The first time I took melatonin, I took 1mg the first night and fell asleep fairly quickly. The next night I had to take 3mg. Now, months later, I'm up to 25mgs a night. It's after 4 in the morning and I'm wide awake. I want to take 10 or 15 more mgs. All I have are 5mg tablets and I know one of them isn't going to be enough. I'm not trying to kill myself, I just want to make sure I'm out for the night. I don't have a Dr. or medical insurance, so I'm stuck with melatonin. So my question is, would it be safe to take more 4 hours later? And how much would be ok?
25mg of melatonin... 4hrs later still awake... Can I take more??
Question posted by randa09 on 10 Sep 2012
Last updated on 3 November 2022 by texasfellow
This question has also been asked and answered here: How much Melatonin can I take?
18 Answers
For reference, melatonin is sold in 50 & 60 mg caps
Hi, I just started melatonin, for two reasons really, 1. My pharmacy won't renew my zopiclone for 30 days or something crazy. I have been on zopiclone for 12 years now. 2. I remember the days I could just get into bed and fall asleep, with no aides.
that is how I would like it to be again. Stresses and everyday challenges are different now than they were 12 years ago. So okay I take melatonin 10mg timed release. IS it normal to wake up for a couple hours and then fall back asleep. I fear my head demons might be too much for melamine. Does anyone else get the waking up for a couple hours? This is only my second time taking it.
Hello Randa,
For delayed sleep phase syndrome, 3-6 milligrams of melatonin has been taken by mouth daily for 10-28 days. For insomnia, 1-5 milligrams of melatonin have been taken by mouth once nightly for up to two months. Doses of 0.05-0.15 milligrams per kilogram of melatonin have been taken by mouth nightly for one week.
The max that should be taken of melatonin is 6 mg! There is a product called "Relax All" ... by MRM
It is all natural and it works WELL combined with 3-6 mg of melatonin. Happy Sleeping
I don't know what your credentials are, Triumphant, but my doctor prescribed 10 mg. for me (at least), so obviously, people are often given or take more. Actually, the particular 10 mg. prep sample that he gave me didn't work, as it seemed to dissipate quickly. I have seen graphs that show that larger amounts spike, and then are quickly metabolized within the human body; so sometimes, using a time release tab, or else, taking small amounts every 1.50 hrs. before bedtime works better (in order to keep a constant level within the body). This seems to work best for me. I used to take 4 mg. total, years ago; now, being older I take up to 15 mg. (2-4 mg. at a time). As one ages, one may need to take more.
Everyone is different. I don't know what the cutoff point is, but 6 mg. is actually a low dose. I know that some younger people can get by on .05 to 1 mg--- and that's fine. But older people with medical problems? Consult a doctor or pharmacist, and you will see that larger doses are often used.Conversely, though, if you take too much, you may notice your basal temp. rising, and that you actually have insomnia! So don't take 25 mg. at once, and see if a lower dose will work. You may want to play around with different brands, too.
I take 10mg Melatonin about 1.5hours before I want to be asleep.
Works really well, no sleeping pill "hangover" feeling.
Have taken temazepam in the past... groggy in the morning.
Some people experience vivid, wild dreams with Melatonin.
Bedroom is pitch black, quiet and cool.
No screens of any sort for at least 30mins before bed. (phones, TV, computers etc)
Read a real paper book instead.
I take 5 mg about 10:30 PM and like to watch the late night shows. They are especially interesting right now with the turmoil over Trump running for Pres. I frankly cannot believe people think they will love him if he is elected... yadda yadda. Now back to melantonin. If I start to get sleepy, I then turn off the TV and go to bed. There have been times when tensions of the day continue to plague my mind, so I resort to a 5mg dosage of zolpedum I have as a prescription and that usually works within a half hour. I sometimes also take the zolpedum if I wake up in the early AM, but have rationalized that I am retired, do not have to live to a rigorous schedule and call get up even at 5 AM and enjoy the quiet of the morning. Even if I wake up at 5-6 AM, I do not feel particularly tired during the day and evening and do not worry about it. Remember that Leonardo DaVinci only slept about 3 hours a day and burned through 3-4 assistants who could not keep up. (I do not equate myself with Leonardo..just saying it is possible.)
personal story:
melatonin is 100% natural i just started it (one of my hospitalizations (for suicidal, bipolar stuff) was in august (long while ago) and they gave it to me in there because every time im in the hospital i dont sleep until im so tired i pass out and then i have bad nightmares. this is only when im in the hospital though... they tried melatonin, trazodone, some other med i cant remember the name but it was supposed to be strong, none worked at all. i felt no effect. but they said when i home to get melatonin and take like 10mg, or 15mg if i really need it because it wouldnt hurt to try it... i never tried it... but i guess since im home and not dealing with the i-cant-sleep-and-when-i-do-theres-graphic-nightmares-even-though-im-not-any-more-scared-or-depressed-than-i-am-at-home-which-isnt-much-at-all (well, when my other mood meds are at a good balance, im not paranoid/anxious or depressed) phenomenon, it works for me now.
to the point:
lets just say my friend ate an entire bottle like it was skittles because he has bad insomnia and was desperate, and he was 100% fine- he felt nothing, actually. im not suggesting you do that though, its just to prove the point. i was shocked when i saw people saying online to only take less than 5mg because im taking 20 right now and thats working, but i JUST started, so i see myself having to take more for the same effect after time. CONCLUSION: take as many as you need to. the only thing you should worry (not even worry because not even threatening) about is the side effects especially with really high doses. none of them are fatal or will make you sick, they just include nausea, grogginess, depressed mood, irritability, low sperm count, breast enlargement in biological males, dizziness, headache, stomach pain... none of these can hurt you but if you take large amounts they could be even more intense so if you did catch a side effect, say, nausea, that would kinda suck but better than no sleep...
I take 5 mg about 10:30 PM and like to watch the late night shows. They are especially interesting right now with the turmoil over Trump running for Pres. I frankly cannot believe people think they will love him if he is elected... yadda yadda. Now back to melantonin. If I start to get sleepy, I then turn off the TV and go to bed. There have been times when tensions of the day continue to plague my mind, so I resort to a 5mg dosage of zolpedum I have as a prescription and that usually works within a half hour. I sometimes also take the zolpedum if I wake up in the early AM, but have rationalized that I am retired, do not have to live to a rigorous schedule and call get up even at 5 AM and enjoy the quiet of the morning. Even if I wake up at 5-6 AM, I do not feel particularly tired during the day and evening and do not worry about it. Remember that Leonardo DaVinci only slept about 3 hours a day and burned through 3-4 assistants who could not keep up. (I do not equate myself with Leonardo..just saying it is possible.)
Melatonin is a natural hormone in our bodies secreted by the pineal gland. You cannot overdose on it however the more that is needed to help you sleep only means you have more concerning issues. First you need to look at your diet and level of physical movement and my own strong opinion that you should try to find out if your city's drinking water is fluoridated. Flouride is good for the teeth but destructive to our body's. There have been studies shown that the fluoride calcified the pineal gland causing it to be of no use. Why are more people suffering from insomnia and having reproductive problems? Calcifying the pineal gland is a large cause and started when cities added flouride to their water. I was on Ambien 10 to 20 MG a night for years. During my sleep study the technicians and drs were surprised that aftwr 20 MG I was still awake. I have suffered from insomnia as long as I can remember.
2 years ago I stopped drinking tap water and only drink non-flouridated water and last year I cut down slowly on Ambien and added melatonin. I also became much more physically active, dont have a tv or laptop in my bedroom, stopped watching tv 1-2 hours before bed and cut down on caffeine. I'm happy to be off Ambien however I take 25mg melatonin and 50-75mg benadryl each night and it takes me 1-2 hours to fall asleep. I'm still a work in progress but it's getting better.
Yo this is legitimately what's good and everyone needs to listen to what this man has to say.
Calcification of the pineal gland is, really, in a way the core problem of our modern society, which, of course, sounds absurd if you haven't done the research yourself. :)
Comment to this comment, and to the others added: (1) Robin, if you're taking 50-75 mg. of Benedryl, that's not so good, either. I mean, it's extremely drying. Not to judge, just to warn. (2) If fluoride is calcifying everyone's Pineal gland, why are there so many larks around, who seem to want to do everything early? Or do most people no longer drink public tap water? (I am NOT one of those larks, I'm an owl. Just an observation... ). (3) Certain meditations stimulate the Pineal gland. Would they help this problem? Thx.
My husband and I have been taking 20 mg. sublingual for the past 3 weeks. Sleep is much, much better but now I too am wondering if this is too much. I used to wake up sometimes 6-7 times at night. Now only maybe once and get back to sleep very easily. Wish I knew the truth.
I buy 50 mg meletonin so obviously it is safe to take larger doses or they wouldn't make it
I accidently took 50 miligrams and it scared me. I got on here and read all these comments. So, on one you say you take 50 and below you say you take 100 milligrams. Which is it and how can that be safe?
Melatonin doesn't even come in 50mgs. The maximum dose it comes in is 10mgs.
Read Russel Reiter's " Melatonin" it's older, probably cheap used on Amazon. He was the pioneer of Melatonin research. He was one of the few who studied marijuana s effects, it increases melatonin production 400% . That would be at least 400 mg, perhaps more. He found children produced 20 mg.
I'd like to know how you are doing now, three years later... Are you still taking melatonin?
I take 100mg nightly of meletonin approved by my doctor. I take it 60 minutes before bed n I sleep solid for 7 to 8 hours each night n dream peaceful dreams. The older u get the less meletonin Ur body makes my 93 year old grandma takes 2 10MG extended release capsules each night n that works for her.
Interesting. I take 30 miligrams a night and now I have a high liver count. I read online that melatonin can cause liver problems. I think I am going to try an alternative
The amount of melatonin you're supposed to take at night typically is .3-1 mg. So you're way over the top, and not to mention, that is not a safe dosage. Also, melatonin is made to attempt to regulate your sleeping pattern, if you're taking it for longer than a couple of weeks, there is an underlying problem causing your sleeping issues.
Hi there.
You have received very good advice here. I too am an insomniac. My husband and I sleep in separate rooms as he is a loud snorer. Before one of us committed a crime, we decided to try sleeping apart. It helped tremendously. Melatonin didn't help me much. What does, besides all the great advice here, which you should try, is listening to audio books or sermons on my phone with earplugs, or just without, depending on my mood. The sound of steady monotonous voices sends me back to sleep.
Pets on the bed can be a blessing or a curse. I have two dogs. One is a great bed companion, the other a restless pest :)
They are big dogs. So they don't get to spend much time on my bed!
Hope you get some good tips here that you can try out.
All the best
Hello Randa and welcome to the site! We hope we can help you with this issue or anything else that comes down the pike. Not having insurance can be bad but there are options here. Most doctors will see a patient on a sliding scale. So that is option one. There are also plenty of sleep aids out there that are generic so inexpensive, too.
You didn't mention any health concerns for us to be recommending too much else to you. If you are fairly active and otherwise healthy... there are things that you can do before you are in bed to prepare yourself for sleep: 1) do not watch the news... usually bad news any way before bedtime. 2) do not to taxes or bills or other paperwork at least 2 hours before bed. 3) take a nice aromatherapy bath before bed and relax. 4) meditation is a great way to relax into the moment when you first settle into bed to get rid of the day's cares. 5) no caffeine after 12noon. 6) do not get into deep discussions or argue before bedtime.
7) do not go to bed angry... making up will assure a better night's sleep. 8) milk before bedtime can settle the system down, too. 9) one benedryl can make you sleepy unless it has the opposite effect on you.
Those are just some tried and true techniques that don't cost any money.
I want to think more on this and get back to you later, okay?
yes Mary I would be very appreciative. I'm going to try some of those techniques out tonight. I know last night was mostly bc my boyfriend and I did get into an argument. We've since made up and I'm not worried about anything as far as that goes. But even so, on nights that we are perfectly fine, I still have this issue. Learning that too much melatonin can cause seizures has really scared me and I think I'm gonna go down to 5 mg tonight.
Call the pharmacist. They will know for sure.
Good luck!
Related topics
insomnia, sleep disorders, melatonin
Further information
- Melatonin uses and safety info
- Melatonin prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Melatonin (detailed)
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