It's only been day 2 (insurance cancelled) of withdrawal & so far I've been feeling as though when I'm walking to whatever destination, my body arrives but my brain delays its arrival. I feel extremely anxious, nauseous, short-tempered, dizzy, sensitive & confused. I like how I felt while taking Effexor but these withdrawals are unbearable... how much longer can I expect to have them?
How long do Effexor withdrawal symptoms last?
Question posted by ambudai on 9 Feb 2014
Last updated on 3 August 2024 (6 weeks ago) by ditomp4
170 Answers
I could not go one day without the medication... nauseous, brain zaps, dizzy... all that. That's why I took 2-3 beads out of the capsule each day. It took almost a year, but I escaped the symptoms of withdrawal. However, it has been almost 10 years now and I still have brain zaps when I sit quietly or about to go to sleep. My doctor said she refuses to recommend this medication to her patients. I am sorry for anyone that has to go through the withdrawal.
Hey I’m so glad I found this forum. I weaned off 15+ years of 225mg Effexor daily. It took me cutting back 37.5mg a month until now where I’ve been 24 days zero Effexor. I cannot believe the physical withdrawal symptoms I am still experiencing. The nausea. The body aches. The chills. My PCP basically blew me off like “you’re still feeling that way”? Yes I am and it’s excruciating. Not to mention the crying from releasing 15 years of chemically repressed emotions. Does anyone have any advice about how long these physical symptoms last? Thanks in advance. These drugs are BRUTAL.
Hi there… I know this is an old post, but I’m hoping someone answers. My pusher (dr) prescribed 375mg daily of Effexor XR, but I only ever took 150mg, because I know how hard it is to get off. Now, I am trying to wean myself off as I have the flat effect (no emotion, joy, sadness, none of it). I just started today, and took 75mg, which is what I’m trying to taper down to. Eventually. I would like to get to 0 so I can have my emotions back. Anyone know offhand how long the brain zaps last? I remember them all too well from the last time I weaned myself off, but don’t recall how long they lasted. Thanks in advance!
Hi James, I completely understand what you are going through. Is there any way you can pay for the prescription so you can wean off of it slowly over a few months? It took me 3 months to wean off of it while adding another antidepressant. Towards the end, I took apart the pills and counted out the tiny beads to make smaller doses. The anxiety was unbearable. I did add in 1mg of Abilify, which seemed to help a lot, and also a lot of magnesium but I also has to use lorazepam and clonazepam. You can do it but take your time.
I’m so sorry for your withdrawal symptoms.
A doctor that would only give you two weeks between script withdrawals surely does not know, or understand the power of this drug. Mine were six week withdrawals and I still had a very hard time.
I actually made it to 37.5 and found that I couldn’t deal with anymore withdraws.
Every six weeks it just got so hard for me.
I decided to just go back to 75mg and stay there. I commend you for your determination. It just felt like my life was hell for so long trying this. I felt like I needed to be hospitalized. Of course “drug addicts”can only get help with this.
What do they think we are? I found it unbearable to lead a normal life and be able to participate at a job and personal relationships while dealing, even though I needed support so bad.
hi there
i hope you are well. i am interested to know if you felt anexiety and depressed after a while? did all this go away?
i stopped it three months ago but i just starts experiencing depression and severe anxiety three weeks ago.
Hi, noorh!
Withdrawal symptoms generally start almost immediately after you stop the medication... sometimes even during your tapering schedule (assuming you gradually reduced your dosage and didn't stop cold turkey). It's unlikely that the symptoms would start up after almost three months.
Have you talked to your doctor about this? Were you anxious and depressed and that's why the medication was prescribed for you? There's a chance that this may be a rebound of your original symptoms.
Let your doctor know that this is going on and they'll give you some professional advice.
Best regards and I hope you'll be feeling better soon.
I am new to this site. Sure is eye opening to see all the people dealing with this med. withdraw. Insurance would be a Huge hurdle to jump up and also at the same time deal with symptom's from meds.
I have been lowing dose since Dec. 2023
It seems hard to find up to date postings on this and I know this is an old post but its worth a shot.
I've been on generic Effexor 150mg for maybe 5-6 months and here is my story...
Veteran from the military just trying to right things in my life for my wife and children. My wife said I should see the VA about getting put on a medication to help. After a few failed attempts with other meds this one seemed to help. I started on 75mg for a month then upped to 150mg because I felt it just didn't do anything anymore. 5 months later I'm facing divorce, my wife is afraid I will snap and hurt my children and I have mentally gone down hill so much farther than I ever have been before. I stopped taking my meds 2 days ago cold turkey and the withdrawals are just now starting to take off.
First and foremost are the "Brain zaps". I move my eyes and my arms get an electrical shock feeling that pulses for a split second. Not painful more of an annoyance. Second is my hearing, at the same time as the zaps my hearing is just static for 3-4 short bursts then back to normal. I'm not angry or agitated. My appetite is so-so and no nausea.
I plan on posting here daily for 2 reasons.
1. is to help anyone else that may be currently or in the future following in our footsteps and be lost in the endlessness of the internet.
2. because... dread. The feeling of dread I have felt for the past few weeks is horrid. I don't know if its the meds or what but it is just making me want to leave a small mark in case the worst happens. it comes and goes and right now it is bad. So I will leave you all with this until next time.
Remember everyone, You are NOT alone. The hardest part is reaching for help when you feel like all of your strength goes into holding on for dear life. It is terrifying to let go even though it is to grab a helping hand but we can get through this.
I don't know who you are or where you live or how you're doing at this point. But it's 3 a.m. in the morning and if I get up to the Lord pray I came across your post and lifted you up before the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. I don't know if you know him but if you don't he will make himself known to you and he will get you out of the darkness into the light you are right about one thing we are not alone he's always with us and if we call on his name he comes to our rescue. Hang in there and thank you for your service!
Don't give up. I always think of anxiety, depression, panic etc.. as a wave. Sometimes the wave is just really long but it always comes down. I weaned off of Effexor, it took me 3 months of weaning. I did it very slowly. If you restart it and cut down by 25mg every week may help. In my last month I literally opened the capsules and counted the beads. I would split the pill in 4 "equal" amounts of beads. I bought extra capsules from the health store. During the weaning I still had withdrawals but I used lorazepam when needed and also eventually added a anti psychotic - Abilify - it really helped - I only used a very low dose. I also re added a my old anti depressant that I was on for years and worked - Cipralex. The Abilify I stopped 6months maybe after completely weaning and starting Cipralex. Was easy to stop. Talk to your doctor and see if you can come up with a plan as the withdrawals can cause that's feeling of dread. Take it a minute at a time. I promise it will get better and don't do it on your own.
Hello James..
Seems these posts are old, but I am brand new to this. Reading Thu your writings, I’m really hoping your life has evened out a whole lot. Sorry you had to go Thu this, and that you have found compassion with people in your life.
Hello James..
Seems these posts are old, but I am brand new to this. Reading Thu your writings, I’m really hoping your life has evened out a whole lot. Sorry you had to go Thu this, and that you have found compassion with people in your life.
Old post I know. But this is the perfect place to share my experience. I was on effexor XR 75mg for like 8 years. My Doc tried to up the dosage a couple of times when I wasn't feeling right but I always refused because I thought it was actually the drug making me feel "meh" about life after a long time.
About 2 months ago I decided to brave it and start my tapper. I went from 75 to 37.5 XR and stayed on that for a month. The first week was brutal, had all the usual symptoms. Then it got slowly more tolerable. Until I felt kind of how I did on the 75.
Then I was suppose to take 37.5 every other day for 2 weeks then every 3 days for 2 weeks. Then off. But during the every other day I felt like I was just starting to feel the worst every time it was an off day and had to do it all over again every time so after 2 weeks I stopped. It's been 6 days with none!
I am feeling pretty rough but hopeful. It's been doable and as crappy as I feel I can feel part of me coming back that was masked by the drug for so long. Hopefully it gets better over the coming days/weeks! Good luck to anyone else trying. It's possible, just be in a good place and take it slow. Self care is so so important during the process too.
I eliminated my dosage to 75mg for 1 month. Day 4 of stopping: feeling a bit dizzy, short tempered and anxious. So called hot flashes have subsided. I have been on effexor for 18 years. I will prevail, I do not want to take it any longer.
How are you doing? I am currently going through this.
Hijacking this for a moment.
I was on 75mg XR generic for 7 years. I just started my taper. I was given 37.5 XR.
It's been 4 days. I've managed to stay as active as I possibly can so as to not drive myself crazy thinking about how I feel. It's not unbearable and I'm determined to make it through this! But I've gotten a very bad headache each day and I am pretty spaced out. I only start to feel the zaps close to the time to take my next dose thankfully. Other than that I am tired all day and fairly irritable ( very easy to piss me off ) .
Just wondering how you're doing!?
I have been taking Effexor xr 225mg for 6mths. I have since reduced my dosage down from 225mg to 150mg, 75mg and now 37.5mg in a matter of a month. I am not experiencing any withdraws like ever body else maybe because I haven't been on Effexor xr long enough. However, I am taking vitamins for the last two years to help with my depression and taken omega 3 and 6. I am not depressed and my mood is ok. Getting off the last 37.5mg will be a challenge I won't be taking out the beads but maybe go on the tablet form to cut it in half to help me get off the last 37.5mg. So I guess you can come off Effexor without the terrible withdraws.
I posted this question originally. I am happy to report I was able to successfully transition to fluoxetine (prozac) and wean off without any side effects. Fluoxetine is much less expensive than Effexor, so possibly affordable w/o insurance is you can get a script. If not, the side effects could last a couple weeks. They're horrible.
It's been over two weeks since I came off of Effexor completely and I don't like the way I'm feeling at all. I'm either crying all the time or want to cry all the time or on the verge. I'm irritable as all hell. And my anxiety is unreal. And I'm tired. And a little dizzy. My doctor had started me on Trintellix 7 weeks ago and I'm on 20mg of that, so I can't tell if this is still withdrawal or side effects of the Trintellix or if I'm in a very very very deep depression. I feel like I'm in a fog and nothing makes me happy. I have zero interest in anything anymore. I really want to be off of Effexor, but I'm scared it's the only thing that helped me with my anxiety and depression. I'm starting to feel like I should go back on the Effexor even though my doctor says to still wait. I don't like feeling like this at all and it's really starting to get to me.
Ugh - I feel for you. Were you simply switched from Effexor to Trintellix - or did the MD titrate you down first? I can only imagine a switch from an SNRI to a newer SSRI would make one's brain hurt. Also interested why choose a new SSRI instead of one with a longer clinical history (unless those were tried). I'm not second guessing your MD - but if you are miserable at least you should feel comfortable enough to ask questions.
@YoungSally -
I've tried so many meds, so Trintellix was one of the two remaining options for me. I DEFINITELY titrated down. Over YEARS. I was up to 225mg 2 years ago, then 150 for a year, 75 for 6 months, and over the last 6 months or so I've come down from 75 to 37.5 to now zero.
I met with my therapist yesterday and she said for sure I'm going through withdrawals. Ugh, I just hate that it takes so long. Finding this group has made me feel less alone, yet I still feel so alone, you know?
We've added on .25mg 1xday of Klonopin for my anxiety. I'd been on Klonopin for years until about 3 years ago when I decided to come off of it. But since it works so well for my anxiety, we're adding just a tiny bit to the 20mg of Trintellix. I am just hoping and praying this all clears up soon.
IT's nice to know I am not the only one who feels like I'm losing my mind. I started effexor a few years back and while it did help with my depression and anxiety, it began to cause a host of other problems - namely high blood pressure and diabetes. I have skimmed most of the posts and found only one that mentioned either of these problems related to their intake of effexor . I am currently tapering down from 75 mg of effexor xr. Not being brave enough, I chose the alternative. I opened the capsules and reduced my dosage by 10 balls per day. It has all but eliminated side effects from withdrawal. Although trying to count those little balls has been hell especially since my vision is horribly impaired- REALLY long story.
Although I've managed to eliminate most of the withdrawal effects, I still feel like crap. Mostly it's a toss up between rage and severe depression. I esnt to know once and for all if this drug caused my diabetes. No one else in my family has it and the weight gain has been horrible. So of course I get depresssed and eat. I am so tired of feeling like someone's "project" I'm tired of people telling me to try harder. I am sick of the chronic hives and all the little things that have come from this drug. I have a pituitary tumor, but my doctor lied to em and told me it was decreasing in size. Every time I have another MRI, I hear how wonderful it is that it is smaller and even if it was larger, it wouldn't be a problem anyway. Doctors don;t listen,nor do they care. Anyway, my question is this: how long can I expect to feel like garbage? No one can seem to tell me how this drug is metabolized. Yes, I know it can be out of my system in a relatively short time, but can I ever expect to heal my pancreas and get rid of the diabetes altogether?? Will my body go back to the normal it knew before decades of antidepressants? OR am I better off staying on the drugs? Thanks for letting me vent.
I was on 300mg of effexor and 700mg of lithium for supposed anxiety, depression for 4 years. I actually had a brain tumour that was causing all the problems. I eventually talked my doctor into sending me for an MRI as I was starting to have vision problems. A tumour the size of a duck egg was found and that was what was causing my so called mental health problem. It is now 4 years since I had surgery and I have made a full recovery. Getting off the 300mg effexor was hell but I beat it but I lost hundreds of thousands of dollars in income while I was on all the medication as I could not work. At present I have legal action going for compensation and it is looking very promising. I had never suffered from any mental health problems before I was put on all the medication. I now take no medication and the depression and anxiety symptoms disappeared after my surgery. I recommend every one who presents for the first time with depression demand from their doctor that they get an MRI brain scan
I started titrating off Effexor XR 150mg/day about 10-11 days ago... after being on it for c. 15 years. The psychiatrist has me tapering off in 4 steps - 37.5mg TID 1 week, 37.5mg BID 1 week, and 37.5mg once a day for a week.
I'm happy to report that so far so good... Side effects so far: If I miss my dose by more than an hour or so, the facial numbness rears it's ugly head (but that's only been in the past two days) - otherwise, just SLEEPY... not particularly focused - but I have ADD and don't medicate that daily - so while it may be the effexor dose - it may be that I haven't taken ritalin in about a week.
Good luck to those who have had a tough time with their withdrawals - because I know I am not out of the woods yet - but half way there.
I started taking Lexapro when I stopped taking Effexor. If I would forget to take my Effexor, I would get a “brain zap” and that is why I didn’t want to take them any more. I never had any withdrawal symptoms since the Lexapro took the place immediately and I didn’t have to go cold turkey.
I’m so glad you don’t have the side effects that Effexor gives to people. I also didn’t like how I felt on Effexor if I forgot to take it or if I was slightly off my routine you may still have some side effects from Effexor coming out of your body I had terrible hot flashes I would sweat a lot I had severe mood swings as well I did wean myself under my Drs care and advice I haven’t had Effexor since January 2018. I’m loving life now. Hang in there this to shall pass. Peace and love
Related topics
effexor, withdrawal, insurance, brain, symptom
Further information
- Effexor prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Effexor (detailed)
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