Taking linzess at night: what time and how long before it works?
Question posted by jj505 on 18 May 2014
Last updated on 3 November 2023 by Jimmysdrugs23
I take it in the morning but can't really go anywhere before 9am when I take it at 6-7a, I just wondered what happens if you take it at night, does it keep you up all night?
Love the drug, you all are right it is so much better than constipation but sometimes it overworks but if I skip it, I am right back in the same boat. thanks!
Yes, it’s been my experience with its 290 dose, before dinner-gives me the desired outcomes. As early morning evaluations were unpredictable and created anxiety for me, e.g., will this process hinder my morning routines, will my process be slowed for some reason and I am delayed, etc. Taking prior my evening meal gives me more control.
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8 Sep 2023
I have been on Linzess for three months now, started withe 290and 145 mcg dosage. I have really chronic bowel issues but these are really harsh I find and can run you forever to the bathroom. I am on the 72mcg now and it really works but only if I take in early afternoon for relief by 8-9pm, which is okay by me. I didn’t get any relief with the before breakfast routine. I have decided to take it this way and I’m a happy camper.
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8 June 2023
I've been taking Linzess 72 for about 2 months. I had my gallbladder removed last September and it gave me severe constipation. The Doctor gave me the Linzess 144 mcg and it gave me diarrhea all the time. He switched me to the Linzess 72 and it worked better for me. I find that if I eat too much the 72 does not work as well and then I have to take the 144. I usually take the 72 at 6-7 AM and then after 30 minutes I eat something. After a hour or so I have a BM sometimes loose with diarrhea. I eat less at dinner and try to eat smaller portions for better results.
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Vicki 090364
17 June 2021
Can linzess be taken at bedtime
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25 May 2021
I just started the 145 mg. I don't usually eat a morning meal. I drink a meal shake and it doesn't seem to work very much. I've read your first meal should have fat in it to work. The main meal I eat with fat in it is supper. I've not experienced any of the diaherra from it. Should I try taking 30 minutes before I eat supper? Any advice welcome.
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20 Nov 2019
I just started taking this again, my second try at it. First, I took the 290, that caused me to go from one extreme to the other! But, now I’m going to try the middle dose. Thanks for the comments. I think I will start taking when I wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. Hopefully, it’ll be more effective, somewhat of an empty stomach and maybe it’ll work before I leave for work.
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19 Oct 2019
I have been on Linzess 290mg for over a month. Its starts 2 hours once you take it. I tried in the morning at 8am then I started taking it at 8pm 2 hours later I'm in the bathroom it can last up to 3 to 4 hrs. Believe me its midnight I'm still running to the bathroom I might take it as needed from now on. Cause I can not handle it. I hope that will help you out. There is never a good time to take it.
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24 July 2019
Warning: LOL if u take sleep meds and you take it at night prepare yourself and buy yourself some adult diapers
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2 Nov 2018
Can some one please explain to me how to take this at night... like do you not eat for a few hours before taking it? Thanks in advance!!
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1 March 2019
Hi Krysrey101! I think a person has to “experiment” with the time he/she takes Linzesz. I tried taking it in the morning with my first meal as my doctor directed. This didn’t work. Since many laxatives are taken at night, I decided to take Linzess at night. (I know it is not a laxative). This is how it worked for me. I do. It take this medicine unless I am really constipated terribly. It works all right. I take 145 mg. and have considered taking two of them. (I have take an opioid for years and have chronic constipation). I would say to take your prescribed dose at a different time if it is not working for you at the time you are taking it. That is what worked for me.
26 Oct 2018
I just began linzess and was on the lowest dose- 75mg. No BM for 3 days, upped it to the 145mg (as per drs instructions) and finally had BM within 3 hrs of taking it at 9pm. However after the BM, I have violent diarrhea and then repeated small bouts all night and this morning. Have any of you had this happen? Now my tummy is gurgling and I’m not comfortable. Ugh.
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3 Nov 2018
I take it first thing in the morning & it usually makes me go after an hour. And yes it’s violent diarrhea followed my small bouts for hours. I can’t take it every day because of this. I originally started on 290mg but I now take 145 mg.
24 Aug 2018
I am new to taking a prescription for comstipafion. My doctor prescribed one 145 mg Linzess capsule daily. She told me to take it with my first meal of the day. (I see that this is not usually the prescribing directions). It has worked all right but I do not take it everyday. I am going to start taking it at night on the weekends to see if it works better taking it this way. I really appreciate are your replies. This is a sensitive subject for me, but I appreciate the site and being able “talk” to people who take Linzess and HOW they take it.
Votes: +1
21 May 2018
I take linzess right before I go to sleep any time from 10 pm and up.. I tried it right before I eat and it would cramp me and not work very well gurgling of water in my stomach. Now that I have switched to before bed time with a glass of water as soon as I wake up I have a bowel movement . I feel more regulated this way. I have also lost weight since I have taken it at night time.
Votes: +2
3 Nov 2018
Do you take it on some what of an empty stomach? I would much rather take this at night but I thought that you had to take it on an empty stomach.
15 July 2014
I actually take Linzess between 2:00 am & 3:00 am daily. I get up at 5:00 am and by 5:30 am I am usually in the bathroom. While I am glad to be able to have a bm, it usually is violent diarrhea and I cannot always be guaranteed that by 7:30 am when I am due at work that it will have run its course. The diarrhea was something I was willing to endure after months of pain and an inability to have any bm whatsoever, which also meant no appetite. Unfortunately, Linzess has stopped working for me & I now have samples of Amitiza to try for a month.
Votes: +1
15 July 2014
Thanks for your response, I guess we all have the same dilemma. I agree the problems that come with constipation out weigh the diarrhea but you are right it is hard to be anywhere early. I am sorry it isn't working for you anymore. I used amitiza years ago but had to pair it with Miralax and it too was violent diarrhea. I used miralax for a while by itself and that is the most natural but it got to where it gave me reflux when I would lay down and eventually just didn't work for me.Good luck and thanks for sharing.
29 July 2015
I have been using Costco Kirkland brand of psyllium husk capsules and love them. No pain, no fear of diarrhea. 3 caplets in the a.m. and 3 at bedtime. Your BM is healthy and normal when you get up in the morning. I use it 2x a day and it's wonderful!
29 Nov 2015
I was having violent diarrhea also. The dr. Put me on a stranger dose. That took care of the awful symptoms. I know it sounds crazy but ask your dr about it.
12 May 2017
I just got out on linzess and been really dizzy lately, was wondering does anybody else have that problem.