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Cyproheptadine User Reviews & Ratings (Page 3)

Cyproheptadine has an average rating of 8.2 out of 10 from a total of 200 reviews on 77% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 10% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Cyproheptadine

  • funny...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 13, 2016

For Anorexia "I have struggled for years to keep weight on, I am 5'2" and was 96 lbs. None of my clothes have ever looked good on me.... People just don't feel sympathy for people that struggle to gain weight. It's always about diets and losing weight. My appetite was terrible, and I would have to force myself to eat.... My doctor prescribed this medication a week ago, and I have gained 10 lbs so far. Cannot wait to see what I look like in two weeks! I will finally be able to wear adult women's clothes and have them fit!"

10 / 10
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55 Report
  • Ttano
  • February 24, 2020

"I just started to take this medication today, and so far I'm starting to feel sleepy. I pray that it works, because I have always been a little petite woman, and I always feel bad because when I go in public, people say, 'Wow, you are so small. Do you eat? Do you have kids?' I will be back in a month to let you all know how this medication is working for me. Thanks, and I hope everyone has to accomplish what their dreams."

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34 Report
  • Shae...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 7, 2019

For Anorexia "I've been taking this medication for about 2 weeks, and I'm not sure if I've gained much, but it's definitely helping me eat more! I've been too skinny my entire life, and I hate it! Just like fat people hate being fat and are sensitive when people point it out, so are us bony people! Like I literally hate when people say, 'Do you eat much? Look how skinny you are,' and things like that! It's rude, and I'm insecure about being this skinny! It's hard to gain weight and make myself eat! I don't have an eating disorder, but I also don't have an appetite most of the time normally. But now that my doctor has prescribed me this, it's making me eat at least 3 meals a day and snacks in between. I weighed 112, and I'm 5'9. So you can imagine I'm very skinny and slinky. My boyfriend says to make small goals like 10-15 lbs, but I want to gain 40-50 honestly. My healthy weight would be 155. I can't wait to finally feel okay about myself again!"

6 / 10
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35 Report
  • Peria...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 24, 2015

For Anorexia "I have been thin my whole life, as are my parents and sister, who has had two children. I am 5'6" and about 92 lbs. I started Perfection again, as I was on it last year in February for 1 month. I take 2 pills at night. You can definitely tell there is an increase in my appetite. My doctor prescribed me 60 pills and two refills. I plan to gain at least 20 lbs. I will weigh myself at the end of April and May. I try to snack on peanuts and fruit throughout the day. I will return with results at the end of May. Wish me luck!"

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56 Report
  • Steph
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 8, 2016

For Anorexia "I started taking these pills in January 2016. I was 112 pounds, my height is 5'5", my age is 33. It is now June 8th, 2016, and I weigh 148 pounds. I am so excited, these pills really do work. If you're looking to gain weight, I take my pills three times a day with a multivitamin."

10 / 10
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51 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Aquar...
  • May 13, 2019

For Anorexia "This medicine is a miracle, I gained 10 pounds. This is what happened. My doctor took me off because Medicaid doesn't pay for it anymore, so he just wrote the prescription and told me just to pay for it at the pharmacy, which was fine. It was when I got off them that I lost all my weight, which made me so mad. So I went back to my doctor, and he fixed the problem just by prescribing some more. I was down to 138 lb, now my weight again has me at 143 lb. In two months, my goal is 155 lb. I'm 5'3". I hope everyone does well on their weight gain journey with cyproheptadine."

10 / 10
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36 Report
  • Anonymous
  • March 18, 2011

For Anorexia "I wanted to share my experience with Cyproheptadine. If you want to gain weight, it really works. I have tried everything to try to gain weight: shakes, vitamins, etc. I have tried it, and nothing worked. Until one day, I found the answer—Cyproheptadine. If you are wondering like I was and asking, does it really work? The answer is YES! YES! 117-124 pounds in one week. ;) Happy weight gaining."

10 / 10
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69 Report
  • Kgood...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 16, 2016

For Anorexia "I heard about this cyproheptadine 4 mg pill in 2003, but no doctor would prescribe it for me until now. I'm 5'2 and weighing 113 on and off. So I asked a new doctor for it, and yes, he prescribed it. I started on 2/11/2016 at 113, now, it is 2/16/2016, weighing 120. I'm so happy. I was sleepy at first, but it gets better over a week, so not bad now. I love this pill!"

10 / 10
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49 Report
  • Lobster
  • July 5, 2016

For Anorexia "I've always been quite underweight and absolutely hated it, tried this years ago and quit a few pills in due to the tiredness caused. Gave it another shot 6 weeks ago and have gained a stone already (usually impossible!). I've been taking one a day which is a low dose, and my appetite has easily doubled. I used to feel full halfway through a meal and feel anxious going out for food in case I couldn't finish it. Definitely not a problem anymore. I've given it a 10 as it has made such a huge impact on my self-esteem already, and unexpectedly resolved what I believe to be urticaria overnight. The only downside is the tiredness; makes getting to sleep nice and easy, but waking up is so difficult! Long way to go still, but very happy so far :)"

10 / 10
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47 Report
  • Julia...
  • February 3, 2017

For Anorexia "I have always had a hard time gaining weight since I was a teenager. Nothing that I tried before worked but cyproheptadine. It took me years of research, and I tried a few different methods, different diets, etc. Doctors would tell me that I was going to gain weight with age, but I absolutely hated the way my clothes looked on me and how skinny I was. One beautiful, happy, lucky day, lol, I saw a post online about cyproheptadine and decided to do a little research. I asked my primary doctor to prescribe it to me, and she did. I gained about 15 pounds or more with this medication in just a few months. I was about 100 pounds, and now I am at 123. I only take the medication if I feel that my appetite is poor, I just pop one of those. Great!"

10 / 10
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44 Report
  • Jessl...
  • February 15, 2015

For Anorexia "I love this medicine. I had to take it while I was pregnant because I was not eating, and I was losing weight. So this was a great booster. Now I'm pregnant again, and I'm looking forward to having this medicine again if needed."

10 / 10
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52 Report
  • Happy...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 24, 2015

Periactin (cyproheptadine) for Migraine "My teenage daughter suffered from debilitating migraines that became daily over a 1-year period. She was finally diagnosed with Chiari 1 Malformation. She tried Topamax for almost a year & Elavil for a month, along with Rizatriptan & Ketoprofen. NOTHING helped until Periactin. She was practically a part of our couch and kept our living room like a dungeon. She cried on a daily basis and could barely go to school. Now she is a normal teen and can even play sports! She rarely gets a headache, and it goes away with rest. This is 2 months of 2 pills a day (the lowest dose). She does have a greater appetite, but I have her drink more water and limit her food intake. She stays on a schedule taking her doses, one with breakfast and one by 9 p.m."

10 / 10
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50 Report
  • feeli...
  • March 28, 2008

For Anorexia "I had been trying to gain weight for over twenty years, but just did not have a big enough appetite. Started taking cyproheptadine and vitamin B supplement (B1, B2, B6, and B12). I gained 30 lbs. in 6 months and the response from coworkers, family, and friends was unbelievable. Everyone said I looked great. I went from a size 3 to a size 7, and I am overjoyed."

9 / 10
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77 Report
  • Dony
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 26, 2018

For Anorexia "I did use cyproheptadine for 5 months. I was a 45 kg skinny dude, now I am 68 kg. I did stop cyproheptadine for a while, and my weight gain doesn't go away easily because it's normal eating weight. I was very skinny, now I am very muscular. I totally recommend it for skinny dudes, but with gym training, because weight gain is crazy with this pill. ❤️"

10 / 10
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36 Report
  • Anonymous
  • July 26, 2009

Periactin (cyproheptadine) for Anorexia "I used this for a severely underweight toddler (borderline failure to thrive) to gently bring the weight back onto the growth chart. I managed to bring the weight up from off the chart to 25% (for a 90% height baby)."

9 / 10
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71 Report
  • Liza_S
  • July 26, 2013

Periactin (cyproheptadine) for Migraine "I was prescribed 4 mg 3x a day. I asked my PCP for a prescription for this after doing some research myself. I never did see clear dosage guidelines, so my Dr. put me on the dose for allergies because use for migraines is off-label. I started it at 4 mg at night and had to go home sick (sleepy) from work the next day! So be very cautious when starting this medicine. I then started taking only 2 mg each night, and it has worked wonderfully. I had a migraine every day for about 6 months before trying this, and now not one for months. I feel like I have my life back."

10 / 10
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56 Report
  • dlove...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 28, 2016

Periactin (cyproheptadine) for Anorexia "I have been underweight in my life. I was searching for any kind of magical trick to gain some weight. Even I purchased oral steroids just to get rid of my skinny structure. Finally, I read about the tablet Periactin. But again, there was a problem that tablet Periactin is not available in many countries. Its UK brand medicine requires a valid prescription. Then I went to a doctor, got a prescription, and ordered these pills. Point to be noted: in the first few days, you will only feel sleepy, roughly the first 5-7 doses if you are taking 4 mg/day. But you will clearly see a difference in your appetite. This pill is tailor-made for weight gain. Absolutely worked so far. I took 12 tablets, it means 1 tablet/day and gained 4 kg weight."

10 / 10
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42 Report
  • link
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 20, 2018

For Anorexia "I am using this tablet called Cypro Vita (cyproheptadine) for weight gain. It's my fourth day, and all I feel now is just sleepy. How long does it take to have changes like increased appetite? Can someone please add some comments."

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33 Report
  • chris
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 9, 2016

Periactin (cyproheptadine) for Anorexia "I've being treated for anxiety with amitriptyline & xanax. During my 3 month review with my doctor I told him how I went from a 1 to a 5 since taking these medications. I've been trying to gain weight since having my daughter 10 yrs ago. I was always 5/6 7/8.. After having her barely a one. So I'm pleased that Im gaining weight. So he gives me my anxiety medications with Periactin. Hopefully all goes well & i can reach my goal."

6 / 10
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39 Report
  • nicole
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 6, 2019

For Anorexia "I have been tiny my entire life. In 2007 I had to have emergency surgery. Turned out I had a band around my intestines. I had abdominal surgery and appendix removed. The doctor said I was born with this band and that's why I was in a lot of pain, he also said that's why I was not able to gain weight because the band was wrapped around my intestines. It's been over 10 years and still haven't picked up weight. I recently had my first baby April 19th of this year. I gained 20lbs but lost it right after having him. I went to my OB for an appointment he said he was going to send me to a specialist but want me to start taking this medicine. I hope this helps because I am 34 years old and very underweight for my age and it's very annoying when people say "You mustn't eat." "How much you weight" so I will post my updates I just got medicine today."

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26 Report
  • Anonymous
  • December 26, 2016

For Anorexia "I must say this medicine has really helped me so much. I recommend this to anyone looking to gain weight. When I first started, I was maybe sleepy the first week, but I got over it. I have been on this med for almost a month and gained 10 pounds already, and I'm in love with the results."

10 / 10
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37 Report
  • Slim
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 18, 2018

For Anorexia "I was prescribed cyproheptadine for weight gain. I’ve struggled with gaining weight all my life. The first couple of days, I was extremely tired, but after 2-3 days, that wore off. However, my appetite has increased. I’m literally always hungry! I’ve only been on this medication for a week, and I've already gained 5 pounds. I swear none of this would’ve happened without this medication. My goal weight is now only about 15 pounds away!"

10 / 10
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31 Report
  • JustN...
  • October 4, 2015

Periactin (cyproheptadine) for Anorexia "Asked my doc for a prescription 5 weeks ago. I was shocked when I weighed myself. First month, I gained 16 pounds. I had two kids, both one year apart. Started losing weight like crazy. Too busy to eat. Well, it keeps you hungry. However, if you go out and buy protein bars and the weight gain shakes, they help fill you up. Ensure is good too. Also on depot, so not sure which one makes me crave sweets. I'm supposed to be 150, I'm solid about 5'8. Went down to 118 within weeks. Perfect health, just no appetite. The shakes are easy to make and buy some already cooked meals and lots of snacks. I thought my stomach was going to eat itself. I do recommend taking an allergy pill with drowsy effects at bedtime a week before you start. 140 last check."

10 / 10
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41 Report
  • Anonymous
  • January 5, 2009

Periactin (cyproheptadine) for Cluster Headaches "This drug is great for cluster headaches. I have spoken with over 150 cluster headache sufferers. I took one tablet each night for the first week, and it has ended the cycle of headaches. The first night after taking one, you will still have a headache, but it will last about one half hour or so. On the second night, according to the people I have spoken with, 145 out of the 150 had the cycle of headaches ended. The remaining 5 on the 3rd and 4th day. Keep in mind you must take this medicine for up to 2 months to make sure the cycle is contained. The only way to know is to judge how you feel. Your doctor cannot do this for you. I have been having these headaches for 18 years. PLEASE TRY."

9 / 10
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62 Report
  • Stick...
  • August 25, 2015

For Anorexia "I promised myself I would share my experience with this after I tried it. So here it goes. I grew up the skinny kid all through my life. I was in XC and track, and then I bought this stuff and let it sit on my shelf because the sleeping side effects were too strong. After a while, I tried to give it another shot. I eventually got over the tired side effects and kept up with it. I put on weight so fast, it was scary. I went from 140 to an overweight 190 in a matter of months. I'm a 5'9 male, and for the first time in my life, people were calling me chubby and fat. If this is what you're looking for, then you found it, but be careful of what you wish for. I can't fit into any of my clothes. My belly and face are so big now, I don't feel like myself."

10 / 10
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41 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.