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Zofran User Reviews & Ratings (Page 3)

Zofran has an average rating of 7.8 out of 10 from a total of 226 reviews on 76% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 16% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Zofran

  • Joy
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 21, 2020

For Nausea/Vomiting "I have gastritis and am going through a flareup now. Very sick...nauseous for 8 hours every day. Zophran doesn't help me at all...even doubling dose, as my dr recommended. He is giving me Reglan. Praying that works. Nausea is the worst!"

1 / 10
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  • Bella...
  • November 7, 2017

For Nausea/Vomiting "This drug has saved my sanity. I was undiagnosed with a debilitating vomiting sickness. In the hospital at least once a week via ambulance. Repetitive vomiting and could not stop. To the point where I would become unresponsive. After about a month into my undiagnosed sickness, at the emergency room, a nurse gave me a wafer of Zofran. It was a huge relief as my uncontrollable vomiting stopped within 10 minutes. I had not heard of the drug, but after finally being diagnosed, after 6 months, as having Severe Idiopathic Gastroparesis, I found my new best friend. As well as having a kidney transplant and taking a bucket full of anti-rejection meds, I was so grateful that some smart cookie out there invented this drug. Saved my life."

10 / 10
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28 Report
  • OLou
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • May 3, 2014

For Nausea/Vomiting "This medication works wonders for me whenever I feel sick or nauseous. The flavored tablets that disintegrate under the tongue or in the mouth are very convenient and work really quickly to relieve nausea/vomiting. The only real side effect from it that I have noticed is a slight tired feeling. I'd much rather feel a little sleepy than sick to my stomach. I really recommend this medicine if your doctor also feels that it is right for you."

10 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • Chris...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 5, 2016

For Nausea/Vomiting "I was taking Zofran for awful stomach upset with nausea because one of my other medicines I was on, I picked up at the pharmacy, was a generic new form of medication to treat pain. This new medicine made me very sick. Zofran helped out a lot, plus I could take it up to four times per day. However, I'm also on Lexapro for depression and panic attacks. One day, after 2 weeks on these meds, I had severe shaking happening to me, and I never felt this way before. Come to find out taking both the Zofran and Lexapro on the same day each day was a high risk of a drug interaction, very severe, and I was having the symptoms of a bad interaction. I need to change my Lexapro to another type of depression med. But, every depression med is bad with Zofran."

8 / 10
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32 Report
  • asbeen
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • August 22, 2014

For Nausea/Vomiting "I've had recurring nausea for over a year now. The bouts of nausea, dry heaving, and vomiting only bile would last for hours. Phenergan did nothing, but Zofran, within 5 min (usually), I'm cured. It does make you sleepy, but well worth a little tiredness. It is expensive without insurance."

10 / 10
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36 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • 2sick...
  • December 9, 2010

For Gastroenteritis "My son is 8 years old and could not hold anything down. The doctor gave him Zofran, and he began to have hallucinations! Well, come to find out, he is the 27th reported case in the U.S. He had to be sent to a children's hospital. My daughter is 2 and had Zofran, she did really well. She did a complete 360 in minutes. Just goes to show how everybody is different."

5 / 10
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45 Report
  • Groba...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 23, 2018

For Gastroenteritis "I’ve been sick with the stomach flu since last night. Ate dinner, then a couple of hours later was in the bathroom throwing up with major diarrhea. Stayed on the toilet literally all night. It was one of those “one little move and you feel like you’re going to throw up” times. Well, once morning came the puking stopped, but I was still really nauseous with dry heaves. So I called my doctor to see if there was anything I could take, and they recommended Zofran. Wow is this a miracle drug! My nausea was gone within 10-15 minutes of taking it, and I was even able to hold down a couple of popsicles and water with it, until about an hour and a half ago when I started feeling nauseous again (the meds were wearing off, so I took another one, and within 10 minuets my nausea was gone! I even ate another popsicle and downed a little juice glass of water and didn’t throw up! If this little white, grape flavored pill isn’t magic, then I don’t know what is!"

10 / 10
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25 Report
  • Anonymous
  • October 10, 2012

For Nausea/Vomiting "I can't say enough about Zofran. I was curled in a fetal position in front of the bathroom, on the floor, in a cold sweat after vomiting for the last two hours. The last bout was dry heaving. Still, the nausea was crippling me. My wife gave me one pill, and within 30 minutes, the hell I was going through broke like an ocean tide receding. I keep Zofran in the medicine cabinet now, at all times."

9 / 10
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40 Report
  • Anonymous
  • October 27, 2011

For Gastroenteritis "Could not hold water down and had heaves all the way to the ER. They gave me a different medicine first, and it did nothing, so they gave me Zofran, and in a few minutes, I was sitting up wanting food."

10 / 10
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42 Report
  • Bugsy
  • November 3, 2016

For Gastroenteritis "The best little white angel pill ever. I have been feeling ill for seven days. Until today, I decided to get help and went to a little clinic and got prescribed Zofran. It must be made in heaven because that little pill worked in minutes. I went from 20% to 70% real quick. I work at a job that doesn't allow you to call in, so this pill will be saving me from losing 8 hours on my paycheck. Stomach bug sucks, and I was tired of feeling hungry/sick every ten minutes. Thank you, my white angel."

10 / 10
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  • Kaydubs
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • January 26, 2016

For Nausea/Vomiting "Zofran is a miracle drug! I've had this medication for several years on an as-needed basis. With my IBS and anxiety, I tend to get nauseous easily. Whatever the cause of my nausea may be, Zofran works every single time. Now that it's dissolvable, it makes it so much easier to take. The relief happens within 20-30 minutes, and usually 1 tablet is all I need. I do experience 2 side effects each and every time: a painful headache after the drug wears off (6-8 hours after taken) and constipation (practically nonexistent bowel movements) for 2-3 days. For the headache, OTC migraine meds work best. The constipation isn't bothersome enough for me to treat."

10 / 10
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  • Sugah
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • October 6, 2019

For Nausea/Vomiting "I have several chronic conditions and one is called Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome. It's even worse than it sounds. I'm over 40 and have suffered since childhood. Gravol stopped working over a decade ago. Last December was particularly bad with many trips to the ER and I finally got lucky and was given this. It's a miracle drug for me about 95% of the time. I do get some side effects like diarrhea and sweating but they're very bearable. I don't go anywhere without a bottle of these."

10 / 10
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19 Report
  • Nicck
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • February 4, 2019

For Nausea/Vomiting "Zofran is THE most reliable medication I have ever taken! It has prevented me from throwing up, or even feeling nauseas 100% of the time! It's sad that when I was growing up in the 1970's, all I could take for nausea was Pepto-Bismal, which NEVER worked to prevent me from getting nauseous or vomiting. Pepto-Bismal is great for diarrhea, but it did NOTHING for my nausea. I can't say enough about Zofran!"

10 / 10
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21 Report
  • Vomit...
  • June 25, 2016

For Gastroenteritis "Spent a week vomiting and with diarrhea. Couldn't keep anything down and was getting worse instead of better. I ended up driving to the ER with a vomit bag to my face trying not to crap myself. When they gave me the Zofran, I felt better in 5 minutes and was able to eat a little plain chicken and rice with broth a couple hours later. I didn't realize just much nausea I had until the whole room suddenly stopped waving. Slept better than I have in a long time and this morning I didn't throw up! Crackers and Gatorade for breakfast! Every 6 hours and I love this little pill."

10 / 10
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  • swinlin
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • September 13, 2020

For Nausea/Vomiting, Chemotherapy Induced "I went through pure nightmare during chemo for my Triple Negative BC in 2015. Nausea is an understatement. My oncologist told me that I was the worst patient she ever had with nausea. This is a woman who was practicing in the 70's when they still treated with mercury. I cannot tell you how many nausea medications I was prescribed. Zofran was by far the BEST medication at relieving my symptoms. 5 years later I still cannot 'handle' any kind of nausea. I have an 'emergency' prescription that I have with me 24/7. I only need it maybe twice a year, but it is still the Magic Bullet that relieves any nausea/vomiting I may have. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS MEDICATION!!!"

10 / 10
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16 Report
  • Chels...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 29, 2016

For Nausea/Vomiting "I used to take Requip for restless leg syndrome, and sometimes it made me so sick I would vomit. Other nights it would be fine. One day I decided to call my PCP for a script of zofran or phenergan to help subside the horrible nasty vomiting and nausea effects of Requip and they wrote me a script of 12 4mg Zofran swallowable tablets. It helped almost immediately (not within a minute, but 10mins or less) and then decided to stop my Requip medication because just made me sick. My RLS went away with other meds that I take and while I still take Zofran, I enjoy it for any spur of the moment "IM GONNA BE SICK" Kind of feeling, so I always carry it with me. At a hospital visit they gave me a dissolvable one that tasted like berries. Good med"

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25 Report
  • jap
  • March 8, 2016

For Nausea/Vomiting "I love this medication, it has made such a difference in my life. I was on the Zofran pump while pregnant for hyperemesis gravidarum, it is the reason I was able to carry my child to term. It is the reason we are both here today. I continue to take Zofran as needed for nausea stemming from complications with fibromyalgia, IBS, and celiac disease. It can cause constipation from time to time, but that is much easier than nausea and vomiting all the time. It melts quickly, and within minutes, the nausea is gone."

10 / 10
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  • Mommy...
  • October 16, 2015

For Nausea/Vomiting "Ever since the 5th week of my pregnancy, my morning sickness was terrible. I lost weight and couldn't keep a thing down. I could hardly get out of bed. My doctor prescribed Zofran, and it's been a huge help. Doesn't always take away the nausea feeling, but no more vomiting! Definitely recommend it."

8 / 10
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  • Kteel
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 21, 2013

For Nausea/Vomiting "I have had three pregnancies, and with the first two, the morning sickness was bearable enough without medication. This time around, I have had trouble making it to work and have been constantly miserable, nauseous, and dry heaving. I took my first Zofran last night, and the only complaint I have is that I wish it was non-drowsy. I almost fell asleep at my desk today. However, I will take drowsiness over nausea anyway. Thank you, Zofran."

10 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • March 16, 2008

For Nausea/Vomiting "The side effects from various drugs, particularly morphine, caused significant nausea. In fact, I'd have to rate the nausea as worse than the actual pain. Zofran worked like a charm, quite quickly, with little side effects (as far as I know). It certainly made my recent visit to the hospital much more comfortable!"

9 / 10
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41 Report
  • Garden
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 28, 2019

For Nausea/Vomiting "I like the Zofran pills when they actually work but it seems like I have to take a pill, throw up, and then take another for it to be effective. Also I always wake up with a headache once taken. I do want to note that when I was given Zofran in the hospital through the IV I had no issues with nausea it’s only when I take it orally that it does the opposite of what I’d like. All bodies are different and this is just my reaction. I am on a low dose and have not upped the amount I’m taking. $45 dollars for 15 pills (without insurance) and I’ve puked up half of them. Not worth it. Especially when an anti nausea causes nauseous."

3 / 10
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17 Report
  • Belle
  • January 31, 2016

For Gastroenteritis "I have to go into the hospital every two months because I start throwing up and go into a coma state if I do not get IV in me .They gave me Zofran the last time and I was up and good as new in 5 minutes. I will keep this on hand at home for future episodes !"

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24 Report
  • praying...
  • March 3, 2010

For Nausea/Vomiting, Radiation Induced "I have esophageal cancer, having radiation daily and chemo weekly. This medicine is so precise about keeping the nausea and vomiting down, I can tell exactly when a dose is due: 1 every 12 hours. I am thankful this medicine is there. The side effects are very bearable (unknown concerning liver). It is very expensive, but if you have a severe issue, the money is not your main concern. If you have cancer, there are agencies that can help with the drug cost. Try AM Cancer Soc. Maybe they can help guide you. Keep your spirits up and prayers in your daily life. Take care."

10 / 10
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34 Report
  • IBS
  • November 25, 2015

For Nausea/Vomiting "I use ondansetron orally disintegrating tablets that i receive via prescription (8mg). I only use these on rare occasions when i eat badly, eat too much, or am very anxious, thereby making myself sick. It usually kicks in a few hours after i take it. (They are disintegrating but I usually swallow them with water because the taste is unappealing to me, but so far that has not affected its efficiency). Every time as far back as i can recall (and I have been taking this for several years) this medicine has been able to help with my nausea and vomiting. The only times i remember getting sick despite the medicine was when i got upset and cried violently, causing me to throw up. Other than that i don't recall ever throwing up after taking it!"

9 / 10
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23 Report
  • Elina
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 22, 2019

For Nausea/Vomiting "I have taken zofran on and off for over 10 years. I have been given after surgery for nausea and vomiting. Also, now again for gastroparesis. Sometimes the nausea and fullness in my stomach is very uncomfortable. Because there are little to no medication or non invasive therapies, I sometimes will use this to help settle my stomach. While it does nothing for motility it does alleviate rough times."

8 / 10
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15 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.