What's the Difference Between Diverticulitis, Diverticulosis & Diverticula?
Question posted by Thor283 on 14 Nov 2013
Last updated on 9 September 2016 by Dorothy Elaine Curry
I recently went for a colonoscopy, and an upper endoscopy. My PCP panicked, and I went to a different gastro Doc than I usually do. I've been going for these for about 36 years and they always find a small polyp and remove it. I also have IBS and in me it takes the form of spasms of diarrhea. But that changed a few months ago, and now I'm always constipated. Stool softeners don't work anymore. I need 2 or 3 doses of Ex Lax and sometimes a Fleets Saline enema too. And I always feel like I need a BM, even after having one.
So the new Gastro squeezed me in, and when I woke up he said I had a small polyp that he removed. And out he went.
Last week I went to my PCP who had a report from the gastro. He said I have diverticula in my colon, and that I'm lucky it wasn't cancer. OK, I agree with that. But he didn't explain what I should do?
Hi again, John! I just wrote you a lengthy response which is being reviewed by experts so be sure to watch for it. Another thing I failed to share is the fact that no matter who makes Rice Chex cereal, it is all gluten free! So, that is an extra for you. Also, watch intake of cheese as it is binding and will cause constipation. Also, when you can't pass stool (become constipated) take 2 tablespoons of Phillips Milk of Magnesia but be sure to drink a large glass of water. That will get things moving and does not cause cramping. Another thing, they quit making Maalox but do make acid reflux liquid (I like the mint flavored as it goes down easily) which is the same thing as Maalox. I take this when I have pain and it also helps with stomach cramps and pain. Be sure to check everything I wrote to you with your doctor for approval. But these are the things my doctor has told me to do and she is among the top 100 doctors in Portland, Oregon.
She is very intelligent and teaches other doctors now besides practicing. Have a wonderful day. Hope this helps. Sincerely, Dorothy
Votes: +0
21 Nov 2014
The gastroenterologist that performed my colonoscopy also found and removed polyps and said I had extensive diverticuli thoughout. His recommendation was a fiber supplement to aid in movement, drink more water, and to come back in 5 years. Some people have difficulty with popcorn, corn, grits, okra - seed or corn products and have to avoid or minimize consuming these.
Votes: +0
3 Aug 2014
Hey Thor, I know this question was posted last year, I've had a lot of problems with diverticulitis. Diverticulosis is the condition of & diverticulitis is when its inflammed and infected. Some doctors will tell you not to eat any thing with a seed or nuts, that's from the old school now some doctors now will tell you that the seeds or nuts is not what causes it. So with this in mind let me tell you, you have to get to know your body and what causes your flare ups. I had to have a bowel re-section they took out 2 feet of my intestines in Nov.2013 that surgery was horrible so I hope you don't ever have to have it done. I've been much better but I know I can't eat corn but I can eat cashews with no problems its all about knowing your body. Make sure to drink plenty of water helps with the constipation.
Votes: +1
4 Aug 2014
I'm finding that raisins help me have BMs best. Raisin Bran cereal works great, but I gained a lot of weight from the Half and Half I put in it. Honey Raisin Bran muffins are good too, but I need more raisins. So I buy them separate.
So far I never had a flare up, thank God.
15 Nov 2013
Hi Thor, did your doc suggest you see a ditetition? everyone gave you great advise. spices in some food can make ya feel that burning in your lower gut. yea you are very lucky its not cancer,but what your goin through just does not let you feel normal.just gotta keep cleaning yourself out.
Votes: +0
15 Nov 2013
No Subzero, the Doc didn't suggest a dietician. Probably because they know I can't afford one.
14 Nov 2013
Diverticula or Diverticuli are just little pockets that form (often due to chronic constipation) in the colon. If these pockets become inflamed or infected, it is called divertculitis and requires antibiotics or rarely, surgery. I would recommend that you add a fiber supplement like Benefiber, Citrucel or Fiber-Con to help keep your BM's regulated and soft but not too soft. Drink a lotof water with the fiber supplementation or they dont work well. Add fiber to your diet as well. This will help to "clean" the colon and keep the pockets from getting inflamed. See this link for more info: https://www.drugs.com/cg/diverticulosis.html
Votes: +2
15 Nov 2013
Hi Dzoo, which supplement do you personally recommend? I don't know which one to take, and my pharmacist knows less about meds than I do. I know you know a lot about certain meds, so which one do you think I should try? One thing I'm worried about is excess gas. I already have too much of that. John
15 Nov 2013
I think Benefiber is one of the best. My mother works with a Dr who does hemorrhoid procedures and he recommends all his patients to use Benefiber too because it keeps the stool a correct consistency. It can help diarrhea form bulk but it also keeps stools from getting to hard by losing all the water and that is an important key when using fiber, you do have to drink plenty of water for it to work well otherwise it may make things worse but if you use it and drink plenty of water or juice, it should help your IBS symptoms too. The good thing about Benefiber is it has no taste and it doesnt thicken-you can even put it in water although to me, it makes the water seem brackish or something but any other fluid, you cant tell it is there. Benefiber dot com even has recipes for making products with Benefiber-you can pretty much mix it into anything except carbonated drinks and they have a downloadable coupon on there too-it is a little pricier than some of the others.
Citrucel is another good product but it has two flavors (at least the last time I bought it and that was a while ago) and it does thicken if it sits and mixes with just water but as an alternative, I think it does come in capsule form, but in my experience, the capsules dont work as well as the powder. You dont want any supplements with psyllium in them because that is a gas producer. Benefiber and Citrucel do not have psyllium. Diverticulosis runs in our family. My father has been hospitalized a couple times with it and his mother had to have 18 inches of intestine surgically removed because it was so infected. I had IBS in my 20's and I took Citrucel for years. It has pretty much resolved but if I get really nervous or ultra stressed, it will flare up again. I use fiber frequently because of all the pain medicine that I take. It helps keep things regular and keeps it from getting too hard-sorry, that borders TMI or maybe is outright TMI lol but I just wanted you to know that I do speak from personal experience not just professional. I hope you feel better soon!
15 Nov 2013
Hi Dzoo, Please remember when talking to me there is no such thing as TMI. I can discuss anything with anyone. I guess it's because I had originally wanted to be a pdoc. But I wasn't good at the natural sciences so I was aiming to be a PhD Clinical Psychologist. A person who is any kind of Doc, or a PhD clinician, can't afford to feel anything is TMI.
I'll tell you a funny story. I developed IBS at 21, and that was the first time I had to go to a gastroenterologist. After examining me, he asked me a Blunt question about my stool. I guess I blushed that 1 time, as I answered "I don't know". He then asked in a very matter of a fact way, "Don't you look in the toilet bowel after a BM?". I said no. He then told me that I better start doing it, because with the kind of IBS I have, many more Docs will be asking me that. So that day ended me considering anything as TMI. It doesn't exist to me. Even for female stuff.
I knew there was something that caused gas, but I didn't know what. So thank you for telling me it's psyllium. I will avoid that. I guess I'll try Benefiber first. I have to do something, or more of these diverticula are going to form. Thanks. John
16 Nov 2013
Hi Dzoo, I bought the Benefiber. On the label it says to take 2 teaspoons 3 times a day. Do you recommend I take that much? Not just the 2 teaspoons at a time, but is it necessary to take it 3 times a day? I don't want to trigger my IBS and get colon spasms that won't stop. That's what I worry about. That's why I was taking so much Imodium when I knew I'd be far away from a toilet for 8 hrs and more. Although now it seems taking all that Imodium may be what caused the diverticula to form.
Hi Thor... I can tell you that you need to watch out for things like "seeds" or nuts because they can get trapped in those little pockets. If you have diverticulitis now... you have an active condition. My ex was diagnosed with this condition so out went the nuts, pumpkin seeds, deluxe mixed nuts and anything that was tiny but harder to pulverize by simply chewing. I can't seem to recall what medication he was given but he is doing well now.
Thoroughly chewing your food is very important, too.
Votes: +2
15 Nov 2013
Hi Mary, Well I have another problem too. I have very few back teeth left, and I think I'm on the verge of losing the last 2 on the bottom left side.
For this reason I don't eat many things. I can't digest most veggies, such as corn and peas. I can eat cooked carrots and potatoes. I'm allergic to tomato so I can't eat anything with tomato. Basically I live on frozen pancakes heated up in a toaster. Maybe 3 - 5 oz of cooked chicken cutlet if I have the money. I also try to eat some canned fruit. I prefer Papaya but it's hard to find and it's expensive. I also eat a small piece of dark chocolate because it made my good cholesterol go up.
Lately I've added 1 or 2 Bran muffins a day. But some bran muffins have raisins in them. Are raisins ok?
15 Nov 2013
Oh, John, no wonder! You do need fiber supplement. It will work like a charm for you. Have you looked into any low cost dental? Dental schools? If I remember right you have a low income and money is pretty tight. There are some low cost dental options. Sometimes schools can be a good option. Most places will work with you because too few have dental coverage and those that do, mostly it just covers preventative stuff and any actual work is mostly out of pocket.
14 Nov 2013
Diverticulosis is the condition diverticulae is plural diverticulum and diverticulitis is inflammation of the diverticulae.