What could be the causes of yellow vaginal discharge ?
Question posted by Stunnah on 20 May 2013
Last updated on 22 May 2013
I have had yellow discharge for a while now , over a month + . It's thin , and is sometimes yellow and sometimes yellow brown . I get cramps randomly so I don't know if they're associated with that . Those are the only symptoms I have been having . I can rule out Chlamydia , Ghonerria (sp?) , HIV/Aids and syphillis .
Im thinking its Bacterial vaginosis or Trich , which do you think its more likely ? (it also could be herpes but i hope not and have never had a breakout (although I know you can still have herpes and not have a breakout) . But does it seem more like BV or Trich from anyone else's experience ?
Normal vaginal discharge is clear, may be thick or thin, and is usually odorless. The amount produced and the consistency may change at different times during a woman's monthly menstrual cycle.
Yellow discharge may or may not indicate an infection. If the discharge is a pale yellow, odorless, and not accompanied by other symptoms, it may not be a cause for concern.
In other instances, yellow discharge can be a sign of a sexually transmitted infection (STI) or a bacterial infection.
Thank you .. Although I asked on here to see what others might say who might have experienced it because at the moment I can't go see a doctor or gyno - so in the mean time while im waiting to see one , I wanted to see if others have experienced what I was experiencing and what theirs turned out to be .
But obviously seeing a professional is the best thing to do , but I already went to a doctor who couldn't do a test for Trich or BV because I still had blood left over from my period , so I am waiting now to get another appointment .
Votes: +0
21 May 2013
Yellow discharge can be a number of different infections. It is most likely BV but it is possible to be trich. Trich usually has yellow green discharge, foul odor, pain during sex and generalized lower abdominal pain along with itching and burning and it may burn to urinate. BV tend to just have discharge and odor, 85% of women have no symptoms at all. It is very important for the Dr to evaluate what is going on so I hope you can get in soon! In the meantime, it is probably best to avoid sexual intercourse until you know what you are dealing with. You may transfer the bacteria to a male partner. If you were having sex without condoms, your partners should be treated as well.
22 May 2013
Dzoobaby , thank you ! And thank you everyone else . Quick update: Now I haven't had sex in 8 months .. so as far as pain during sex I'd have no idea . my results came back negative for Chlamydia after i took azithromycin for it , so im hoping its not a false negative and it really is cured . I was also negative for ghonerrea , syphillis , and hiv/aids .
I got tested today for BV and Trich . Apparently im negative for both of those things ! Now , i have a question about discharge and BV/Trich .
Now , my question is , Does anyone know how a trich/BV test is done ? For instance ,if you have BV or Trich is the infection in ALL of your discharge , or is it only in some of your discharge , so when they take a swab of your discharge is it possible they can get discahrge that doesn't have the infection or they can get a swab that does have the infection ? Or is it if you have BV or Trich , all of your discharge will show the infection , so no matter how big or small the swab BV or Trich will show up ?
I feel like , if the yellow discharge is from an infection , maybe they didn't have enough of my discharge to see the infection under the microscope or maybe they got some discharge that didn't have the infection in it . Thats why i want to know if BV and Trich is in all of your discharge and not just some of your discharge .
So if the tests ring true , I am negative for all STDs , Trich included and I am also negative for BV . The only thing I can't test for is herpes , and have never had a breakout so far (if i have herpes which i hope i dont!).
So with all of those being negative why would I have yellow discharge ? And i am waiting until tomorrow to see if the yellow discharge continues .
I will be getting a pap smear soon , will they be able to tell me why I am having yellow discharge ?
Thank you !
21 May 2013
I agree. You need to see a gynecologist for a diagnosis. She/He can take a sample and look under a microscope to see what it is or send a sample to the lab for confirmation. Dont mess around trying to treat it on your own. You dont want to end up with PID.
Votes: +0
20 May 2013
What it sounds like to me is time to stop guessing and see a dr. Whatever it is it needs to be treated.