I am wanting to get off of fentanyl, and need some answers for a replacement. I don't want oxycontin since everyone is having so much trouble with it. Any answers would be very much Appreciated. By the way, I am taking 50 mcg. every 48 hrs.
What would be a good alternative to replace Fentanyl?
Question posted by how long on 5 Dec 2010
Last updated on 5 December 2010
Hi there how long!! Where have you been? I've missed you. I'm sorry to hear you're having problems with the patch controlling your pain. Have you discussed MS Contin, Opana ER, they even make an oxycodone ER that is different from Oxycontin? There's also shorter acting meds like dilaudid. If I come across other meds that might help, I'll re-post today. I hope you find relief soon. I know how much pain you are in and wish I could help you more. Be strong.
your friend,
christineATU, How are you? Hope everything is going well for ya!
The Fentanyl is controlling my pain at times but the stuff just scares me to death. I am taking robert's advice. I have had a time with the patches with one of the boxes not having anything in them and the other did. As I was going through the first box (sandoz) it done nothing, zilch, notta a thing for me and I went through withdraws (never again), but anyway, by the time I got to the second box, I put one of the patches on and about 8 hrs. later I was taking it off. It suppressed my breathing and I was having a hard time trying to catch a breath. So I knew then that I was about to overdose had I left it on, and I knew then that the first box of (sandoz) had nothing in them or I would not have had an episode like that.
So I told the Pharmacists about it and we talked about getting the (watson) brand, which has the (gel resovoir.) so I could see it. But I am not going through those withdraws again. I can't or don't want to even imagine anything over the 50 mcg. patch. I hope you people that are taking this stuff is very careful and that you never have to go through what I went through and that's just at 50 mcg.
christineATU, I need a generic form of a drug as I don't want to meet the doughnut hole.
I was thinking either Hydromorphone or Methadone. Also, something for breakthrough if possible, but not percocet. Too Expensive!
My surgeon knows I don't have insurance for filling prescriptions. So the meds he put me on are fairly inexpensive. The generic percocet (oxycodone 10/325) is only $70 for 120. The MS Contin is $96 for the 100mg 4 times daily. Be sure and ask for the in store discount too. Walgreens has a pretty good program. But the patches are very expensive! I'm sorry you had problems with them. But usually it was the gel pouch people had the problems with. But if you really want to change, and your doc knows you well, I would talk to him about the methadone. It's not very expensive and people rarely grow tolerant to it once you find the right comfort level. Obviously you have pain that is NOT expected to improve with time. In that case, maybe methadone is a good option. But as with the patch, you have to be very careful with it. The respiratory depression aspects are serious and last long after the med wears off. Let me know how it works out for you. I wish you the best my friend!
There are alot of alternatives to this patch. You should probably consult with your Dr. because we do not know what you are suffering from and that is pretty important to determining what med you shuld take. There are many choices but they are all dependent on the situation of your pain. Good Luck
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oxycontin, pain, fentanyl, breakthrough pain
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