the drug leaves the system it will take time for your body to go back to normal. Hang in there everyone.
It has been 1.5 since I took hydroxychloroquine
I ended up doing a bunch of tests with my doctor - I wore blood pressure monitor, holter monitor for 2 days and did a CT scan. All tests came back clean.
The moment I got my results my anxiety disappeared. I haven't felt anything for 2 weeks now. I am completely back to normal. Turns out a lot of my symptoms were anxiety related.
They go away! Hang in there everyone!!! You will be ok!!!
Correction - 1.5 months
I am in the same boat. I’m about 25 days since my last dose (only took 3 pills of 300 mg) and continue to have waves of panic, week legs, and dizziness. When did everyone’s symptoms subside. I find some days are better than others, but these side effects are really challenging.
Hi I just found these posts. I have recently come off Plaquenil after taking it for 5 weeks. I had terrible waves of anxiety, irritability, some off and on blurry vision and muscle twitching all over my body. The anxiety and twitching have gotten a little better. My doc just keeps telling me to take Xanax but that doesnt stop it. How long did it take for any of you to have your side effects go away? Im going out of my mind.
So, I had a very similar reaction. I took it for one week but 800 mg dose a day. Crazy panic and anxiety, chest tightness… everything you describe. How long before you started feeling better?
I only took it for a week and began to get really hot and have panic attacks. I stopped but I’m still feeling weird. Since i only took a week at 200mg wondering how long before It leaves my system.
I took only 1 400mg dose and 1 200mg dose a day later and it was enough to make my heart feel pressure, ears ring, and a panic attack that sent me to the ER... a couple of waves of panic since, which I took lorazepam for. I also am wondering, with the 40-50 day half-life, in people's experience who had anxiety/panic and heart pressure side effects how long it was until they dissipated.
The same thing is currently happening to me with flushing in my face and chest. I have also decided to stop taking it. How long did it take you to feel better?
How long did you take it for?
BTW, a great resource for medication questions is your Pharmacist.
If you look up the "half life" of Plaquenil on the internet, you will find it does stay in your system for quite a while, as long as 2-3 months. Of course, its concentration decreases every day.
I was a lucky person while taking it... no negative side effects. I really didn't want to stop it when recommended by my physician. It helped my joint pain, stiffness etc a great deal.
But, I have talked with other people who couldn't tolerate it at all. It is my belief that each of us has a different chemical/hormonal/genetic makeup, which means each of us reacts differently to medication, illnesses etc etc.
I hope your symptoms decrease soon. If your physician(s) isn't listening to you, you may need to look for another physician. Also, there is a stigma of "needing a Psychiatrist". If you find the right one, he/she will look at both physical and mental reasons for symptoms (ie could your anxiety attack be due to sleep apnea, hormone imbalance etc etc).
Good luck feeling better!
Google the liver enzyme Cytochrome P450 2C19.
Basically Wikipedia shows a straight table of drugs that interact with this liver enzyme. The drugs are either are a substrate (enzyme can be created from the drug) or a drug can be an inhibitor of this enzyme or in inducer of the enzyme. I researched this for liver cancer metasteses. Reduction of the enzyme is associated with increased tumour aggression.
Now in our cases, I used hydroxychloroquine and a nsaid antiinflammatory. It has induced complete low blood counts (pancytopenia) and I am very sick. Your bone marrow makes all your bloods and if you are inducing low bloods your bones will hurt like hell! Low platelets (bleeding risk) low leukocytes (immune system) and low haemoglobin (less oxygenation =fatigue), so look how the substrate drugs are things like antidepressants. Your body is scavenging your happy hormones to try very hard to replace the liver enzyme and protect you!
Elimination time for this crap is soo long, but you could try to supplement a substrate drug and inducer drug safely with something like Milk Thistle to natural detox the liver.
Look at your symptoms and see what the different drugs are commonly used for.
When this balance is wrong you can very easily start to demineralise your bones and make your RA or OA, worse. I also had this so severely I was hospitalised onto Fentanyl opioid pain relief. Do not go that route!
My issues are complicated by cancer, but hopefully this will help you guys recover from the awful effects.
Also note, when the Dr says "oh, most people are fine with it", well, some people already naturally have some liver enzyme deficiencies, but the Dr hasn't tested you for that in advance of prescribing the drug have they? So they actually don't know if it's safe for you when prescribed and assume you stop when the negative side effects or adverse events kick in. Not worth a 3month world of pain is it?
Hi! Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) has a half life in blood of 50 days and in plasma 32 days. It's great that you know the side effects and adverse side effects of this medication. You said you have an anxiety disorder, caution should be used when prescribing patients taking antipsychotic or antidepressant medications [some physicians use these medications to also treat anxiety]. Your waves of anxiety and nausea are both COMMON reactions to this medication. Since you are experiencing multiple side effects of this medication it is likely the side effects will not get better unless the medication is stopped, continuation of the medication greatly increases your chances of experiencing adverse reactions from it.
disneygirlj I would advise you to look for side effects for Hydroxychloroquine you will be shocked this is a bad drug It has caused me to have hallucinations and I have been through the worse time of my life Its been over a month since I stopped the meds and I still see things happening in my home I can't even start to explain... This drug should not be allowed on the market the side effects are horrible...
I've been taking plaquinil for approximately 3 1/2 weeks 400 a day for RA. I was nauseated every morning, tingling in head and broke out in a horrible rash on my back, etc. I stopped taking it 3 days ago when rash started ..My Primary care put me on 30 mg predisone and gave me a shot of kenalog... Hasn't worked yet. Rash is twice as bad... I'm waiting on call back for something stronger for this rash. I will never take this drug again!!! I am hoping since I only took for three weeks it will be out of my system soon, can't find that answer. Please help? Thanks...
I took Plaquenil for about 10 days. I woke up to my hand profusely itching. I looked and my palm was covered in allergic bumps and very red. Next my scalp started itching profusely and got really sore. My hair came out very bad and still is. I got allergic bumps up my arms and on my thighs. My ears got very red like they were sunburned and they were hot like sunburn and my lips were like they were sunburned. I immediately stopped the drug and I am now on day 4 of no meds and my hand is some better but now I am covered in itchy bumps all over my butt, back, chest and still at the places as before. I started taking Allegra on day 2 and it helps with the itchiness but it is not going away instead it is spreading. Using cortisone 10 on hand and certain places that itch where I can reach. The worst part is my scalp it is driving me nuts and sore to the touch. Nurse said not common to be allergic to this but let me tell you it can happen. This is the worst allergic episode I have ever encountered. Looking to find out how long I am going to have to endure this itching.
I took this medication for short term and 4 yrs later losing eyesight in one eye. Eye specialist said it was from Plaquenil. My doctor didn't warn me,no did pharmacist and yet friend who has same doctor told her to get eyes checked. So how long does it stay in your body and all the side effects yrs later.
I am SO glad that I found this conversation. I was recently diagnosed with mild RA and my doctor prescribed hydroxychloroquine. After taking it for three weeks, I am definitely feeling side effects: anxiety, depression, bouts of crying for no particular reason, weakness, fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss, and mild abdominal cramps. I don't feel like myself at all and my husband has definitely noticed a change in me. It was much to my relief to read this post and learn that others have experienced the same side effects. I was starting to think that I was crazy or becoming a hypochondriac!
I contacted my rheumatologist about the anxiety and depression and she said that they are not common side effects of hydroxychloroquine but wanted me to stop taking the medication for 3-4 weeks to see if there was an improvement and then to try the hydroxychloroquine again to see if the symptoms returned. Has anyone else been given this advice? Since it takes so long for this medication to leave your body, I wonder if 3-4 weeks will be enough time to feel a difference. And... if I do feel a difference I dread the thought of trying it again if I feel better. I realize that taking a DMARD is a good thing in the early stages of RA but I'm not sure about paying the price by feeling so anxious and miserable. HELP! I'm so confused. I also am trying to eliminate foods from my diet that cause inflammation. Oh... this is such a challenge!
I started having paranoia and ruminating thoughts when starting. I stopped and I feel a lot better. Not completely but a huge difference
I came across this page having the same question. How long does it take for Plaquenil to leave your system after discontinuing use. However, I do not want to stop taking it because of terrible side effects listed by other users of the med. I love this drug. I have never felt as good as I do now. I can say I still have random flares and the occasional pain. Nothing like I did prior to the med. I must say it did take a good 60 days for me to adjust. I did not feel myself or right during the adjustment. I have been on it going on three years now. I feel so bad for those of you who have had a bad experience. I am just wondering if you could make it the full 60-90 days if you will feel as great as I do now. The only reason I was wondering the time it takes to get out of your system is due to the fact I want to have a photofacial done. From my research the Plaquenil does cause photo sensitivity and I didn't want a major reaction.
In the three years I have been on the med I have not had any adverse reactions to the HOT HOT summer sun hear in Arizona and also wonder if I will be just fine to stay on my med.
It takes 3 months for this drug to begin to work like it should in your body. It also takes 3 months for it to be completely out of your system once you quit taking it, according to my rheumatologist.
I started taking this same med and have had what I would call panic type attacks. I thought it was all in my head and kept fighting it and trying to continue taking the med. After taking the medicine for 2 weeks and the symptoms just continued to worsen every day, I stopped taking it. I haven't taken the medicine for 5 days now and although I feel a lot better in still having some of the panic type feelings. I was very shocked reading this as I was made to believe this was a pretty safe medication except for the chance of eye issues. I am great full this question about how long it takes to get out of your system is here, I was really starting to worry that maybe this was heart related. ..I hope it doesn't take too long to get this all out of my system. ...
I started this drug in May 2016 and by end of first week I was experiencing paranoia
Lynn... I took a few doses of Plaquenil and quit right away because it made my heart race and I also had my first panic attack and went to the ER. I have had a few waves of panic or anxiety in the following 10 days since... I also feel pressure at the heart since taking it which doesn't help with the anxiety. I know this was a long time ago but do you remember how long it took for the anxiety and heart issues left your system after you quit taking it?
Related topics
Further information
- Plaquenil uses and safety info
- Plaquenil prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Plaquenil (detailed)
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