I have tapered down until I got to 25 mg for two weeks. This is day 5. My mind is everywhere, brain zaps, yawning, anxiety through the roof, depression bad, odd dreams, nauseous, and just not feeling myself. I feel like I should be in the hospital with my crazy thoughts. I hate this.
Venlafaxine - How long till I get past the withdrawal symptoms? It's been horrible.
Question posted by TXpineapple on 16 Feb 2022
Last updated on 30 June 2022 by mmthomas11
4 Answers
Took me 8 months and I still have minor brain thumps and hearing electricity in my head even after my Dr put me on Prozac. I could only work 5-6 hrs a day, extreme fatigue slept a lot. Kept my environment dark, quiet and had no exposure to outside world. It was so bad I wanted to go stay at drug detox place. I had all the symptoms you described. Keep going, don’t give up.
So I ran out of my Effexor when I started a new therapist at a new clinic. I was taking 150 MG of Effexor for a few months. they just upped it from 75 mg,( I believe,) but I had been on it total, for just over 1 year. I told them, the day they upped it, that I was lacking joy, and motivation, I had chronic exhaustion. And no sex drive. They told me they were going to give me more, instead of switching to something else. so when I ran out I wasn't upset really because I feel this medicine is not working and wanted off of it anyway. F them is what I was thinking.
And I wanted to see if I felt any better without. They never told me when they prescribed this medicine, how severe withdrawals are. Being an ex-opiate addict for 15 years. I would never have agreed to this medication if I knew it had withdrawal side effects. I don't ever want to go through withdrawals again, is what I told myself 6 years ago coming off of Suboxone. especially from a psych med.
Wow, It has been hard. It's up there with opiate withdrawal. I became very manic within a couple of days, fast-talking, and irritable, and my sex drive was crazy. I mean I was thinking of some risky sexual behavior I could do at that given moment, this went on for days.
I couldn't stop thinking about sex. It was different, for me lol I'm not that hypersexual. I had road rage. then I was crying about anything And everything. and brain zaps, continuously. I felt like a nut case. I was excessively shopping, and gambled 600 dollars one night, by myself, at the casino. And been back a few more times just to torment me, I guess, some more. It's been a couple of months now. Since I have been off of it. The up and down moods have gone away, for the most part. I don't have the brain zaps all day every day. I did tonight. I don't know if that has something to do with being online too long, or doing research for school. Sometimes my head is overloaded. as of today, I'm no longer on any psych meds. I'm looking into clinical trials in my area. I don't have insurance. I want to see a good psychiatrist but I can't afford it. I've been going through depression, and anxiety, plus I'm borderline, for a good 30 years. I'm now 45. good luck to you. It gets better, I promise. Oh, I do take Omega 3 fish oil, they say it helps with depression I just started that 3 weeks ago.
It is so important to withdraw from antidepressant carefully. Coming down so quickly can spark intense withdrawal symptoms.
What was your original dose? Experts recommend no more than 10% cuts in dose before holding for at least a month. I came off 30mg lexapro a few years ago but did it slowly and carefully and never had a problem. Unfortunately most people do it too fast and suffer, then when they try to reinstate it can take a while to stabilise.
I was on 225 at first. The Dr told me 25 mg every 4 days. I stretched it to every week and sometimes it took 2 weeks before moving on. I wish I had done every other day then gone down. This is tough. The Dr has suggested adding buspar to get through the withdrawal period. I'm concerned about adding a different med when the goal is to be med free.
Withdrawing from antidepressants can cause severe issues if done too quickly. I was a member of a withdrawal forum for years ( I don’t recommend it… the owner is a narcissist and her tough stand has caused undue suffering to many) But sadly most doctors do not know how to withdraw from these drugs and the advice they give is quite concerning. I can’t stress strongly enough that it needs to be done slowly. Jumping from 200mg to 25mg in a relatively short time is like jumping off a cliff.
It is possible that you can try reinstating your dose, again quite slowly because you can’t just jump back to the higher dose without an affect. That should settle your current symptoms. Talk to your doctor and see what he thinks.
It is possible to get off meds, I did and stayed off for three years but sometimes these medications can be life saving. I’ve seen too many people suffer unnecessarily believing they were ‘in withdrawal’ when in fact they were relapsed.
Thank you so much. I have contacted the Dr. She says to do the buspar. I have had counseling this week too. I am trying to hold on. I am on day 6. I am fighting the negative talk in my head saying I'm gonna be this way forever. I feel like I'm letting everyone down taking the buspar. I really wish I wasn't gone off yet if I should have done differently. I really don't want to go back on the one I just got off of either. It's like I'm stuck in the middle grabbing for a life preserver.
I struggled having to go back on antidepressants after having been off for three years. I felt like a failure but the turning point for me was seeing the impact my anxiety was having on my children. I wasn’t the best version of me. It’s only now that I’m back on meds that I can see how bad I was before. I wasn’t living I was just surviving.
I hope that the buspar helps and you continue to heal.
I hope you are doing well this weekend. I am trying to accept the possibility of needing meds on the future. I am told 6 months is where I need to push to so I can find my baseline. I am on day 9 of no effexor. I am better physically than last weekend however the emotions are all over the place. And I'm trying to shut my brain on beating me down on sleeping more. Hugs to you.
Six months would be a very quick recovery but with the Buspar in place it may indeed be possible. I wish you much luck.
This is a difficult drug for many to taper off. You should discuss these reactions with your doctor. Perhaps you will have to extend your timeline so that the withdrawal symptoms will be less troubling
Related topics
depression, anxiety, venlafaxine, withdrawal, brain, symptom, brain zap, dreams
Further information
- Venlafaxine uses and safety info
- Venlafaxine prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Venlafaxine (detailed)
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