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Invokana User Reviews & Ratings (Page 3)

Invokana has an average rating of 5.8 out of 10 from a total of 257 reviews on 47% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 35% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Invokana

  • Jersey...
  • July 2, 2015

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I have been on 300 mg of Invokana for over 2 years and happy to say no bad side effects. In the first 8 months, I lost approximately 35 pounds from 270 to 235 with walking and trying to eat the right foods, but not a perfect diet. My A1C dropped from 8.7 to 6.4 in the first 6 months. I think the weight loss and loss of appetite helped to lower the A1C as much as the medication. But who cares? I think my body is getting immune to it because I seem to be at a level where I'm no longer improving, but I am holding at these levels, which are much better than where I started. I also take 2000 mg of metformin a day along with 2000 mg of cinnamon, but these, along with glipizide, weren't enough. Thanks to the Invokana, I'm in a much better healthy condition."

9 / 10
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  • Catah...
  • February 21, 2015

For Diabetes, Type 2 "Have only taken the product for 2 days, but have felt tired. My appetite has been less than usual. I am glad with the loss of appetite. But I am in hope that the tiredness will diminish once I have been taking the medication for a while."

5 / 10
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  • samm...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • March 14, 2015

For Diabetes, Type 2 "Liked it because it lowered my blood sugar. Hated it because of all the side effects. Would urinate at least 2-3 times an hour constantly, was dying of thirst, mouth dry, yeast infections were the worst I have ever had."

2 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • Rebo
  • June 17, 2015

For Diabetes, Type 2 "Started taking 100 mg daily at night, numbers came down in a week. Went to see the doctor in a month, he was happy, then he prescribed 300 mg daily. Soon after taking this dosage, I began to experience an itching on my penis, and it was driving me crazy. I also experienced more frequent urination along with an insatiable thirst. I was about to schedule an appointment with my urologist until I Googled 'side effects of Invokana.' The itching wouldn't stop, I didn't know that there were these side effects from this medication, and even though it helped bring down my sugar levels, I really don't think it's worth the other problems it presents. I too have experienced weight loss. It is a good medicine, but the side effects aren't worth it. Sorry."

6 / 10
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  • Ashley
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 19, 2014

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I have been a type one diabetic for 28 years now, and I'm 33 years old. I have been on a pump for 11 years now, with sugars either low 30s or over 600... never perfect. My endo even prefers my sugars in the 200s, since I'm so used to it. But here lately, I'm over the sick feeling, being tired, and sugars being sky high. My new primary physician I started going to 3 weeks ago mentioned this pill, so last Monday he gave me a week's sample and a prescription. Sunday night my sugar was 571, Monday morning before my doctor's appointment it was 221. I took this pill when I got out of the doctor’s office, and my sugar has been below 100 ever since. I have energy and feel great all in three days. I'm going to have to adjust my pump settings for lower doses. I love it."

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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Shado...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 17, 2017

For Diabetes, Type 2 "Invokana works best when you drink plenty of water to flush your system. It blocks extra sugar from being absorbed by your body and transfers it to your urine. So, you basically urinate out the extra sugars in your blood. It's also a smart drug, so it will stop being as effective when you are close to normal levels. So you won't drop too low. If you are having a problem with yeast infections, you have to stop eating sugars and carbs. I also highly recommend using virgin coconut oil to treat the yeast infections. Please try this drug, it really works!"

8 / 10
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  • LIz
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • April 26, 2019

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I have type 2 diabetes. I have been on Invokana for about two years. It has been a godsend for me. Before, I was having blood sugars in the low 200s, and my A1C, at its highest, got up to 9.8. On Invokana (along with glyburide and metformin), my A1C numbers have been in the mid to low 6 range. I have had absolutely no side effects. I have also lost 32 pounds, although I have been on a low-carb diet, which probably contributed to the weight loss also."

10 / 10
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More FAQ

  • Mrs...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 2, 2015

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I started 100 mg in November 2014, and my fasting glucose dropped from 140 to 113 (though it often drops within normal range). A1C only dropped from 7.8 to 7.3. I dropped 17 pounds without exercising, and my appetite has diminished a great deal. My doctor increased me to 300 mg in hopes of getting my A1C in normal range. Also, my doctor gave me a discount card that covers 100% of the cost for the first year; you can get that discount by signing up on as well."

10 / 10
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46 Report
  • BRD
  • June 19, 2015

For Diabetes, Type 2 "A1C was 14.9. Normal insulin program got me down to A1C around 12. Using new long-acting insulin with Invokana, A1C now 7.1. I split a 300 mg pill and take 1/2 per day. Morning glucose 80's. I am still nervous as this is a new drug, but it certainly is an amazing medication."

10 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 19, 2014

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I have had reactions to three previous medications. I was hopeful with this one because it works differently. Started on 100 mg. By day 7, I was starting to feel very fatigued 2 hours after taking the pill. Noticed a decrease in urination and blurred vision. Symptoms worsened the next couple of days. Lasted 10 days. Guess I go back to my almost carb-free diet."

1 / 10
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  • Tammy...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • April 17, 2017

For Diabetes, Type 2 "At first, I liked it. My endocrinologist was waiting for it to be approved and available, so put me on it once it was. It lowered my blood sugar and my blood pressure. I did not lose weight as some do (which I suspect is mostly water weight from urinating more). I had to stop my blood pressure medicine because I felt I was bottoming out with both meds (Invokana was lowering my blood pressure too). But now that I have been taking Invokana, since it was available, I just recently stopped it due to not being able to handle the side effects anymore. I feel so fatigued all the time. My muscles ache once I get to the top of my stairs. I am out of breath and feel like I have run a marathon. My chest would feel tight and just felt faint all the time when doing anything! Add life's stresses (job) to that, and it made me so miserable! And, I have been working out 4 days a week since January! It is so frustrating. I am also on week 4 of a nothing but veggie and some fruit smoothies (no meat, wheat, and only dairy is whole-fat Greek yogurt). So I figured since I was having to watch my blood sugars more closely, since they were lower with this new eating plan, now was a good time to quit the Invokana. I am hoping within a week I might feel like my old self again. Due to doing everything I can to help my diabetes, and I still felt bad, I knew it had to be my Invokana. The only other med I take is Lantus SolarStar. I started to get worried about long-term effects of Invokana, especially since I was doing what anyone with health issues should do (exercise and eat super healthy), and still felt fatigued, I decided to do more research online and have found many others with my same and worse side effects. Many complain of constant yeast infections (both women and men), hair loss, swelling of lymph nodes to where they did STD tests and cancer screening, shortness of breath, fatigue, urinary tract infections, bladder infections, kidney issues (some really bad). I got scared reading so many bad reviews. I don't want to end up with major kidney problems! So I am going to do what every Type II diabetic should do, and actually eat healthy and exercise! We are switching to organic foods and plan to continue drinking these green smoothies for 2 meals a day and have a reasonable dinner. We need to lose weight anyway. That will ensure we get tons of veggies and fruits and so much nutrition that we would otherwise be deficient in. We keep track of all our calories to ensure we get enough protein and healthy fat, etc. I also take some supplements, superfoods, and vitamins made with whole food. We are going to stop all soda, sugar, artificial sweeteners, and pre-made and highly processed foods, as best we can... it will be a process, lol. I am so mad at all that is put in our food, I can't believe it is legal! Most chronic type diseases are due to inflammation in the body and what we put in our bodies. Healthy in, healthy out. Crap in, crap out. You are what you eat. Stop putting chemicals and toxins in your body. Stop eating food that is not raised/cultivated naturally healthy. Eat whole food and 'clean' foods. Cure yourself with Nature's Nutrition! Good luck to you all! :D"

1 / 10
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  • Linda...
  • October 13, 2015

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I've been trying to keep on this medication, but I don't think I can. Dr. prescribed 100 mg for 1 week, then 300 mg. Within 2 weeks, I had my very first ever (I'm 58) yeast infection. My privates were inflamed and very painful. Took OTC yeast meds. I called the Dr. office, and he reduced it back down to 100 mg. Now about 10 days later, I have fissures in my vulva. Dr. assistant insists that I don't use toilet paper to wipe after urination, but those new wipes that have been out for a few years. I tried most of them, but even the baby wipes are very heavily perfumed. So I bought unscented, sensitive skin baby wipes. They are better, but my skin is still too sensitive for them. Lots of other side effects. I'm not doing well on this med."

2 / 10
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41 Report
  • Mrs...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 27, 2013

For Diabetes, Type 2 "Been on Invokana for a week now. My blood sugars have been significantly reduced. I am also watching my diet, very low carbs. Still have not lost any weight, which was the reason why I was put on this medicine to begin with. My A1C went from a 9.9 to a 7.3 at last week's endocrinologist appointment. I wonder if I should let this go for a bit longer. I had hoped to see some weight loss during this time, but haven't lost a pound. I have noticed only a slight increase in urination and haven't really been thirsty. Maybe it hasn't been long enough. Any ideas? Oh, and my insurance covered this right from the beginning. I didn't need the rebate card. That was nice."

8 / 10
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  • ms_pi...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 27, 2019

For Diabetes, Type 2 "Within 6 months of starting Invokana, my husband almost died from taking this drug. He was hospitalized with a sugar level of 833 and a ketoacidosis diagnosis. 6 days later, he had the first of 5 operations for genital gangrene. His urological surgeon said he had only a 30% chance to survive. After 111 days in the hospital, he needed home health care for 5 more months. He now is in 3rd stage kidney failure when there was no kidney disease before the Invokana. It will take at least 10 to 15 years to pay the medical bills that insurance did not pay. Every SGLT2 inhibitor, like Invokana, could do this to you! DO NOT TAKE ANY SGLT2 INHIBITOR!!"

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  • Ronnie
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 25, 2015

For Diabetes, Type 2 "Doctor gave me a month's worth of samples to get my sugar readings down. After 3 weeks, they have dropped quite a bit (200+ down to 130-140). Livable side effects: MUCH more frequent urination, extreme thirst, and chapped lips & hands. Doctor faxed a prescription yesterday, my insurance told me the cost would be $595. This is more than all my other medications cost me for the whole year! No generic is available. I canceled the order. Can't afford it."

8 / 10
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  • Les...
  • October 12, 2015

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I've been on this for a week, on a 100 mg dose, but this stuff is tearing me up. I am urinating frequently, and every time it's an emergency run to the bathroom. I have to walk out of meetings at work. I used to have a bladder of steel. I wake up three times per night to pee. My thirst is almost unbearable. After one week, both my wife and I have yeast infections. My penis is burning. Now, I also have diarrhea. I am a mess."

3 / 10
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  • shannon...
  • June 16, 2015

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I have been on Invokana for 8 weeks. The 3rd week was the hardest, with a horrible yeast infection. Treated that, and it's been better ever since. I have lost 18 lbs. I feel great and have more energy. The urge to eat bad foods is gone, and my sugar levels are normal. I have stopped taking my Apidra, which was 14 units with each meal and 7 units at bedtime. I have cut my long-acting Lantus from 32 units to 26 units daily. I think I will be off insulin soon if my blood sugars keep dropping. I have a stomach ulcer and could not tolerate other meds, so I had to go on insulin. This drug does not affect my ulcer. I am very happy to be on Invokana."

10 / 10
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  • CarlosV
  • June 13, 2015

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I got type 2 diabetes at a very young age and tried all the regular stuff - metformin and Victoza, but it made me sick and sleepy at work! I had heard about this new pill, Invokana, and had my doctor prescribe it and get more information on their care program. I've never felt better. I lost around 55 pounds and feel amazing. I highly recommend it, besides a few minor side effects, I wouldn't change it for the world!!!"

10 / 10
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  • JSgausa
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • May 29, 2017

For Diabetes, Type 2 "Took Invokana about 9 months. Glucose numbers were great. Started getting horrible yeast infection. It would not go away even with prescription medication. The itching started vaginal and anal area. I was miserable. No type of medication would eradicate the itching. Infection got so bad my good white blood cells could not fight off the infection in my body. Started feeling weak, extremely thirsty, eating so much ice my ice machine could not keep up with me. Started coughing a lot, short of breath, anemic. Body aches, dry hair and skin, plus I still had the yeast smell. Had blood test performed at the local hospital. White blood cell count was 247 thousand, normal is 10 thousand. Diagnosis: cancer, chronic myelogenous leukemia, my blood got infected."

7 / 10
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32 Report
  • Pgano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 21, 2019

For Diabetes, Type 2 "Started on Invokana three months ago. Noticed slight headache after taking it, increased urination, lowered A1c. Slowly, over a period of time, two months, I noticed increasing fatigue, weakness. Eventually this affected daily activity, I can’t even begin to describe how exhausted I became. Stopped taking the drug and within two days strength and stamina have begun to increase."

2 / 10
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24 Report
  • Jayth...
  • December 16, 2014

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I have been taking this medication for about two weeks now and notice that my levels in the morning have dropped from 170 to 118. But the side effect now is itching in the penis area. Will consult with the MD to stop taking it if the itching continues."

8 / 10
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  • Holly...
  • January 10, 2019

For Diabetes, Type 2 ""I have been on 100mg Invokana for a few years now. When I started taking it I experienced a small weight loss and it appeared to lowered my A1C. One month in I stopped having periods, experienced occasional yeast infections and vaginal itching. Over the years the side effects have grown more intense and frequent. It's miserable! Within the last two weeks I have started having discomfort and a burning feeling in my right foot. I contacted my doctor's office to inquire how to ween myself off this medication, but I was told I needed to make an appointment to 'discuss my options'. I've had enough of the side effects! I am taking myself off this medication whether my PCP agrees or not. Considering my experience with side effects, reading other reviews from users, I will not be taking it again.""

7 / 10
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26 Report
  • Storm...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • February 10, 2016

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I have been on this med for almost a year. Prior to this, all other meds either didn't work for me or I had unbearable side effects. The only bearable maintenance was Levemir 100 units daily. I gained about 30 lbs! Doc put me on Invokana, I have lost 25 lbs, I have lowered the insulin to 35 units a day. A1C is 6.3. Had been a yeast infection nightmare though! Doc knocked out the yeast infections with Fluconazole, and I take 1 Fluconazole a week now and am keeping the YI nightmare away! This has been the only drug that has truly helped!"

8 / 10
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  • Herman...
  • January 6, 2016

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I've been taking Invokana for 1 year now and really like it. I've lost weight and have had no side effects except that I have to have water with me all the time, but that's okay. Now my Cigna insurance says they won't pay for it anymore, and I have to get Farxiga or Jardiance, and I have read all the horror stories about both of them. If my hair starts falling out or I start aching all over and can't walk, I'm going to sue the insurance company. Why are insurance companies trying to play doctor?"

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  • Nayala
  • February 16, 2015

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I was switched to Invokana to reduce my A1C. The first month, I had no negative experiences with the medication. However, I took the pills for two more weeks and developed a serious urinary tract and yeast infection. I was able to clear the infections with Monistat and AZO. I stopped taking the Invokana. About a week later, I developed boils on my thumb, upper thighs, and vaginal area, which I was able to clear with Neosporin, with the exception of one on my thigh which would not drain. I finally went to the emergency. The boil was lanced and drained while I was put on an IV for antibiotics and pain meds. It took six weeks to heal. Another two weeks and I have another boil on my vaginal area. This has been a very painful experience."

2 / 10
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37 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.