I just started taking Adderall for ADD. My doctor put me on 10mg 2x/day. When I take it one day it works great. The next day I take it and I feel cranky, depressed and my heart rate is up. My stomach is also a little upset. Today I couldn't use the eliptical at the gym because it was hard to breath. Does Adderrall build up in the body so it is a higher dose the second day?
Also when I take the Adderall, I don't want to socialize. Is this normal?
Goforit7 sorry you had that experience. I'm currently taking adderrall 30mg 1& a half twice a day. Its the best thing that i could have been given. Adderrall is a stimulate that speeds up your heart rate as well as supprese your appetite that could explain why you couldnt work out and felt out of breath as well as the stomach ache. You could ask your dr about adderrall xr that way it dont all release at once you will get little by little through out the day. Good luck!!
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20 Jan 2013
Adderall is a fast acting amphetamine combo and no it does not build up in your body. It stimulates your CNS similar to Cocaine by elevation of the level of catecholamines neurotransmitter in synaptic spaces. You are reporting symptoms that may be another mental disorder and I would report that to my doctor but note that your symptoms reflect the effects of Adderall. Maybe ask your doctor about Methylphenidate products such as Ritalin or Concerta.
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20 Jan 2013
Hi, I appreciate your comment but I'm a little confused by your answer. What do you mean the symptoms reflect the effects of Adderall? Also, what symptoms may reflect another mental disorder? I am still somewhat dizzy and not feeling well. This started when I began taking the Adderall.
23 Jan 2013
I ended up in ER over my symptoms. I just happened to be one of the unlucky people to suffer the bad side effects. Now I see Adderall as potentially very dangerous. I will ask my doc about the drugs you mentioned but will more than likely pass on any drugs.
20 Jan 2013
You can become tolerant to adderall just like most meds, but it happens over time. Not one day. You want to stay on your prescribed dose daily as its not meant to be taken here and there as far as I know. I take 30 mg twice daily, but started out at 10 mg. if I sleep late on the weekend and don't take it right away, I could stay in bed all day. Adderall withdrawal makes you lethargic, I could understand cranky and because its a stimulant if you eat less when taking it I could see how your belly might hurt. Take it daily as prescribed so your body gets use to it and talk to your doctor. But not taking it daily will cause highs and lows. Best of luck!
Votes: +0
20 Jan 2013
Hi cupcake, thanks for your wise answer. The drug has made me so sick I had to stop taking it. Thought I was going to pass out in church today. I may try to go with more healthy natural ways to get my mind and body heathy. God bless you and your health.
20 Jan 2013
Oh, ok. That makes sense. I'm sorry you had that experience and hope you can find natural remedies to help. Good luck to you!
19 Jan 2013
I would certainly bring all these problems up to my doc if I were you. You should be excreting enough of it that it wouldn't effect you, but there is always the possibility you aren't. Its an amphetamine and as such can effect your mental processes.
Votes: +0
20 Jan 2013
Thanks kaismama for your thoughts. I will try to watch what I eat and make sure I exercise daily to see if there is improvement. I had to stop the Adderall but will check with the doctor if I still feel a med is needed.