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Implanon User Reviews & Ratings

Implanon has an average rating of 6.1 out of 10 from a total of 1,672 reviews on 45% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 30% reported a negative experience.

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Birth Control  
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Reviews for Implanon

  • Anonymous
  • July 19, 2010

For Birth Control "I was very nervous about trying Implanon after reading all the negative reviews, but went ahead with it anyway. The procedure was quick and practically painless. The spot was tender for a few days, and I did have an ugly bruise and now a tiny scar, but nothing that is too terrible. I started Implanon while I was on my period, which lasted for about 2 1/2 weeks, give or take. But the bleeding was minimal, and it wasn't too bad. Then after that period ended, nothing. I haven't had a period since I had the device inserted in December of '09. I haven't noticed any weight gain or unusual moodiness. This has been the best birth control I've ever been on. My advice, give it a chance. Don't let the negative reviews scare you away!"

10 / 10
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678 Report
  • Anonymous
  • June 25, 2010

For Birth Control "I'm posting after reading all the negative side effects of Implanon. I had Implanon inserted over a month ago and have not had any terrible side effects. I had light spotting the second week. I noticed food cravings but it is nothing unbearable. Before starting Implanon, I had begun weight watchers and an exercise routine. I've been sticking with it and have continued to lose weight while on Implanon. The insertion process was not a big deal either, the lidocaine pinched, but after that, the only feeling was pressure during insertion. Slight bruising and tenderness after, but only for a few days. I hope this post reaches out to someone because I almost backed out last minute due to all of the negative posts on this product."

9 / 10
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403 Report
  • just...
  • August 4, 2009

For Birth Control "I honestly LOVE Implanon! I am a worrywart and not worrying with the monthly pregnancy scare has been fabulous. I have mood swings (but I've always been hormonal). I almost chickened out after reading online reviews, but I'm glad I didn't. No weight gain. No acne. Slight bleeding. Highly recommended by me."

10 / 10
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289 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Anonymous
  • January 4, 2010

For Birth Control "I have one child and I always knew that I didn't want to have children so close together for the sake of my sanity! I'm not good with remembering pills so after a few scares I decided to give Implanon a try. Insertion was a breeze! My arm was sore for about a week afterwards, and then my arm usage was all back to normal. I haven't had ANY bleeding, discharges, weight gain, loss of sex drive, headaches, etc. In fact, I had a decreased appetite, increased sex drive, and a wonderful sex life knowing that babies won't evolve. I would recommend this product to anyone, BUT I always say that everything is not the same for everyone."

10 / 10
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258 Report
  • tired...
  • September 27, 2010

For Birth Control "I have had the Implanon since June 8th, 2010. It was great at first, but after 4 weeks, I started bleeding and have been for nearly 3 months. It was light, and now it's bright red, and at times like a period with clotting. But it hasn't killed my sex drive or caused me to gain any weight. Just has caused constant bleeding. Has anyone else experienced this?"

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233 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Happy...
  • November 29, 2010

For Birth Control "I have read reviews below and noticed most people find those with low rating helpful. We should all remember that this is a birth control method and goes against nature. There will definitely be side effects, and there is nothing that works the same for everyone. We all have different experiences and would like to write some more about the good things. I had mine inserted in March this year and cannot be happier. I have used the pill and the IUD before. While on the pill, I got pregnant. I decided to use the IUD afterward. Took it out because I would bleed heavily for 2 weeks every month. With Implanon, I have not had my periods, no weight gain. Got some cramping and low libido, but I can live with it. Oh, and I am not pregnant. Give it a try."

10 / 10
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206 Report
  • Erins...
  • March 21, 2010

For Birth Control "I LOVE my Implanon. Insertion was quick and pain-free. The bruising only lasted a week or two. I had one week of very, very light spotting, and a few headaches. Tylenol fixed the headaches. I haven't had that problem in a month or so. I breastfeed and did not notice any change in my supply. No weight gain or appetite side effects, either. In fact, I am starting to lose my baby weight now. I would definitely get this birth control again!!! I will have it removed and replaced with another Implanon when this one runs out. Remember, almost all of the reviews are negative because the only people that want to write about it are the ones who don't like it. There's lots of people who love it, too."

10 / 10
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191 Report
  • starz...
  • April 27, 2009

For Birth Control "December 1 2008, I had the Implanon inserted and have had problems since. I have mood swings like crazy. I am now taking depression and anxiety pill because they think it was postpartum depression. It's not though. I have been snapping at my 7 month old son and husband. I was admitted to green leaf since they thought I was a danger to my family. Turned out that the Implanon is causing this. I cry all the time for no reasons and I am now taking depression and anxiety pills. I bleed all the time. The Implanon has been hurting since I had it done, I have gained 25lbs because of this as well. I am taking it out this week for the sake of me and my family."

1 / 10
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181 Report
  • Lo123...
  • September 5, 2014

For Birth Control "Love this birth control. Please don't read all the negativity - every medicine has POSSIBLE side effects, and the people who deal with those are more common to blog about it than the ones who have no issues with it. I've had it for 2.5 years, and I've never had any issues and side effects. Some of my friends have also gotten it and love it just as much as I do!"

10 / 10
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110 Report
  • shabo...
  • November 4, 2009

For Birth Control "I got mine put in in January of '08. I got pretty heavy periods for about 6 months after. I haven't used a tampon since, mini pads work just fine. I get it roughly every 8 weeks. Sometimes if it goes too long, I have taken a pregnancy test to make sure - all negative. I really don't like people making negative comments when they had it in less than a week. It's not instantaneous, you have to give your body time to adjust. The Implanon itself doesn't hurt, it hasn't pained me since the first few days. I have had NONE of these symptoms, any weight gain was from unhealthy eating habits. I do not bleed constantly, not stressed, crazy, or depressed."

9 / 10
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119 Report
  • Heart
  • November 16, 2010

For Birth Control "So I got my Implanon inserted about a month ago. When I went to get it, I was expecting the worst. I imagined getting every side effect imaginable, but it's been four weeks and nothing! I was due for my period, but that has yet to start. My sex drive has gone wild, and now my boyfriend can't even keep up. I have no pains, bleeding, or headaches. No acne and not even a scar from it. I actually enjoy poking it in my arm when I'm thinking. My moods have stabilized, and I no longer get random menstrual cramps throughout the month. Personally, I LOVE IT. Even though I'm only a month in, I already plan on getting another 3 years from now."

10 / 10
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100 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 5, 2015

For Birth Control "I thought this birth control would be the perfect fit for me since I always forgot to take the pill. I had it inserted in October 2014. Since then, I have already gained 20 pounds. Nothing about my life or the way I eat has changed, so I knew it was the Implanon. When it was first put in my arm, it was bruised for a week and very sensitive to touch. I have had very clear skin before using this and my face has begun to break out. I'm only 20, so I'm very insecure to go to the beach this summer with my face and body looking like this. Also, my sex drive has gone down tremendously, which is hurting my relationship. The only plus side is not having a period at all. I would spot here and there in the beginning, but it went away and I do not spot anymore."

9 / 10
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74 Report
  • Miche...
  • December 29, 2014

For Birth Control "I have been on Implanon for a year now. There are some goods and bads to using it. The good things are you don't bleed every month, and you don't have to worry about getting pregnant. The bads are you have less sex desire, feel stressed, increased appetite, and my biggest problem is weight gain. I have gained 20 lbs so far."

6 / 10
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74 Report
  • Avaug...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 24, 2013

For Birth Control "I am new to the Implanon. I just had it inserted a few days ago. So far, so good. I've had mood swings, but that's because I am a woman. What really concerned me was the reviews. These ladies are telling horrible stories about their experience with the Implanon. What they don't seem to understand is that every birth control affects every woman differently. I wanted to make this post to let the ladies who aren't sure about the Implanon because of some other stuff they've seen online not to let that make your decision for you. The best thing you can do is talk to your doctor, not go off of someone else's review."

10 / 10
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84 Report
  • Eva
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 15, 2019

For Birth Control "Beware and do extensive research on Implanon before you get it. If you’ve found this forum, I’m proud of you. Doctors and first initial 'Implanon' Google searches do not yield all side effects. After I had the Implanon inserted, I had intense mood swings of immense sadness and unnecessary anger towards loved ones. After 3 months, the mood swings settled down to constant depression and anxiety. It took me 8 months to connect the dots of side effects to Implanon: the 10 kg weight gain, the mental illness, the COMPLETE AND UTTER LOSS OF LIBIDO, and loss of any natural lubrication ('getting wet') on the odd chance that I did want to have sex with my fiancé. This was huge for me and caused a lot of insecurity because my body simply wouldn’t respond to sexual advances, even things that usually always turn me on. I feel numb most days. Last week I went to my GP to get it removed, she said no. She wouldn’t remove it because I’m a 20-year-old. I’m going back in today to demand it be removed."

2 / 10
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42 Report
  • Clabo...
  • July 22, 2009

For Birth Control "I had Implanon inserted in December 08. I have only great things to say about it! About a month after it was inserted, I had slight breakthrough bleeding for about seven days. Other than that, I haven't had any bleeding and have felt fine. No mood swings (that I am aware of). I feel great and it works great!"

1 / 10
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98 Report
  • Lilly
  • November 26, 2019

For Birth Control "I have had 2 implants, the first one was fine. I would get my period maybe 3 times a year and very light, so once I removed it, I got a new one. It has been a little more than 2 years. I have gained 5 kg, I exercise a lot, started doing 16 hours fasting, and stopped eating meat. Even after all this, I haven’t lost any weight. But then comes the worst part. Since I got the new one, I have my period all the time, sometimes for 3 to 4 weeks straight. For the past 5 months, my boyfriend and friends have been warning me about my mood swings. For the past 4 months, I feel horrible anxiety, something I never had before. Now, after my long period, I have sad thoughts coming into my mind out of nowhere. I cry over nothing, and I just don’t understand where this sadness is coming from. Once I started researching about it, I read so many comments of similar situations and decided I’m getting it removed next week. I do not recommend this, the depression that puts you in and no one tells you about it!"

1 / 10
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41 Report
  • kathe...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • December 22, 2014

For Birth Control "I love the Implanon, 100% effective. I get no periods. The only downside is that in the 2 years I've been using it, I gained at least 45 pounds, which sucks because I tried everything to lose the weight, but nothing seems to work for me. I have my appointment for removal on the 31st of December."

10 / 10
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66 Report
  • Kdubz
  • October 27, 2009

For Birth Control "It's been almost a year since I got it, and I haven't gone a full week without bleeding. I have gained 15 lbs in 7 months, very depressed, moody, bad cramps, headaches, muscle aches, weakness, digestive problems. The list goes on. I thought it was all in my head, so I'm glad I found these reviews because I am now going to get it removed!"

1 / 10
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83 Report
  • Bean-...
  • February 22, 2009

For Birth Control "I have had the Implanon implant for about a month now, and not long after I got it, I have read reviews that really scared me because a lot of people had bad side effects such as non-stop bleeding and mood swings, etc. About 2 weeks after I got the implant, I had a period for about 4 days, and then I was spotting for a week after that, and then it stopped, and so far I haven't had anything. I love the fact that I don't have to take a pill every day, and when I was on the pill, I forgot to take it a lot. Luckily, I didn't get pregnant. I love this thing and recommend it to anyone who asks. Hopefully, everything stays the way it is, but so far so good. The insertion was painless, so if you want good birth control, Implanon is the way to go."

9 / 10
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86 Report
  • Anonymous
  • June 19, 2010

For Birth Control "I highly recommend trying Implanon. I'm really shocked to read all of the bad side effects. If I would have read these reviews before getting Implanon, I would not have chosen this birth control method. I'm so glad I did though! I have had no negative side effects with Implanon. I've had it since Feb '09 and I love it. I still get a period but it's random and the bleeding varies. At first my period got lighter but recently it got heavier and lasted for about 5-7 days. I'm not good at keeping track of my periods though. I must add that this is a very convenient (for us forgetful women) and A VERY EFFECTIVE form of birth control. I have a lot of sex with my boyfriend and we use no other form of protection and I have never gotten pregnant."

10 / 10
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78 Report
  • bubbl...
  • February 10, 2015

For Birth Control "I have been on this for about 2 years, I barely get any periods, mostly just spotting. No weight gain, you don't have to think about it but every other three years, and it just goes in your arm. I think it's the best birth control out there for now. I think it is perfect for me, but everyone's body will react differently."

10 / 10
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55 Report
  • xoDJ
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 27, 2014

For Birth Control "Got it in the beginning of the year. Everything was good for about a month. Then I started bleeding constantly. Haven't had a break from bleeding for about 2 months now. Spent almost as much money for pads/tampons as I did for the out-of-pocket money for the implant. Hot and cold flashes are terrible. Still have period cramps. Only thing it's done good for is preventing pregnancy, and it hasn't made me gain weight. Definitely getting it taken out, though, just so the bleeding will stop and everything will go back to normal."

3 / 10
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57 Report
  • Anonymous
  • April 6, 2008

For Birth Control "I just got my Implanon implanted on Friday, after being on the Depo shot for 3 years. Very simple. The anxiety is the worst part. It took about 15 minutes to actually prep/insert. I consider myself moderately tolerant to pain and needles - the numbing part hurt a bit, but I couldn't feel him doing the implant at all, and the doctor made the comment, 'You have tough skin.' I have just a small bruise and a tiny hole - no stitches, just a bandaid and cover the same as when you donate blood."

10 / 10
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77 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 8, 2015

For Birth Control "I have had the Implanon for about 5 months now, and it's great! I only spot for about a day or two each month, and that's it. I have actually lost weight since then as well. Nothing has really changed with me since I got it. No mood swings or acne."

10 / 10
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50 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.