I had a high ANA titer and they started me on the Prednisone as a precaution pretty high dose. I have been on it before for two years but not with Lexapro. Please help.
Has anyone been on Lexapro and Prednisone at the same time?
Question posted by blaaccypher on 16 Jan 2016
Last updated on 18 January 2016
4 Answers
With the list of conditions you have listed anyone should know enough to just call the prescribing doctor it is not worth the chance of what could happen or call the main doctor of all your prescriptions and ask if it's okay to take prednisone. This is like walking into a time bomb.not knowing all your medications and it is always best to be safe than sorry my friend Do you get all your PRESCRIPTIONS AT ONE PHARMACY. that is a great source to check for interactions.and a good reason to only get you medicine from one store.give them or the doctor a call.you can't take the chance with a list of conditions like this not to mention medications.
My concern is all the other medications and conditions you have. be careful.
I don't know how closely (if at all) Lexapro is with Paxil - but I have been on Paxil and Prednisone together (I have taken Paxil for anxiety for about 2 years) and did not have any problems at all. I was on a fairly high dose of Prednisone for about 4-5 months, then it was slowly decreased and I was put on Dapsone (along with the Prednisone and Paxil), eventually coming completely off the Prednisone. I didn't have any problems at all - and the Dapsone is working fabulously by itself. Sorry - I'm not sure if this helps at all - but thought I would put it out here, in case it does :) Best of luck to you!!
BTW, I am a 43 yo female who was diagnosed with BP a little over a year ago. It has been a long road - after first being diagnosed with shingles. I had terrible flare ups before I went to a dermatologist and was diagnosed with BP.
The Interactions Checker does not show any problems with those two drugs.
I was on plaquenel and prednisone at the same time and was on a high dose of prednisone as well. I was uncomfortable taking a high dose of steroid everyday for such a young age so I finally told my doctor I wasn't going to take it anymore unless I flared up badly and he put me on methotrexate which works perfectly! Sorry for not knowing about the Lexapro.
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