Hi, I've decided to start taking meds for my ADHD (I've been tested by a psychiatrist as a child and as an adult and am most definitely ADHD). At the moment I'd choose between Strattera, Concerta and Adderall XR which is the one recommended by the psych. who last tested me as it is said to work well with my Wellbutrin XR. But I'd like some input from others who've tried them.
Thanks Ade
Strattera, Concerta or Adderall XR - Which worked best for you?
Question posted by ade1971 on 13 Jan 2013
Last updated on 24 July 2014
6 Answers
ade1971, you may never view this post, because the thread is old, but here goes. I take 60 mg./day Adderall, and I also take Wellbutrin, like you. A couple notable things have occurred. Residual depression has been completely wiped out by the Adderall. It should be a first-line defense against depression, because it has wiped it out for the first time in my life. But that's not why I started taking it. I noticed I was slowing down mentally, not as sharp, unable to pull up information as quickly. I reported it, and was tested for early dementia. Negative. I was tested for IQ, and came in at 104--a serious drop. I was diagnosed with Adult ADD, and started taking Adderall 2 years ago. Total game changer! Here's the only proof I need: I was re-tested for IQ 6 months later. Hello! 128. A 20% increase. The doctor was stunned. I now think fast, converse sharply, and my professional confidence has soared. Here's the downside.
I worry about increased heartrate and blood pressure. A recent EKG was perfect, but still, long-term effects of this drug are not well understood. I love the benefits. Would I rather die at 85 with a dull brain, or die at 80 with a sharp one? That's the question. The answer is die at 80, sharp.
Hi Ade1971,
Well everyones different with those meds. My son has tried Strattera and he felt like punching someone so we tried Vyvanse. It worked well but it took all his appetite away. So the doctor prescribed Ciproheptadine for appetite. It gave him some appetite but not enough. He was not growing because of the appetite issue. So he tried Concerta. It helped with the Adhd and the Ciproheptadine was still given because alot of these meds take away the appetite but he is eating and growing. Thank God!
Hope this helps!
Hello Group,
I was diagnosed with ADD as an adult, age 48 and was prescribed Straterra. I was already taking Wellbutrin for depression, but have since switched to Viibryd. This has been a good combination for me. I like that Straterra is is not a stimulant.
I was very successful academically and professional as I had unknowingly done some things very helpful for ADHD. For years I have color coded everything on my calendar!
For me Straterra has been a great choice. No problems whatsoever!
Best Regards,
4N Substances
Hi, I note one poster is in her 40's. May I ask where you live and how did you go about getting diagnosed and believed? How hard was it for you to be medicated? My 20 yr old son has been diagnosed and on Medication for almost 5-6 yrs now roughly. Now, I've always been told I had a naughty streak at school, but speaking with his Dr who diagnosed him, he too said much the same for him. Without his parents intensive pushing, he said he never could have studied to become a Dr himself. He lacked the initiative and motivation. Up and down during class, not completing tasks, interrupting other class mates etc. I still to this day cannot seem to finish what I start hobby wise. Can't get motivated without the aid of medication. I have in the past self medicated but can't afford to do that any longer. I would appreciate any advice at all that will aid my convincing a Dr of my dilemma.
I'm laughed out the door basically because 20 yrs ago, I had a 3 yr opiate addiction which was treated with a Methadone program. I successfully weaned myself off that and was clean for 7 years until my ex hubby & I were fighting for custody in court and to give the judge peace of mind regarding risk of relapse, I went back on Methadone. Am almost off it again now after another 10 yr stint by slow weekly decrease. I don't want to be self medicating when I'm off it completely but know full well I will need to address my afflictions so I can get back to being a person who leads a full and productive life, always busy like I was once before. I'm NOT depressed either. I've been to see a Psychiatrist, Psychologist and both have given me the all clear, I'm not mentally unwell, or have any serious hangups etc.
I just want my quality of life back and have experienced snippits of that when I've taken a dose of ADHD medication orally. What a difference I've noticed. But Dr's seem to assume, once a drug addict, always a drug addict. That is definitely NOT the case. Most people on Methadone, never come off it. Hence the term 'methadone maintenance program'
Anyone else in a similar situation? Are there any alternative non prescription meds that can do the job?
I live in Canada and while there is prescription drug abuse, as a general rule, we don't have the same problems people in the US have getting certain types of drugs. So:
I'm not sure how to convince your doc to give you the help ADHD-med wise. But I would caution that taking meds not prescribed for you (especially ones that have the potential for misuse) may not be a good idea. If possible financially etc.,I would ask your primary doc for a referral to a psychiatrist specialising in ADHD and see if you can get help that way. Or maybe ask your son's shrink where to go. If you're being followed by a shrink, that may be the way to go.
I don't know if you have gotten any help yet or not... your post is over a year old... I was just reading and came by yours... I am 50 and had problems with add all my life... have had trouble finding any help... I became really discouraged... I finally looked on the internet for someone who test for this... he is actually a counselor that tests for add... a two hr test... it was was hard... and I was actually embarrassed about it... I took the 2 hr test with him and he wrote up a report and I am on paper now add... I said where do I go... no body believes me... he sent me to a nurse practioner and said take the 10 page report and she would prescribe something for me... I went and they did treat me... said come back in 30 days... my Psy that I have been seeing for years for depression and anxiety would not even talk to me about this... she said she did not treat this and said the med was very dangerous... I would like to here how you are doing... I am just starting my meds today... I sure hope this helps. Thanks.
hi ade, i'm danielle... i'm a 42 year old 'girl' who has been taking adderall XR since october 2011... i was diagnosed august 2011 and started off with the typical first line treatment, commonly prescribed adderall, the regular immediate release tablet, 10 mg... it definitely was a medication that took some getting used to, and like the other poster describes, there were peaks and valleys and for me it was a noticeable crash... even though I could take another tablet in the afternoon, it was hard to time it well enough to not get the crash...
my doctor had me try the adderall XR and this has worked well for me after doing some tinkering with the dosing, and just in time passing and adjusting overall, as well as therapy which i personally benefit from, in addition to taking the meds, kinda keeps me accountable to someone who's impartial, as well as a seasoned medical professional : ) also, i must add this, I only take the name brand adderall XR, manufactured by Shire... i am lucky in that my insurance allows it & my co-pay is manageable... in my earlier days i did keep the regular adderall as an "as needed" afternoon boost, but in the last 6 months or so, I find that I rarely need this, and on weekends when I am not working, i never need it... in sticking with my regular morning dose (I take 3 of the 20 mg XR), i make it the whole day into the evening with no crash, and I no longer need a sleep aid like i did the first 10 months...
I never took vyvanse so I couldn't tell you that is best, but do the research and read the patient reviews, there are plenty out there... i had considered taking vyvanse when adderall was hard to come by in fall of 2011 and i often had to call over 5 pharmacies before i could find one that carried it... i read over 200 reviews and tried to zone in on women in my age range, and found more negative than positive, and most who tried it ended up going back to adderall... but this is trial and error for all of us so you will do what you do and modify when you feel you need to... good luck and keep me posted! I don't know if you have ever taken adderall before, but like i said for me, I preferred the name brand XR and if you are able to get it i would recommend it... if you can't and have never taken it, then the Teva generic will be fine, I'm sure. I've not read much bad about it. I have taken the name brand so i noticed a difference the one month i forgot to ask and received the generic... read reviews, as many as you can tolerate reading, lol : ) danielle
I switched over to Vyvanse from Adderall XR because I metabolize drugs fast and the XR only lasted me 4-5 hours, but the Vyvanse lasts 12 hours for me, which is amazing considering how fast I metabolize drugs! I probably should have mentioned that but it didn't even cross my mind until I read your response!
I've tried all of the above and my current medication, Vyvanse, is the best one that I've tried. It lasts all day, it doesn't have peaks and lows, and when it wears off at the end of the day, it's smooth and virtually unnoticeable.
Related topics
adderall, adderall xr, concerta, strattera, depression, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (adhd), hyperactivity
Further information
- Adderall uses and warnings
- Adderall XR uses and warnings
- Concerta uses and warnings
- Strattera uses and warnings
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