Do to the weather being so dry my nose is unhappy. It has been really dry, and in the morning tends to be stuffy. I have tried using saline spray at night, and a humidifier. It has helped a little to where I can breath in the morning and not all stuffed up. Now from blowing my nose it has gotten a little raw on the inside right at the beginning of my nose along the septum. Im just wondering if there is anything I can put on it to help keep it most and heal.
Can you put anti-biotic ointment in your nose? If not what can I use?
Question posted by boxer1101 on 16 Feb 2015
Last updated on 20 December 2016
You don't need antibiotics for it, that's for sure. I'd try what the other poster suggested.
I'm going to try it. I didn't ask if I need antibiotics. I asked if I could use anti biotic ointment aka neosporin inside my nose to keep it moist.
Actually you did ask about antibiotics smart a**. Look at your question! "Can you put anti-biotic ointment in your nose? If not what can I use?"
You can use HPA LANOLIN, in your nose for dryness, the ENT Doctor put me on it 4 years ago, as many times a day as you feel you need it, after my last nose surgery I still use it, Its for the breast and all natural, it all so helps with the raw on the inside of your nose. you can find it where the baby things are sold.
Thanks a ton. I'll try it. Anything that will help. Weather so dry and my nose is hating it. Thanks again for the advice.
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