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Norethindrone for Abnormal Uterine Bleeding User Reviews

Brand names: Errin, Jencycla, Camila, Incassia, Heather, Deblitane, Sharobel, Emzahh, Norlyda, Lyleq, Lyza, Tulana Affodel Norlyroc Nor-QD …show all brand names

Norethindrone has an average rating of 4.2 out of 10 from a total of 245 reviews for the treatment of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding. 23% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 55% reported a negative experience.

Norethindrone rating summary

4.2 average rating out of 10

245 ratings from 273 user reviews.

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Reviews for Norethindrone

  • Kaye
  • January 4, 2020

Errin (norethindrone) "I was very scared to start these pills due to the horror stories I've read, but I went with my gut and started them a month ago. I was on Tri Lo Milli, and it had me bleeding nonstop - some days light, some days heavy, but bleeding every day. So, I told myself, let's do it. I couldn't see it being any worse than bleeding every day, and mind you, I'm a married woman, and I was tired of telling my husband it's just until my body gets on track. He was understanding, but I wasn't at all. I hated the fact that this was every day for me. So, anyway, I've been taking these as told, every day, straight and on time. I stopped bleeding after 4 days, and I haven't bled since. Not one drop! I haven't had mood swings, no headaches, no hair loss, and no appetite loss or gain. I'm just normal. I do believe some are not following the directions as it says 'EVERY DAY ON TIME,' and it causes issues as far as bleeding goes, but for me, it's working, and I'm happy with them as of now. If anything changes, I'll be sure to update you guys!"

10 / 10
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282 Report
  • Belinda...
  • November 30, 2020

"Started Norethindrone 0.35 mid-March 2020. I was 41, so ob/gyn said this was the only safe option to regulate my irregular periods. For the first 2 months, I was nauseous, couldn't eat, and lost 10 lbs. I was very sad, and anxiety shot through the roof. I chalked all these symptoms up to my emotions about the pandemic, but in hindsight, it was mostly norethindrone making me feel poorly. I stopped taking it in November, a few days before my 42nd birthday because the side effects had gotten out of hand. I had constant cramps, back pain, night sweats, numb fingers and toes, headaches for days, low libido, vaginal dryness, erratic emotions, irregular period that came every 20 days or so. When I stopped, all the side effects went away. I'd rather deal with the natural feelings of my period than add negative side effects from a pill. If this is the best medical science can do for people who menstruate in their 40s, it's a pretty sad affair."

2 / 10
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117 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 17, 2021

Errin (norethindrone) "This birth control Errin is unbearable! I have two to three periods a month! Also, I have huge blood clots on this pill. I am so sick of spending money on hygiene products. I am at my wits' end with this. Avoid this pill!"

1 / 10
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109 Report
  • Socal...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 2, 2019

Errin (norethindrone) "I started using this pill two months ago. I will start my third pack next week. Before starting Errin, I had suffered with heavy, heavy periods for the past five years. So heavy, in fact, that they forced my body to expel the Mirena my doctor had put in place. The clotting and pain were horrific. We had tried everything, it seemed, and Errin was our last-ditch effort before considering surgery. Thankfully, Errin has worked for me. I knew it would take some time for my body to get used to the hormone and balance out so when my first period was horrible, I hung in there. In June, I did not have a period at all. I had some pink when wiping, but that was it. Everyone is different, and I'm grateful this worked for me. It has changed my life. I'm 50 and only have a few years to go before menopause, but I would like to transition 'quietly' instead of looking like a blood accident. Good luck to everyone."

10 / 10
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140 Report
  • Jpano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 12, 2020

Errin (norethindrone) "I was prescribed Errin as an alternative birth control because of having high blood pressure. The first 3 months were normal with my period lasting about 5-6 days. On the 4th month, I started bleeding profusely! I would bleed through heavy pads in 3 hours. The bleeding was full of huge clots. I lost so much blood that I was pale and required to come into the doctor's office for a checkup. The cramping was unbearable. There is no way this medication is worth the pain and money it costs in feminine products. The birth control works in preventing pregnancy because who would want to have sex with you when you are bleeding through your clothes! Terrible experience."

1 / 10
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86 Report

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  • Prickly
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 10, 2021

Nora-Be (norethindrone) "It’s been 75 days of constant bleeding - from a few days of using a pantyliner with a few spots of brown blood to couple days of needing a medium pad for red blood then back to spotting then back to slightly heavier bleeding. Basically non-stop spotting and bleeding. And I’m sick of using hygiene products EVERY DAY."

2 / 10
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70 Report
  • Tia
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 14, 2021

"I have fibroids and am extremely anemic, so I was put on norethindrone to shorten the length of my periods. I've taken the pills faithfully, and so far, I have been bleeding for 12 days straight. I'm dealing with stomach cramps and nipples that feel like they're twisted so tight, they're going to pop right off. This sucks!"

3 / 10
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55 Report
  • Bri
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • August 23, 2019

Nora-Be (norethindrone) "I'm a little surprised at the negative reviews, but I understand everyone is different. I was put on Nora-Be due to extremely heavy periods in my mid-30s. I have been on this pill for 5 years now and am quite pleased with the efficacy. While I still have a cycle (some people will stop having a period once taking Nora-Be), it is significantly lighter. Once in a blue moon, I would get breakthrough bleeding, but that all stopped after the first month of taking Nora-Be. I feel my mood has been more stable since before the pill, and it has not affected my weight at all."

9 / 10
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68 Report
  • coano
  • February 16, 2020

Errin (norethindrone) "I switched to this Errin birth control pill from Yasmin because of migraines and regret it completely. This pill is costing me a fortune in pads and tampons because my period now lasts three weeks. I thought it was because I had to get used to it, but it’s been six months now. The issue is not floundering in dosage times. I’ve taken every pill at the same exact time for the past ten years. Everyone’s body is different, so if you feel it’s right for you, then good, enjoy it. If you’re having three-week-long periods, stop taking it."

4 / 10
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63 Report
  • perim...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 28, 2021

Errin (norethindrone) "My ob/gyn prescribed this pill to mitigate the perimenopausal menstrual flooding I was having. Took it consistently with some errors in time here and there. At first, the period got lighter, but by month 3, I only had 5 days where I wasn't bleeding every day. I changed the time of day I took the pill from PM to AM. Two days after doing that, I had a horrible experience-my uterus released almost 1/4 or 1/3 of a cup of what looked like liver. ENORMOUS blood clots that filled the entire pad with a bloody, pulpy mess, I thought I'd had a miscarriage. I kept releasing these clots plus heavy flow the rest of the day. I stopped taking the pill at that point, and since then I've had 3 straight days of flooding-soaked through my pad, underwear, and bled all over my pants in 4 hours. I can't leave the house, it's been a nightmare. This pill made a not-great situation worse, and I don't recommend it for perimenopausal women with heavy bleeding issues."

2 / 10
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49 Report
  • Lulu
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 27, 2020

Nora-Be (norethindrone) "This is the most awful birth control pill I’ve ever taken in my entire life, and I’ve tried several. I took it exactly on time every day for one week. Starting with day 3, I had a constant headache, nausea, acne, pain in my legs, generalized pain in my body (back, joints, etc.). By day 5 I was bleeding a little, then by day 7 I was bleeding a LOT - like if someone just drew blood straight from my arm and dumped it in the toilet. It wasn’t even like normal period blood, it was so bright red and thin. And on top of the other symptoms, I was dizzy and had cramping, too. It also gave me intense hot flashes and a slight fever, I was sweating practically all the time, and I would wake up several times a night. AWFUL! I would absolutely never recommend this pill to anyone. If I could give it negative stars, I would."

1 / 10
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44 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 6, 2019

Errin (norethindrone) "I've been on this for 3 months now, and the first month was fine, but after the first month I have had 4 periods within 5 weeks, and each is 5-6 days. I have a 3-4 day break from bleeding, but then it starts up again. I've never experienced this before taking this birth control, and I'm done taking it."

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54 Report
  • EM09
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 6, 2013

Ortho Micronor (norethindrone) "This medication was amazing at the beginning, but now it has caused severe moodiness and abnormal uterine bleeding. (I've had 2 full periods in 3 weeks) and some days I start spotting and get cramps even though I take my pills on time."

3 / 10
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99 Report
  • Trixiez
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 4, 2020

"I was prescribed norethindrone from the pill club due to being estrogen dominant. I suffered badly from heavy bleeding, so I decided the pill was the best option. I took the pill, and the bleeding immediately stopped. I could almost cry. Until two weeks later of consistently taking the pills. Now I’m bleeding so heavy, like a period, and it won’t stop. These pills are supposed to prevent a period, and I started them to avoid this. Now I’m cramping and crying because I can’t stop bleeding. I know breakthrough bleeding is normal, but not like this. I wish I never started this stupid pill. I’ve just decided to get my uterus removed and my ovaries. I don’t want to deal with period problems anymore. This pill didn’t help. Avoid."

2 / 10
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40 Report
  • Sophie
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 24, 2019

Errin (norethindrone) "I have been on Errin now for almost 3 months. I used to get my period every 20 days, which was too frequent for me, lasted 3-4 days. Now, I am bleeding every day, granted, some days it's just spotting. I am officially quitting today, yesterday, I started bleeding so heavily that I filled my overnight pad in less than an hour, and there was heavy clotted blood. I had never experienced this before. I read about breakthrough bleeding, but I can't anymore. I didn't gain weight, I didn't get acne, and my hair is the same. I am 38 yrs old. Everyone is different, but this is my unpleasant experience."

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48 Report
  • Myra...
  • February 9, 2012

Ortho Micronor (norethindrone) "After multiple surgeries, office procedures and tests done on me, the results show low progesterone. My doctor put me on this pill. For the last two months and now going into my third pack of pills, I no longer have heavy, long periods. I do recall that missing a dose or taking my pill late caused me to have a period, spotting, or long, heavy periods. Now, I make sure I take them every day at the same time. So far, it works and I have not had a period or spotting in about 35 days. I am not pregnant; occasionally, I get a light headache or feel a little dizzy and realize that I need to eat something. After I eat, the light headache and slight dizziness go away. I've lost weight instead of gaining weight from the pill."

10 / 10
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88 Report
  • Meano
  • May 8, 2020

Aygestin (norethindrone) "I was put on Norethindrone 5 mg up to three times a day. I take it twice a day right now. I've been on it for almost three months now. This is my last option or I have a hysterectomy. I'm 32, I am trying to put that off. TBH, this works for me. Here are the side effects I have had. I do get night sweats, I do get occasional cramping, but only at night, and yes, they are like period cramps, but nothing like I was having. I can't even have one glass of any type of alcohol without getting sick, and I cannot skip a dose to drink, so that's all off the table. I do get random spotting, and it lasts maybe a couple of days. It's not too bad. I cannot go without eating on this, or I get really ill. I have gained some weight, which birth controls are notorious for doing to women, so it's a common one. 7. Sometimes you do get mood swings, but any hormone, including regular birth controls, can cause this. It's something you just need to work on, realizing it’s happening and then trying to manage the situation."

10 / 10
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38 Report
  • 5kids...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 20, 2020

"I was diagnosed with a uterine fibroid and bled extraordinarily heavy for 2 weeks straight; saturating an overnight maxi every hour for two weeks. Finally, I ended up needing a blood transfusion, and the on-call OBGYN prescribed this norethindrone to help slow the bleeding. No joke, it completely stopped within 24 hours! I do have some bloating, a moderate headache, and some uterine cramping, but it's definitely better than bleeding nonstop and paying a small fortune in feminine products!"

10 / 10
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36 Report
  • Anony...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • November 7, 2020

Errin (norethindrone) "I started this birth control in April of 2020, and this is almost my 7th month being on it. The first month was okay, but it made me really depressed. I was prescribed this birth control because I can’t take combination pills due to the fact that I have migraines. I’ve been bleeding twice a month since then, and I was told to give it time and that it would get better after the 6-month adjustment period. I’m still bleeding 2 times a month, and it’s been almost 7 months. I keep track of everything on the Flo app, and I always seem to bleed around the time that I’m supposed to “ovulate.” I’m not sure if that has something to do with it or what, but it’s very, very annoying. It’s doing its job, though I just wish I wouldn’t bleed 2 times in 1 month. It’s annoying enough having 1 period, and now I have 2."

5 / 10
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34 Report
  • Ann
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 10, 2020

"Got prescribed norethindrone for premenopausal symptoms, have been bleeding now going on the 4th week! Called last week, they told me to stay on it. I am not liking this at all, and they said the other alternative would be IUD, which I am not happy about. May be calling my family NP to see what’s going on. This pill is horrible!"

1 / 10
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35 Report
  • Lilli...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • January 1, 2021

Heather (norethindrone) "I started the Heather mini pill in October 2019 due to being diagnosed with uterine fibroids. I went to the Dr because my periods suddenly became extremely painful. I asked the dr for this pill because I read it had less of an occurrence of blood clots and I have antiphospholipid syndrome which puts me at a slightly higher risk of clotting. It did halt my periods completely for the first few months but they did come back. The pill did still improve my periods as there was no more pain. But I feel obligated to share that I have just been diagnosed with breast cancer and I am only 35 years old. No other women in my family have ever had breast cancer but I am the first woman to be on birth control pills. I truly feel that this pill may be a direct link to my diagnosis and I have stopped it immediately. Please be careful with this medication."

2 / 10
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31 Report
  • Lano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 28, 2020

Jencycla (norethindrone) "I started taking Jencycla to help with heavy bleeding. My cycles were the opposite of what they should be... so instead of having my period for a week and not bleeding for three weeks... I was bleeding three weeks and not having my period for a week! I did have minor headaches when I started this. My pharmacist told me it would take at least 3 months to see any results, so to keep taking it. The first two months were the same old thing, but then last month was my third month, and I went 17 days without any bleeding!! And this month has now been 22 days without any bleeding. Knock on wood, I think it is working for me. So don't give up after a month or two, give it time to get in your system!"

9 / 10
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31 Report
  • Tish
  • April 30, 2020

"I have uterine fibroids, and I'm anemic. I elected to have the myomectomy, however, all surgeries were canceled because of the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to stop the bleeding and keep my blood levels up, I was prescribed norethindrone to stop my cycles altogether. The first three weeks or so, I didn't have any bleeding. However, at one month, I began experiencing severe acne at 42 years old! The same week, I noticed bleeding and then more frequent breakthrough bleeding while at work and when I woke up. I called to tell my gynecologist about these incidents, and the dosage was increased to 1 in the AM and 1 in the PM...the bleeding never stopped. Three packages of overnight superpads and 1 box of super tampons later, I began having excruciating contraction-like cramps. I couldn't even stand up straight. I've gained 15 lbs, and within 2 months, all of this...I'm not going to take this medication. I'll take my iron pills and hope for the best with my cycles. But nothing should feel like this."

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32 Report
  • Lulu
  • July 12, 2019

Nora-Be (norethindrone) "49 years old, got on this medication to regulate insanely heavy periods. At 7 weeks, I have not yet had a period - yay! However, in the last two weeks, I began developing lower abdominal pain and cramping on the right side. At times, there is a great deal of pressure, causing an urgency to urinate. Very distracting and uncomfortable and has me using the bathroom every hour. My doctor said to try to stick it out, but I am getting off of this medication due to these side effects. I read online that progesterone can cause changes and functioning to the GI tract like mine. I also have some nausea and heartburn with this medication, so I don't think it is for me. I also noticed my hair falling out at about week 5. Everybody is different, but I think I will try a more natural approach to lightening my periods. Good luck, everybody!"

4 / 10
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34 Report
  • mellys
  • September 23, 2015

Ortho Micronor (norethindrone) "I have been on this for about 6 months now after being on desogestrel and constant bleeding. Seem to be on a 26-28 day cycle and bleeding lasts between 4 and 6 days, but 2 weeks after, I get another period. My mood is often low on this pill, and I often feel weepy. The cycle is doing my head in now, and I'm terrified there's something wrong with me. Want to just stop but scared I'll always be this messed up. Anyone else experienced this? I'm 38."

4 / 10
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51 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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