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Levothyroxine for Hypothyroidism, After Thyroid Removal User Reviews (Page 2)

Brand names: Synthroid, Euthyrox, Levoxyl, Tirosint, Unithroid, Eltroxin, Tirosint-Sol, Levo-T, Thyquidity, Ermeza, Eutroxsig Novothyrox Levolet Evotrox …show all brand names

Levothyroxine has an average rating of 5.1 out of 10 from a total of 154 reviews for the treatment of Hypothyroidism, After Thyroid Removal. 39% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 46% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Levothyroxine

  • 24ann
  • August 19, 2013

Tirosint (levothyroxine) "I started Tirosint after Levoxyl was taken from the market. It is the best. I take this in combination with Liothyronine. Aside from insomnia, which I have experienced with every other medicine as well, and I've taken them all, this is the best I've felt in years."

9 / 10
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88 Report
  • mizzg...
  • December 30, 2016

Synthroid (levothyroxine) "I ended up with an emergency complete thyroidectomy after an ultrasound revealed the tumors (2 in each lobe of my thyroid) had grown and were the culprit for me having to turn my head to the left to swallow food or even drink liquid. After years of taking levothyroxine, I was put onto the brand name Synthroid. At worst, my levels were 86.4. Yes, you read that correctly. My hair falls out in clumps, I feel tired, exhausted, have body aches and joint pain, and chronic fatigue, etc. Now my routine is to take my Synthroid at bedtime with vitamin C. I wake up fine, I'm down from 325 to 181, and I feel great! Please remember your thyroid takes weeks/months to change, you won't notice anything three days to a month into taking this."

10 / 10
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66 Report
  • Mtn
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 27, 2020

Euthyrox (levothyroxine) "My pharmacy switched my prescription to Euthyrox from levothyroxine, which I had been taking for 3 years with no problem. I figured it was maybe due to a supply shortage. The first day I took it, I thought something was terribly wrong with me. I had stomach cramps, heart palpitations, and a bad headache. The second day was worse. When I went to the bathroom, I felt like electricity was going up and down through my body. And another headache. This lasted all day. I decided not to take it the 3rd morning (of course, it was the weekend). I called the pharmacy and they replaced it immediately with my previous medication."

1 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • Ree
  • August 11, 2019

Tirosint (levothyroxine) "Graves disease/RAI diagnosed 2004. Today is day 19 on Tirosint. I have rapid heart heartbeat, shortness of breath, waking up gasping for air, body sore in the weirdest places, hips, calves, under both armpits, as if they are bruised. Major anxiety, I feel like I am vibrating throughout my entire body, shaking so bad I sliced my finger open cutting veggies earlier. Zero history of any sort of anxiety issues. Have experienced a few episodes of leg cramping, but the seized muscle from my neck down into my shoulder on the left side is very painful. Maybe the dose is too high because it is a concentrated, more natural version, which I understand, not chancing anything more serious. I have read wonderful reviews about this medication, and we are all different, this is simply my experience."

2 / 10
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47 Report
  • l2b
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 28, 2015

Synthroid (levothyroxine) "Due to thyroidectomy, I am hypothyroid. While on Synthroid, I felt awful. High anxiety, quick to anger. Definitely did not like this drug. I like Levoxyl and Nature-Throid. Doing better. Keep trying other meds if you feel awful."

2 / 10
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73 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Angel
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 27, 2020

Euthyrox (levothyroxine) "I have taken levothyroxine for years, usually Sandoz. My pharmacist changed my script to Euthyrox 2 months ago. I noticed the last 2 weeks my head is in a fog, want to sleep more than usual. I’m very disappointed and will talk to my dr about this."

1 / 10
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38 Report
  • Anonymous
  • December 22, 2011

Synthroid (levothyroxine) "I do not feel too much of a difference from before I had my thyroid removed. I do understand how so many people have such a wide variety of symptoms. I can say though that my weight is lower than ever, even my teenage years. My hair does seem to be thinner and cannot tolerate cold very much but that is pretty much it."

10 / 10
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More FAQ

  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 26, 2017

Tirosint (levothyroxine) "I have felt horrible for ten years since they removed my thyroid. I was told I didn't metabolize Synthroid properly. My doctor tried everything with negative results. I recently came across a published paper on the NIH website, and it mentioned Tirosint. My doctor had never heard of it, but she was willing to give it a try. That was two months ago, and I have never felt better. I know the drug is expensive, but there is a manufacturer's coupon online. I ended up paying $35.00, but I would gladly pay full price. That's how good it is!!!!"

10 / 10
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54 Report
  • Alex
  • June 14, 2019

Synthroid (levothyroxine) "I have been on a roller coaster ride for the last 3 to 4 years. Every time my levels are checked, they come back off. I had been on Levoxyl 100 for years and don’t recall having any issues. Due to a health insurance change, I was switched to levothyroxine 100 and problems started happening. On levothyroxine 100, my levels would be out of whack, and the doctors switched the dosage to 112, and I thought I was dying. Within a couple of days, my joints, back, neck, and feet would ache. I started getting palpitations, it felt like I was having a heart attack. I ended up in the ER because of a fast heart rate and heaviness and numbness on the left side of my body. Doctors thought I was having a stroke. I was switched to Syntheroid 100. 6 days on it. I have such bad pain throughout my body and joints. My legs feel as if they are swelling. I have tried Armour and immediately developed double vision and dizziness. I have stomach issues and gluten sensitivity."

2 / 10
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  • JaclynB
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • August 7, 2019

Synthroid (levothyroxine) "Lately, I have been experiencing flu-like body pains. Feeling achy, weak legs and arms. This medicine is ruining my life. Every time I increase the dosage, even by small amounts, I feel so nervous and withdrawn."

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  • Anonymous
  • April 12, 2016

Synthroid (levothyroxine) "I had my thyroid removed about 2 years ago. I weighed about 190. I was put on 125 mcg Synthroid right after the surgery. I lost about 20 pounds without trying at all. My dosage was increased to 175 mcg. I then started gaining weight. My endocrinologist increased my dosage to 200 mcg. My weight went up to 224 lbs. Never weighed so much before. I've been told by a couple of other doctors that the higher doses of Synthroid should cause weight loss, not gain. I am 72 years old. In general, I have aches and pains, something wrong every day. Don't know if that's Synthroid related or not. But I am very uncomfortable with all this weight, just doing everyday things."

3 / 10
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57 Report
  • Lbjaz
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • January 13, 2018

Synthroid (levothyroxine) "I'm taking Synthroid - it's a horrible drug. I'm losing all my hair, headaches, insomnia, depression, fatigue, brain fog, etc. This drug sucks, I have no idea why doctors keep pushing this drug. I have a new insurance and doctor, hopefully, I can start taking Armour. If not, I have no idea what's to come."

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47 Report
  • sorry
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 4, 2019

Tirosint (levothyroxine) "I loved it for the first month. Then, I developed agonizing headaches and chest pains. Had to go to the ER four times in pain. They could not do anything. Seven months later, I am still in pain and have to go to a gastro specialist to find out what is wrong in my stomach. It is really scary. I think it gave me some kind of ulcers in my stomach."

1 / 10
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40 Report
  • Missy
  • August 29, 2020

Tirosint (levothyroxine) "I was on name brand Synthroid from 2008 until 2019, my doctor switched me to Tirosint thinking that I would have less heart palpitations and better absorption. I was on 200 mcg of Synthroid, TSH was 0.01, I am now on 112 mcg of Tirosint with a TSH of 0.1. I gained a significant amount of weight, so my endo doctor added 5 mcg of T3, I have not lost any of the weight. Since starting Tirosint, my weight has increased from 116 lbs to 130-131. I exercise and move a lot and do watch what I eat, although I do allow sweets in moderation as I always have. I have also noticed an increase in hair loss, a lot of hair loss, and very dry hair, thankfully, I have thick hair, but the dryness is awful. Long story short, I don't believe Tirosint is the right medication for me as I have gained so much weight and lost a large amount of hair, even with the added T3, which didn't help to change the weight issues. I will be requesting to go back to name brand Synthroid with the added T3 to see if this helps."

3 / 10
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31 Report
  • Anonymous
  • August 6, 2012

Tirosint (levothyroxine) "I could not get my T3 or TSH regulated before this medicine, and now it is stable. I take this and wait about 1 hour before I eat, so I haven't had any stomach problems. It is easier for the system to absorb since it is a gel cap. If your doctor is reluctant to try one of the desiccated thyroid medicines, this may be an alternative for you."

10 / 10
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68 Report
  • Twisted...
  • May 29, 2011

Synthroid (levothyroxine) "I am a 38-year-old female. I had my thyroid removed about 7 months ago because I had thyroid cancer. I have been on Synthroid for about five months. My endocrinologist has a great deal of experience, so we found my correct dose after only two tries. Once I was at my correct replacement dose, I felt great. I feel just as well, if not better, than I did before I was diagnosed. I am counting off a point only because Synthroid (though this is the case with all brands of levothyroxine) is a nuisance to take every day, and it requires some planning if one must (as I do) take calcium and iron supplements every day as well."

9 / 10
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73 Report
  • Jen
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • April 13, 2019

Tirosint (levothyroxine) "Same as the comments below. Tirosint is the only thing that has worked for me, and I’ve been on it for 10 years... but I just went to pick up my first prescription in 2019 and found that even after jumping through the hurdles of getting my insurance to entertain covering it, they will only cover $30 of the $150 per month. It’s too unaffordable, so I have no idea what I’m going to do now. Shame on this company for increasing prices when healthcare and insurance are already a joke."

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37 Report
  • ANano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 30, 2021

Euthyrox (levothyroxine) "I just stumbled across this site because I am looking for the cause of extreme hair loss, which started a few months ago. My hair started shedding heavily in the summer and just got worse. Comes out in strands. I thought it was just stress, but I started wondering if something I was taking caused it. Then I remembered a few months back WM pharmacy substituted my regular Levothyroxine with Euthyrox. Had WM print my meds out for the last 2 years. I was given 90 days of Euthyrox early August 2020. Now I'm wondering if some other symptoms, like high anxiety, were caused by the change. Will not accept it again."

3 / 10
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27 Report
  • Jaclyn
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 27, 2020

Tirosint (levothyroxine) "I took my first dose of Tirosint in the morning and within a half hour my ears started ringing and I got a bad headache. By the time it was bedtime I felt so nervous and shaky that I never fell asleep. It was an awful experience. The next day I went back to my Synthroid."

1 / 10
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32 Report
  • GenX...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • September 1, 2022

Tirosint (levothyroxine) "Tirosint has changed my life. I have been sick and tired for more than a decade. I had both Hashimoto’s & Graves. Along with hyperparathyroidism that caused me to have constant kidney stones. All of this made life so miserable, I almost gave up. Eventually I had a TT with parathyroidectomy. For 2 years I fought with generic Levo & other thyroid replacement meds. I was so exhausted that I would fall asleep everywhere. My muscles ached like I had the flu, my breasts hurt like I was pregnant. I had migraines, constipation, my hair fell out & I eventually filed for disability. I couldn’t take the correct dose, because the meds made me feel worse. Then my PA suggested Tirosint. Within 2 weeks I felt 15 years younger. The symptoms were all gone. I slept normally, could do things I hadn’t done in 15 years & I got a job! I haven’t felt this good in so long that I want to tell EVERYONE about Tirosint. If you feel even slightly icky on something else, TRY IT! It is worth every penny!"

10 / 10
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17 Report
  • Ziten...
  • July 24, 2019

Unithroid (levothyroxine) "I received a prescription of Unithroid 75 MG/BID after having major problems with Nature Throid. Dr. said that this medicine is better for people with IBS and other GI problems who've had problems taking other synthetic T4 medication. This medicine supposedly contained very few ingredients and dyes. I was skeptical but started it. After only taking the medicine for 2 days, my stomach made loud noises and shook and churned like a washing machine. Adverse reaction started quickly, and intensity increased fast with this supposedly gentle medicine. This medicine is no milder or easier on your stomach than the other preparation. Unithroid contains lactose and dyes in every strength but the 50 mg tablets. I haven't had my labs yet to see if absorption is also an issue, but even if it absorbs well, if it causes GI distress, what good is it?"

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33 Report
  • Gizelle
  • March 24, 2016

Synthroid (levothyroxine) "I have been on Synthroid for 15 years now. Two years ago, my insurance company would not cover Synthroid anymore, so they sent me the generic. I broke out in a rash and felt awful. My doctor wrote for Synthroid only. I am paying $288.00 a year now out of pocket instead of $16.00. I am not sure what happened, but my belly has been bloated ever since, and I have gained 40 pounds! My new doctor of internal medicine does not seem to care and says it's my age, blah, blah, blah. I told her I wanted to be tested for Hashimoto, and she said there was no doubt in her mind that I have it. My thyroid is totally not working, and I am taking 125 mcg a day. I am not sure what else I can do, as she does not seem to want to help. Me gaining 40 pounds is not acceptable."

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48 Report
  • Marykp
  • September 23, 2015

Synthroid (levothyroxine) "My thyroid was removed in September 1993 due to papillary carcinoma. After removal and treatment, I was put on generic Synthroid and could not get my levels regulated. After a time, I was put on brand name Synthroid and leveled out. I am unable to take the generic."

9 / 10
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50 Report
  • Anonymous
  • January 25, 2011

Synthroid (levothyroxine) "I had my thyroid removed in February 2009 and was on Levothroid until about 2 months ago. It did nothing to help. I switched to Synthroid, and it seems to work better, but I still am feeling depressed, have difficulty concentrating, and have trouble remembering things, like any new information given to me. I just haven't felt like myself since the surgery."

8 / 10
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65 Report
  • M77
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 10, 2013

Tirosint (levothyroxine) "Within 30 seconds after taking this medicine, my stomach becomes a volcano. I think it is something in the coating rather than the medicine itself. Discontinued use and am now on Armour 45 mg and Synthroid (not generic) 50 mcg. Am still working on blood levels, but after stopping Tirosint, my stomach problems ceased. Too bad, I was really excited by this new medicine."

2 / 10
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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.