i have recently started seeing a new pain management docotor, on my first visit, i informed him that my previous doctor had me on opana 40mg 2 times a day and oxycodone 30mg 4 times a day. He began my treatment with percocet 10mg 4 times a day. (which was ridiculous because that dosage of medication compared to my previous dosage would NOT do anything for my pain. So throughout that month, i ran out of the percocet and took whatever leftover 30mg oxycodones i had left. On my next visit, i was given a urine test and told that i had failed because it tested positive for an opioid (morphine) according to him. I told him that the percocet was not strong enough and that i had to use my remaining oxycodone. He said to me that i still should not have tested positive for morphine. he gave me a new script for the past month for 15mg oxycodone 4 times a day (which still is not enough to keep my pain in check) My question is what should show up on my next urine test and what exactly do they test for?
What do pain management physicians test for?
Question posted by Wuteva34 on 25 April 2011
Last updated on 29 June 2015 by alex102298
This question has also been asked and answered here: What does a pain management doctor do?
it may have been from the opana from the previous month if you tool one or two right before seeing the new doctor!!
they test for pretty much everything from street drugs, to opiates, narcotics. so if they find anything in your system they didn't prescribe you your in trouble. did you sign a pain contract with them, if so one of the conditions is you cannot go to another doctor and get medication and if you do you have to notify your pain mgmt doc right away. and as for what will show up in your system is whatever you have taken. pain doc's are really strict, they get sued a lot so they cover their ass every way they can and sometimes that can inhibit your treatment i know it sucks, it's those few bad apples that make it hard for us good apples.
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thank you for your response! Another problem that im confused about is the fact that last time i went there, i was only taking 15mg oxycodone and after taking my urine test, he told me that i tested positive for "another opioid" (morphine) and asked me if i was taking other meds. I wasnt taking any other meds, just higher doses of HIS prescribed medication of oxycodone. i dont understand why that happened. If you take higher doses of one prescribed medication, will it effect a urine test results???
i think oxy is in the morphine family so that is why i might have shown up, i'm not positive but i had the same thing happen to me i was tested and it came back for fentnayl which i had never used, so i don't know how reliable those tests can be.
so if I may ask, what do you consider a bad apple? And what are these doctors getting sued for?
I would suggest that you go to the OxyContin slow release and ask for Hydrocondone for breakthrough pain. I had problems when I had so many oxycodones for the month that I would take more than 4 a day on bad days and then had to hope the last week I was ok. Sometimes I went without the last 2-4 days without and it was very hard due to both pain and I am sure dependency. Since I moved over to the slow release I am doing much better, handling a pill at 7 in the morning and 7 at night everyday takes care of the dependency issue and I find that I am taking less hydros.
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I have a question will fexerill show up in u.a.
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opana, pain, oxycodone, doctor
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