The literature I have read does not mention gabapentin as beneficial for relieving pain and numbness in thumb and fingers associated with carpal syndrome. I need relief for this pain. What should I take that targets the problem directly?
Is gabapentin good for pain and numbness relief in carpal tennel syndrome?
Question posted by Diane Stelly on 30 Nov 2014
Last updated on 7 August 2018 by Anonymous
5 Answers
Not the best Rx in my opinion. This is more for the nerve pain. Vicodin would probably help you better, but it's a strong Rx. Talk to your doctor about this Rx.
Gabapentin does not relieve any of my pain. It does make me terribly dizzy,
though. If I were you, I'd find another doctor, and quickly. Ask your friends
if they have a good doctor and research him on the Internet, then make up
your mind as to which one is good for you. I take Gabapentin for an auto-immune disease called Prurigo Nodularis and I have found a great dermatologist who knows about my ailment and has helped me for the past
several months. Look up Carpal Tunnel Syndrome on the Internet - see
what is prescribed? Are you sure you have carpal tunnel syn.? perhaps you have arthritis. You really need to choose another doctor to get a work up for this pain you have. If you have carpal tunnel - there are wrist bands *black*
which you put around your wrist and tighten it to a comfortable fit and it
has a velcro band for closing. I hope you find out soon what you have
and get better soon. Blessings to you. Trish
I have a severe case of carpal tunnel (CT), so bad that I couldn't sleep without waking up in excruciating pain, before getting prescribed the right medication. My middle two fingers are still always numb, and often are my thumb and index finger. I ice my wrist often to help relieve the inflammation. Like many others, my doctor prescribed the wrong medications to help relieve the pain (because he is not an orthopedic specialist). Prednisone (a powerful steroidal anti-inflammatory) was the only oral medication that helped to relieve the pain, and allowed for some rest at night. I had to request the medication from my doctor, after researching CT on my own. Prednisone works by taking away some of the inflammation, which is the cause of the median nerve compression problem inside of the "carpal tunnel". Prednisone is only for short-term use. So, after only 2 weeks my doctor switched me to gabapentin.
Gabapentin DID relieve most of the terrible nerve pain, but it does NOT relieve the inflammation, which is the root of the problem. So, I also had an injection of cortisone, in my wrist, just a few days ago. That, with the gabapentin, seems to be helping very much. However, I do need surgery in the near future, but my doctor said I'll have wait a month or so, to see if the cortisone does the trick or not. According to statistics, 2/3 of those with CT must have surgery to release median nerve compression, and to regain normal function. My advice? Try gabapentin, it has very few side effects, none of which I have experienced as of yet, and the pain from carpal tunnel has decreased considerably. Oral prednisone and cortisone injections will definitely help, but are only used in severe cases, and often are only temporary fixes. Carpal tunnel release surgery is apparently very successful, and I'm looking forward to giving a positive testimony, after my surgery.
Thanks for your responses. My doctor prescribed gabapentin for my carpal tunnel syndrome to relieve pain and numbness. It has not been helpful. She has previously prescribed drugs that were not appropriate, which leads me to believe that she could be afraid to prescribe what will work, or she is in the pocket of a drug company sales rep. At any rate, I am not getting what I need to stop the pain and numbness from my condition. I have not seen a neurosurgeon yet, but hope to do so within the next few weeks. It seems to take so long to get remedies done, or help for real pain. I would like to be able to know what to ask for the next time I see a doctor.
Was this already prescribed for you? Just curious as the "what should I take" portion of your post is best reserved for a consult with your Dr. I say this because anytime pain meds are the topic, you will have a much better chance of getting effective pain management if you do not go in with suggestions for specific meds, as today's climate of abuse is so high, many Drs are being intimidated by the DEA not to write prescriptions, even to reduce and stop altogether, regardless of need.
So, anyway, that's my 2-cents of advice as you research.
Probably an NSAID would help better. Motrin, Aleve, or a prescribed one. Gabapentin is for nerve pain. Some docs have decided its for all pain. With carpal tunnel you have an actual impingement of the nerves and I don't see it doing much for that. I take it for fibro pain and it works well for that.
Related topics
diabetic nerve damage, pain, gabapentin, syndrome, carpal tunnel syndrome
Further information
- Gabapentin uses and safety info
- Gabapentin prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Gabapentin (detailed)
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