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What can you do if your medication is stolen and it is a controlled substance?

6 Answers

Adrienneestep 10 May 2018

My mess got stolen with my purse where I was staying at last night and I am homeless.

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Whitetalia-36 20 June 2018

I was robbed, they took my pocketbook with my license bankcards money and all my medicine the doctor will not write me a news prescription for a override. This never happened to me who do I talk too.

jamieboy54 30 Jan 2018

I had my purse stolen over the weekend with my pain meds were in it. I was out of town and had just had it filled before I left. I have a police report do you think the doctor will write another?

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uniquemami 21 Dec 2017

Mine were prescribed early for a surgery I'm having in a few days and the whole bottle was stolen. Filing a police report is a great idea, but I'm pretty sure mine were taken by someone I'm close to/that I know well. I don't want to report them, but my doctor is going to expect a report (more than likely) to prescribe me new ones for the surgery.

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Labroken 9 Aug 2017

I have placed a lock on my bedroom door. . placed my pain meds in a sentry fireproof safe... and even logged every pill i take... and every week. 5 to 12 are missing. Making me not be able to make it to the next month. I dont know what more to do.

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Bcuzicare 31 Dec 2017

Count your pills when you get them. Pharmacy workers are people too. There could be an error on the count. That could explain it. I’ve had to do this before.

Labroken 1 Jan 2018

I do, video tape once I get home, open the package and the count is correct. I also bought a security camera for my locked bedroom. Found ex-husband stole 80 pills! Scum bag, dont know how but he had a key to my room, some people are just pure SH!&*

kbeckner1965 24 Jan 2018

I am tired of being short. I will put them in a baggy and stuff them in my underwear. let's see who will find them.!

kbeckner1965 24 Jan 2018

I am tired of being short. I will put them in a baggy and stuff them in my underwear. let's see who will find them.!

DzooBaby 24 Jan 2012

First of all, you should file a police report. Once you file a police report then let your Dr know what happened. He may or may not authorize an early fill. As the poster above says, it depends on your Dr, and what your habits have been. Filing a police report helps to back your claim that, yes indeed, your meds were stolen. I know my Drs will NOT even think about replacing meds without a police report.

Votes: +1
DzooBaby 24 Jan 2012

You may also want to consider getting a lock box for your future meds so that this doesnt happen again.

Inactive 24 Jan 2012

And if you know who did it, keep them away from your home! Mary

lorimarlin1 26 Jan 2012

Yippers same here keep them from your home you will find you have a whole new group of friends while taking opiates, weird how this happens, and keeping them in a lock box is not smart then they are in one place that all walks you'd be surprised how fast ones hooked can jack your stuff no matter what size. Bolt that sucker to the floor and make sure you get the one that bolts from the inside hide the key, I just learned from a tv program that the fail proof safe Brinks, you can drop it on the corner it pops right open. mine is bolted to the floor. They find everything. Or maybe is just my bouts with my people that come to visit. I can't tell you how many go thru bath room stuff. Its proven to be a common practice. I just have no company anymore. Why is it we the ones in pain have to be so careful, man is more work then it is easing the pain. good luck on this. as for doctor,, they rarely belive much and a report may help. From here on tell everyone you know that your not on an opiate. Then you will be safe. good luck...

bRadical 29 Jan 2017

This is 4 years later, so I hope you are still alive .
I'm surviving Brain Cancer & just got my refill, 4 days later the refill vanishes . I don't know if I misplaced them or if they were STOLEN . I will ask my Dr to replace them but I don't wan't to file a police report because I may have misplaced them . . .
I live the the state of confusion & wouldn't wish this misery on anybody, hell no ! ! !

Bettyjo1969 8 April 2017

As the victim of a possible crime or just simple misplacement of your rx. Pharmacys don't care. Without a police report they will do zip. I just went thru this myself today. Our police don't care about your welfare. Or if you die. Must do what they do best. Intimidate. If you live in liberty county Georgia. Be prepared to be treated like a druggie. A criminal. No sympathy . No understanding.

staleyjackie 15 May 2017

A neighbor somehow obtained a key to my.home and stole a full bottle of Dilaudid 4 mg. I had just gotten them filled that day. He also stole 2 car tags, got into my car and pulled the glove compartment from the dash.

staleyjackie 15 May 2017

I understand. What happened to interrogation??? No they only ask, Did you take her medicine? the criminal says, Of course not. And that was it!

Labroken 30 Jan 2018

our sheriff office pass the buck! My identity was stolen - and the culprit lived in Pennsylvania, they expect me to go to Pittsburgh to file an identity theft report. I am a disabled woman, btw I do have a lock box, two in fact - he picks the locks...

Inactive 24 Jan 2012

angela27. welcome to the site, first, i wanna say that what im about to say is the truth of how we on narcotic medication is on. the whole situation woould be on how often do you get the refills for your medications, what it is, and how much you take a day. also has there been problems with your medication running out early due to you taking more then priscribed? im just trying to throw out some suggestions to you, only becaue there aree a hu number patients who are on pain managemetn, even having to refill early at times. it also all depends on your relationship with your dr, the lenghth of time on it, and also has this happened before? i only am asking ths because many patients, who abuse these pain mediation and will give any story for an early refill. again im not saying this is what your doing, just saying what it can be looked at. hang in there

Votes: +2
Labroken 30 Jan 2018

no, I never take extras. EVER. I do my meds on a weekly basis and keep all bottles locked up. this happened about 5 years ago, and since i have installed security cameras and have caught my ex-husband entering my LOCKED room, and stealing - sometimes quantities of 80+ leaving me screwed for the month.

Louisecandy6142 25 April 2018

I need a good doctor anybody know of one free discount card

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