I am on 80 mg I don't like it
How do I wean myself off of straterra?
Question posted by berghild on 13 Feb 2013
Last updated on 4 April 2019 by Vanillavirtue
6 Answers
You don’t have to wean off Strattera. I take it every other day and that way you won’t build a tolerance to it. I’ve done all ADHD drugs like that, taking them every other day. That’s one thing I like about Strattera you don’t have to wean off of it.
Look into the GAPS diet. "Gut And Psychology Syndrome".
I'm sure you've heard the phrase, "you are what you eat"
This diet focuses on totally replenishing your stomach. Most psychological disorders can be related to the condition of your gut. We aren't very nourished with all the GMOs and such. I tried the GAPS diet with AMAZING results. I stopped now that I'm a full time student with a meal plan of cafeteria food. So my symptoms came back. So now I'm on Strattera 80 mg and hate it too. I'm going back to GAPS!! Good luck
Are they sure that you have ADD/ADHD? Sometimes other problems may manifest like ADD/ADHD but if it is not ADD/ADHD, it will not respond to the medications. What kind of side effects are you having? What all have you tried?
I was tested first by a psych assistant, the doc/specialist did. I have had it all my life but didn't recognize it. I found out at 63 when symptoms seemed to be getting worse... that was 2 years ago. Tried ritalin, aderall, wellbutrin... first two hurt my jaw. The other part is that it is 100.00 on top of other meds. I am sure I have ADD, but Ican live with it I guess. I am tired of trying and the/expense. I am so tense and it really doesn't help much... some but not a lot. No other symptoms, not even loss of appetite (AND A/LITTLE OF THAT WOULD BE NICE)
Yes, some of the ADHD drugs are expensive. Do they think the meds were hurting your jaw perhaps because the stimulant was making you grind your teeth at night? If so, then a trip to the dentist for a gaurd may be all you need to stop that effect. Ritalin should be one of the least expensive options-it is older and has generics. I, too, have had ADD all my life. I realized it when my kids were being diagnosed. We are pretty sure that my father and his mother (my grandmother) were also ADD/ADHD. I was briefly treated with Adderall XR but I stopped taking it when my insurance started giving me trouble with covering it, plus I started being treated for chronic pain and I hated to be on so many controlled drugs. I did feel much better when I was taking the drug-I had better focus and I did lose some weight while I was on it but I decided to just go off the meds and some days I think I should try being treated again but I havent pursued it so far.
My kids were treated, one with Concerta, which is a long acting 12 hour form of methylphenidate (Ritalin is methylphenidate) and the other son was treated with Methylin ER which is an 8hour long acting form. I know for some people, there can be a lot of trial and error in finding the right medicine but it may not be worth it to you if it doesnt make you feel better-more focused and able to sustain tasks.
if there was another i could try that wasn't costing me $100.00/month, I might try it. the ritalin was causing the pain... it would come on later in the day... i was extremely tensed up. people could see it just looking at me. the jaw clenching wasn't happening. I have not heard from my doctor and she usually is pretty prompt about emails. I did not take a dose today but I will tomorrow. maybe i wil hear from her by then.
Hi Berghild,
You should ask your doctor how much you should cut down weekly until you are completely off. I know how you feel my son was on Strattera for Adhd and he told me he felt like punching someone in the face. He felt really angry and agitated. He wasn't on it more then 3 weeks. He tried Vyvanse that worked well but it took all his appetite away so he is now on Concerta. That works well for him. The Pediatrician gave him cyproheptadine for appetite. The two together work great for him. He eats normally now and can concentrate and behave without beeing hyper all the time. Hopefully you will try another med for your Add it would be uncomfortable for you to live with it without treatment.
Dear berghild,
What kind of discomfort have you had that you have made this big decision?
I know you're upset but try to tell us a little more... we will try to help.
4N Substances aka Frenchie
Hello berghild. Not certain how long you have being taking the Strattera. Your doctor should beable to best assist you in this area as well as a possible replacement for the drug. Regards pledge
I started at 40 mg for 2 months , then 80 mg for 2 months, 100mg for 10 days and couldn't stand that so back to 80mg. I have tried several drugs for ADD.and have decided that I qm just not going to treat it. Waiting. For reply from doc now.. Iam 3 hours away from doc . I feel like I am going crazy..not suicidal, but very upset... I want to get off of it. The ADD is awful but this is worse.
I understand. Lets see what your doctor has to offer.
Hello friend im 23 years old takeing 1 capsule in the morning. You have to go back on it till you can find something to replace it. I have done the same thing and have had the same effect as you. This is a herbal remedy its called Saint John's Wort 3 months a go have been haveing new side effects but trusting God would pull me thru this hard time and he did. A friend made me Saint John's wort and it balanced out everything. I dont know how to prepare the herb but look it up on a trusting herb site for instructions. Still takeing the 1 capsule but going to wean off of it and see if the Sant Johns wort will replace the drug. Im no doctor so i am not able to instruct how to wean off of it but takeing the Saint Johns wort did a conplete U turn for me.
Related topics
strattera, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (adhd)
Further information
- Strattera uses and safety info
- Strattera prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Strattera (detailed)
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