My doc upped my dose and ever since then I've had stomach pain. YET, I took an Ibuprofen Tuesday night, and that stuff tears up my tummy! Just wonder if anyone else has this, or am I an odd duck (don't answer THAT part, guys! lol) Or could it be from Zanaflex? I am playing musical muscle relaxers so I don't become dependant on any of them.
Thanks gang,
Fibromyalgia, anyone taking Gabapentin (neurontin) have stomach pain?
Question posted by Anonymous on 26 April 2012
Last updated on 13 January 2019 by Lolabloo
20 Answers
I have started taking this medicine for chronic pain and my stomach pain went from bad to severe. I didnt take anything else with it. As soon as I stopped taking this, it took 24 hours for the pain to stop and it hasn't been back since. I've done so much research and I can't find anything. My doctor is next to useless as well. If anyone one else is having this pain at least ask your doctor to take you off because it only gets worse. I was almost in the hospital from it. Interestingly enough, a couple years back I tried cymbalta and had the same reaction. I've read symptoms and I can't find anything. Maybe an intolerance or an allergy, I'm still so confused as to why I have these reactions to these types of medicines.
I have been on gabapentin for one week. I only take 300 mg a day for spinal nerves issues. While it has helped calm the nerves, I had a bad episode with my GERD, IBS and gastritis. Not sure if it is gabapentin related. Anyone else have terrible acid reflux and diarrhea from taking these meds?
I could use some help with this issue. I have had lower abdominal pain directly above my colon. It appears to be the intestine before entering the colon. Every day I have a lot of pain having a bowel movement. Not so much the act of having a bowel movement but the movement of stool getting to the position that I have a bowel movement . It Just started around the same time of taking 2500 mg of gabapentin every day. My first thought is I have cancer and I am dying but the correlation of the time I started gabapentin along with this pain makes me wonder after reading your article. I don’t have health insurance so going and getting checked out is not an option. Any advice is appreciated
Gabapentin for nighttime severe body pains. Some good sleep, then severe stomach pains began. Nothing relieves pain. Don't know which iscworse.
Hi Lara,
I am glad you asked. I went from 300mg at night to 400, and now have horrible abd cramping all night and in the morning. I do have uterine issues, but didn't have the cramping until I started the neurotin. It's not really helping my back/hip pain, or fibro so I am thinking of another game plan. I even tried Motrin but I can't take any NSAIDs, and am on Prilosec 40mg daily. Thanks for asking.
YES !! I looked on possible side effects and it is listed. I've only been taking a short amount of time but was hurting so bad I thought about going to a walk in clinic and that's not like me. Another med bites the dust.. for me.
My man is on gabbas gabbapenttin for stomach ulcers. He not ok with the pain.
I am on gabapentin also and recently I have experienced so much burping and a nausea feeling right below my chest so I too am on the Omeprazole two times a day. It seems better but I have also cut out all sauces, gravies, a lot of meats, spices and any drinks with a lot of aftertaste and bubbles . I actually like to lay my heating pad on my tummy and it helps... maybe it's a comfort thing .
I just joined and was so excited when I read all the similar stories of side affects. My spine doctor said "Ohh no no, it's not the gabapentin doing's your other meds" yet I was on other meds since '07 and never problems until now? We know our bodies better than they do. This site just gave me the boost and support I needed . Thanks everyone!
I've just been put on gabapentin for my fybromyalgia. It has helped with the pain but is causing really bad stomach ache. I also have diverticulitis and therefore take Laxido. Does anyone take Laxido to help with the constipation? I'm hoping the stomach ache will ease once i get used to the gabapentin. Long road ahead me thinks
Lemon juice and water!!! Totally works for me
This is an amazing group. I just started taking Gabapentin for fibermoalgia/restless leg. (sorry about my spelling), My Dr. says he doesn't know which one came first but they seem to go together. I dread going to bed since the pain in my legs is so extreme and my hips and shoulders and back I can't find a position the offers any comfort, so I don't sleep-which as everyone knows messes with everything. I was having such sever stomach pain I wasn't sure what to think. All of your answers and suggestions are so Great! I really appreciate all the information. I think I will also cut out all dairy for a while just to see if that helps as well. I want to be able to sleep so badly. Thanks again, this group is a life saver!
Hi! I am new to this site but it popped up when I googled stomach pain with gabapentin - I noticed a few of you suffer with restless legs which is horrific at times to say the least! I have a bar of UNscented soap at the end of my bed and lawdy knows why it works but app it emits ions that soothe the legs. You can slip it between the mattress and bottom sheet if you prefer! It works for me and this was before taking gabapentin (don't know what's worse, chronic backache 24.7 or stomach pain) Good luck!
Oh my gosh am I glad I found this site! I have been having severe sharp pain for the past few days (almost like bad hunger pains or labor cramps) and I started Neurontin last week for fibro. Guess I will be calling my doc tomorrow. Anyone have home remedies for stomach pain besides chugging pepto bismol and eating toast??
Ever since I started taking neurontin I have stomach pain and often diarhea.
Sweet Lemon,
Just a warning to add, does the Dr you're with now know that you had an ulcer previously? Even when an ulcer heals, that part of the stomach lining is a little thinner. The different medications, stress, etc... may have led to another ulcer. Try and follow the diet you followed when you had an active ulcer until you've talked to your Dr again. Perhaps just the diet change will help, but it's best your Dr check your problem out.
Hi all, and thank you for answering my query!! The pain lasted until today, Friday. Tis gone now. I am almost positive that the Ibuprofen (on an empty stomach) caused it. NEVER again, say I. I just can't take aspirin nor ibu without it causing severe tummy pain that lasts for days n days.
Again, I thank all for answering, great info gang!!
Sweet Lemon,
So happy to hear your issues have been resolved! This is a pretty terrific group of people, isn't it? Although I'm new here, I've received a lot of answers, suggestions and support from them. Glad you're feeling better!
I took 4 800 Mg per day for fibrmyalgia for 2 years and had no stomache pain or discomfort but it raly helped me then an RA Doctor in Tampa switched me to Plaquenil and in 2 years all RA pain gine. Now I am just on the maintanence dose.
~ .. .♫*♥* Bobby*♥*♫.
Hi Lisa, I'm so sorry, forgot to answer your question. No, my doc now does NOT know about the ulcer I had as a teenager, I'm in my thirties (moving more towards forty every day) and my old doc passed away, and I never told my new guy. I suppose I should.
The stomach pain came back last night as I watched Jimmy Fallon! Darn!
I thought it was gone for good, no more Ibuprofen!!
Hi Chip, love your designs!! I'm taking three or four 300mg Gabapentin daily.
I think DzooBaby has the answer (she is usually right on the money, being a great nurse) when she says that Gab can cause ulcers and all sorts of digestive problems. I don't know what else I can take at this point! I feel screwed now.
I canNOT take Lyrica either. Ugh, the hunt for pain relief continues.
Thanks all,
Your friend,
Lara the sweet lemon
Dear Lara,
Nothing to add except my heartfelt sympathy that your pain is back. That's all any of us need, a little more pain in our day, huh?! Maybe the diet change will help a little until you can get with your dr. In the meantime I'll keep you in my prayers. Keep us posted.
Hi Lara,
Yes Gabapentin does cause me stomach pains too, when do you take the med? I would recommend take it at night so that you do sleep over what ever pain that it generates.
Take care, best wishes!
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neurontin, pain, fibromyalgia, muscle pain, temporomandibular joint disorder, gabapentin, ibuprofen
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