I'm just wondering the side effect called brain zaps what do I envision with that? I'm starting this medication tonight for the first time so I'm kind of wondering what I'm in for here. Thanks, Mieke
Viibryd - What are brain zaps?
Question posted by miekevson on 29 Aug 2012
Last updated on 24 October 2024 (6 weeks ago) by jaybird33
20 Answers
I know this question is wayyy old but looking through the first several responses I didn't notice an experience that totally matched up with mine, so I'm adding my two cents.
I've been on 300 mg of Wellbutrin for at least a year. Recently I've had to add an anti-depressant to the medication list, and have been on Viibryd for a little over a month after the debilitating dizziness from trying Pristiq wore off. The brain zaps started sometime last week iirc, a little after I went up in dose (from 10 mg to 20 mg). They were mild at first, but got stronger after I was late taking my dose Sunday night (side note: had the strongest & most frequent muscle spasms I've ever dealt with trying to sleep after that, but they went away after a couple days of taking my dose on time).
I told my psychiatrist about the brain zaps, calling them shocks (or something along those lines) because I didn't know what they were, and she said to keep taking it. Would have been nice to know that this is apparently a normal side effect but, you know, I do now I guess lol.
I don't get them when everyone else seems to, though. They seem to get more *common* at night, but not when I'm falling asleep. For example: I had two awful ones back to back at, like, 4:30 this afternoon. They've gotten more intense from when they started, to the point where I'll gasp and risk losing my balance if they happen while I'm standing up. I've gotten lightheaded from them before too (though it always passes after a heartbeat). I get the buzzing sound too, now that they're stronger, which is *very* distinct from my tinnitus so I know for sure it's the zaps. No sleep paralysis yet though, thankfully.
I don't have a point persay, just adding my experience to the data pool in case anyone else is searching for an answer to this 12 years later
I consider myself an “expert” at taking Viibryd as I have been on it for too many years to count (probably 7-8 years now). It was brand new when i started taking it. It is a very dangerous and potent medicine. It took about 9 months of horrible turmoil to get my drugs balanced right as Zoloft, Lexapro etc just didn’t work for many anymore. I was on a plan at first to get up to 40mg. Once on 40mg, I nearly died of seratonin poisoning as my doctor told me i should’ve called an ambulance at the time but I didnt know what was happening. I can only explain it as walking around in a constant dreamlike state. I would take a bath, get out, and a few minutes later think to myself “did I really just take that bath or did I dream it”. I was itchy, I couldnt stay awake and when I would fall asleep, it was so deep it felt like what I would imagine a coma to feel like. I would wake up sweating, but cold and not knowing where I was.
One minute I would be in a vegitative state and the next i was on full alert, easily angered and ready to pounce and cry and scream. It was horrible. My doctor immediately called me back and told me to split the pills in half... and after a short while we stuck to 20 mg and introduced 150mg of Wellbutrin and after a few years upped the Wellbutrin to 300mg. Its pretty perfect now. I feel like myself. Now on to the weird “zaps” and sleep paralysis that comes with this Viibryd. I can say that it will happen to you most assuredly. But the good news is that they will dwindle from happening a couple times a week to now it happens maybe twice a year. Completely fine because I love what the medicine does for me. I will tell you this too! Take your medicine like clockwork!!! I take mine between 8-10pm every night. Now... The zaps and the paralysis, when they happen will happen together on the same night and they would always happen to me when i was EXHAUSTED. Like if I hadn’t slept well in several days. It had nothing to do with missing my dose because I DONT MISS MY DOSE! Let me tell you why... This medicine is so powerful for me that the few times I had forgotten to take it and dozed off at night, it will wake me up within a few hours because thats how awful you will feel. You feel almost hungover... dizzy, itchy, and very sleepy and you almost dont want to move so sleepy. Getting back to the zaps... they would happen when i was wide awake but getting close to dozing off and it sounds like a large bumble bee buzzing by your ear really quick.. BUUZZZZZ! And the feeling in your head is like a hard vibration... all over your head and it happens real quick with the buzz sound. And I would say to my husband “oh no! Im gonna have the dreams tonight!” Meaning the sleep paralysis. Those at first were pretty horrifying. You are asleep but you arent because you know exactly what is hapoening around you real time (if the tv is playing its on the show thats actually playing and the people in the room are there)... you can see it through the slits in your eyes that are barely open. And you have this eerie feeling that something or someone is in the room with you that is sinister (I know it sounds made up) for me they were always hunched down next to me by my side of the bed. Sometimes I could hear it whispering incoherent things in my ear. And you cant move!!! You cant talk or scream. You cant reach for your spouse who you see lying right next to you. Sometimes it felt like it was crushing me and I couldnt breath! But I had learned through the years to relax and think “its not happening wake up wake up wake up” and I would wake up. The problem was when you wake up and them each time doze off right back where you were again. But something about it you are sooo exhausted you cant get up and walk it off. And when you do wake up you are terrified like there IS someone in the house. This rarely happens anymore. I try not to let myself get that exhausted. But for all the bad it sounds like the medicine is worth it to me.
I've been taking Viibryd for several years after trying probably five or six other SSRIs. Viibryd worked the best and pretty much knocked out the "dark cloud." The "brain zaps" only occur with me when I miss a dose, and they're not a pleasant sensation. You feel a shock to the brain; I don't know how else to describe it. the good thing is I just take half a tablet and they go away quickly. And I never get them when I don't miss my dose--which I take every morning, btw. I take 40mgs. Great drug; very few side effects. Definitely a more advanced SSRI, but a more recent one as well, so it stands to reason its improved on earlier models.
I have experienced brain zaps with every anti-depressant I have been on; Effexor, Wellbutrin, citalopram, and Viibryd. However, mine are different than what most people describe online. Mine do not occur when I'm falling asleep but rather when I'm seemingly in a deep sleep in the middle of the night. Also, I do get them even when I take my dosage exactly as described although they are more common if I miss a dose or take it later than my normal routine. Many people on the various forums are very persistent in claiming they only happen in withdrawal but I absolutely get them as a side effect. They are very alarming and the first time I had one, I thought it was the sensation of dying; like my brain was shutting down. Maybe because the first time the sound was similar to the very last sound a computer makes before it powers off. That zzzzttt sound.
(Not a reassuring feeling) Generally, I do not have a sound with it, if there is a sound it's just a small electric sound or sometimes a liquidy sound in the center of my head. They only last a few seconds but then I struggle to awaken sort of even though it startled me awake. It's hard to describe how that can be. I have had them on occasion from 2009-to present. I googled it extensively and never was able to find out what it was and doctors looked at me like I was insane. It has only been since I started Viibryd in 2017 that I finally saw a forum online that called them brain zaps and I realized that's what other people call them. The things I most often called it to try and google it were "the sensation of dying in your sleep", "the sensation of being electrocuted in your sleep" and "the sensation of your brain being fried". All pretty terrifying when you don't know why it happens. Thankfully, I generally only get them on occasion and not consistently so they don't keep me from sleep too much but every time I get one, it feels like I'm struggling to come back from something and I feel certain that if I lose the struggle, I'm dead. So generally, I'm then awake for a bit contemplating death and life and a complete existential crisis. Not very fun. Even now that I have something to call it and it seems fairly common, I think more research would be nice and particularly, it'd be nice if doctors actually knew about them as a side effect so patients didn't have to resort to google. Everything I've read claims they are harmless but since doctors barely know about them, I don't think they really know the long term affect they may have. I've never seen any report of anyone studying it or looking further into it. I do feel much better on antidepressants and Viibryd has been the most helpful yet so I keep taking it but it'd be great if there were a med that didn't cause brain zaps.
So I want to clear some things up. As for the brain zaps you all refer to, it's actually known as exploding head syndrome. Google it, there's actually a lot on the internet about it. Everything you're all describing sounds exactly like it. I didn't have it until I started taking viibryd. It scared me at first but I would eventually get used to it and now it's commonplace for me. What it technically is is parts of your brain that deal with sound shutting down much quicker than the other parts of your brain as you're tired, falling asleep, etc. This causes the zap like feeling you all describe. It's personally always random for me though, sometimes it literally sounds like an atomic bomb in my head and other times, like tonight, it sounded like jets swooshing over head. It can also accompany the nightmares. I've been taking viibryd for two years now and the worst it is is when I'm stressed or super exhausted.
As far as the nightmares it only happens for me whenever I've forgotten a dose, like tonight. I'm currently waiting for the dose I just took to kick in because I can't sleep until it does. No exaggerating, I must have fallen asleep 50 times in the last hour and every time a nightmare began extremely quickly and I would pull myself out of it. It's then I realized that I didn't take my viibryd as this has happened before and I can see the signs. So like I said, exploding head syndrome, google it.
I experienced the brain zaps once I reached my 40mg dosage. NOT FROM Withdrawal. The zaps were so strong my body would jerk in my sleep. I could feel them but was unable to respond to my daughter while she was asking if I was ok as she watched my body jerk next to her. I thought I was having a seizure. This happened twice, after that I stopped this medication.
I get the feeling if I didn't take it and only when I am getting tired and starting to fall asleep. Sometimes they come in waves of 3. The first time I got it, I figured out it was that I missed the dose that night at the beginning.( and it scared the hoohah out of me ) While it shouldn't be, it does set my alarm in my body that I missed the dose and I got take it and within 15 mins I can fall asleep. Its not ideal, but the results I have seen on the depression are worth more to me. I fear if I ever want to get off this stuff whats going to happen, but I can't worry about that for now. Ive only been on it for 45 days and haven't really seen my Doctor since it happened. two more weeks. I also have avoided going to these sites and reading the Internet for fear of too much info. Which is now happening!! lol. Thanks all. And hope you have a HAPPY day! lol.
What causes rapid feeling like explosion or a puff in my ears I have mild Tinnitus I am coming off sertraline tablets at present since October . I have been on these tablets for three years My head
also experiences this at times.It is like a quick air feeling comes twice rapid then goes away and
comes back at different times.what is the cause of this I have explained this as.best I can
I only have brain zaps if I forget to take Vibryyd. The first time it happened I was going to sleep and it sounded like a large bug was flying into my face. After I realized what was happening I can describe it like this : It is a loud sound in your ears that lasts just a millisecond. You're whole body will tense up for that millisecond and it is scary. Just take your medicine on time every day and you will be okay.
Omg, I've told two different doctors bout the "brain zaps". I was calling them " shocks" because that's what it felt like to me. I'm bi-polar and I'm on 80mg, which I feel is a little too high of a dose but I was a major downer bi -polar. The brain zaps started a couple months after I started taking it. It makes me nauseous if I take it without food so I take it at night after dinner. I've never missed a does and I've never changed my dose. One night laying in bed trying to go to sleep I felt a little funny and then ZAP! Lasted 1-2 seconds then went away. I had them several times each night I was laying down or watching TV right before getting into bed. I was scared out of my mind. I tried talking to my husband and he thought I was just over stressed and over tired. I knew this was something else. I love the medication. I feel amazing on it. Now I'm starting to get diarrhea and dry mouth that I cannot get rid of.
As much as I hate to... I might ask to be tapered down and put on something else. I'm excited that I found this forum and can show my doctors that I'm not crazy... but I'm more worried about what the brain zaps really are. I hope thus helps some people.
Does anyone know if these brain zaps cause damage? My "zaps" feel more like an area of my brain momentarily fall asleep. it feels numb. Also sometimes I feel like I have water in my ears when there is no possible way that is true. I feel unbalanced for a minute or so and pressure in my head. I am not sure if these are side effects or if I take a dose later than normal. I need to start documenting so I can know for sure. I am just freaked out by these things. Thanks in advance for comments or experiences!
Everyone needs to look at a diagram of how SSRI's work. Basically there are two two brain cells communicating with each other by one sending "feel good" chemicals such as serotonin and norepinephren to the other cell. Depression happens when enough of these chemicals don't make their way across the the bridge (synapse). SRRI's work by getting more serotonin across that bridge. Sometimes the electrically charged serotonin transmitters get stuck in that bridge and when enough of them build up... zap! You get overloaded with an electrically charged hit of serotonin. Large enough of a hit to feel in your brain and sometimes, in my case, all over your body. That's my dads theory. He's been a diagnostician for over 40 years and I thinks its as good of an explanation we're going to get. I'm sorry if I offend anyone with this. I'm just excited and wanted to share. Good luck everyone.
Thank you dasweetboo that's sound like a perfect explanation
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but for me, I had brain zaps while taking Paxil, and then later while taking Celexa. While they were worse upon the cessation of the aforementioned drugs, I had them while taking the drugs. Later in life I had to take a narcotic based pain medication and I experienced the zaps upon the cessation of those drugs as well. As far as the SSRI's, I still require an antidepressant, so I switched to Elavil, 25mgs in the morning and 50mgs in the evening and for me it works wonders! I have far greater success in managing my anxiety then when I was on SSRI's. The SSRI's also worsened my anxiety issues and I had far more panic attacks with the SSRI's compared to the Elavil. It's been years since I was on SSRI's, & the brain zaps were literally debilitating. I still get them sometimes, and they're still debilitating. It's as if there is electricity bouncing around my skull.
It actually hurts sometimes. Other times, I cannot perform any activity until they quiet down. One VERY IMPORTANT thing I found out, at least for me, and quite by accident is that the zaps are worse the higher my blood pressure is. When the zaps were at their worse, I took Clonidine, a short acting BP medicine. Later on, I had to go on a blood pressure medicine for medical reasons. My doctor prescribed Lisinopril which I take once a day @ 20mgs. That solved my brain zap problem, but I know immediately if I ever forget to take my BP medicine as the zaps, although not as strong, return. If your getting off of SSRI's, if recommend asking your doctor about Clonidine for short term use to get you past the worst of it. Hope this helps!
Just came across this forum and I'm glad I did. I've been on viibryd for over a month now and I can't handle the side effects any longer, I'm going off it. It did work great to relieve my depression symptoms, but the side effects have now increased my depression and anxiety. The brain zaps are bad, actually I feel it through my body, jerks me awake. After reading the other posts, I realize I'm the only one here that the sensations go further than the zaps. Hard to explain, after the zaps, there is like a "smothering feeling" that I just have to force myself awake, to get this feeling off of me. I feel like I'm sitting up calling for help, or maybe I'm really doing it, I don't know, sort of an out of body feeling, never, never happen before and I've been on many different types of depression and anxiety. medications for almost 20 yrs now.
Also, after I take it and before I go to bed, I feel the head pressures and dizziness. I take it everyday and the same time, I've tried without food or with food, nothing helps. Sometimes I don't even sleep through the night. I wake up angry, frustrated, and fatigued. Not a good way to start the day and I've been grumpy all day because of this. My family can't stand to be around me. Time to start over with something else, hate that transition.
1toomany, I can't tell you how validating it was to read your comment. I have experienced the same brain zaps as all the others. It only happens at night as I'm trying to fall asleep, but add to that the fact that I simply can't fall asleep like I used to. The zaps are very startling. They feel scary, but many of them jerk me back to complete alertness. What really struck me was your description of the smothering feeling that you have to struggle to wake up from. I just started having those a few nights ago. It's hard to describe the fact that I'm totally aware that I'm not completely asleep, I can feel my husband next to me, I know I'm hugging my pillow, I try to cry out for help or make a noise that will get his attention, but I can't move. I feel completely frozen.
I try to move my arms or open my mouth to yell, but I'm paralyzed in this sensation of complete terror! I fight it for what feels like 10-15 seconds and then I usually wake back up. Last night I finally made a noise and my husband tried to wake me. He said he touched me and called my name, etc, but I kept gasping for breathe and crying before I came to alertness again. Then it took quite some time for me to stop crying like I had just lost a loved one. I don't cry like that, but I was terrified. I don't want to go to bed at night. I don't want to close my eyes. I can't fall asleep, and when I try I just feel terror at some point when the nightmarish hold takes me over. I won't take another pill, but I fear my nights are going to be messed up for a while as I come off of this med. Thank you again for your comments. I feel like someone understands what is otherwise so hard to explain. Good luck to us both! :)
Houdinis girl, I just read your reply and Im not sure if you will see this comment, so I sent a friend request. Reading your experience gave me chills. Its horrible that we are going through this. Im in the process of weaning off viibryd. So far no bad experiences with falling asleep. Bad part, my depression is at its worst. I cant handle anything. My doctor isnt available until another 2 days. I just want to hide, I cant seem to say or doing anthing right. Good luck to you. Im glad you posted. Validation always does help.
It's amazing what the body can endure. It's more amazing that we have meds available to us to help us function better. The hard part is often finding the right one. We have to endure so much to get to a point where we know whether or not the long term will be worth it. Add to that the fact that our families often do suffer also. I am very high energy all day in my line of work. When I come home I hardly want to talk. I feel exhausted. I feel fortunate that I am not dealing with anger or frustrations (too much), but my family surely notices my lower energy. I took a sleeping pill last night for the first time hoping it would make me pass out and skip over all the trauma of falling to sleep. I woke up feely very groggy (won't take Lunesta again either), but also pleased that I thought it had worked. I was surprised to hear my husband tell me I still work up twice in the night, screaming out for help. I have no recollection. Tonight I am very itchy all over.
It's kind of funny to read that this must be another side effect. I'll take it over the nightmares any day! Good luck to you. Keep trying! Every day is another opportunity to try again. Don't be too hard on yourself, and remember to try and love those around you in spite of how you're feeling. You WILL get thru this. :)
Your brain zaps are causing you to have sleep paralysis. Just calm down when it happens. If you fight it you'll panic. Trust me, I've dealt with sleep paralysis for years before I started Viibryd and I can say first hand that there is a correlation between brain zaps and sleep paralysis.
With that being said, it's important to note that Viibryd is for the treatment of "Treatment Resistant Major Depressive Disorder". It's for when your depression is far worse than just depression and when previous attempts to treat with medication had failed.
With that being said:
I have been on Viibryd 40mg for a few months now. When I first went up to the 40mg tablets my eyes dilated to the size of dimes, my hearing was muffled, I was having frequent panic attacks. Brain zaps occurring at a rate of 1-2 every 5 minutes while falling asleep, shaking, headaches, nausea, decreased libido and probably some I have forgotten. Most of these went away after a couple weeks. But the medication worked. I would take all those symptoms everyday instead of going back to living with MDD. I'm happy now. I'm talkative, I wake up early ready to start the day, my weight is going back down due to increased activity. It's really a miracle drug despite its weird side effects.
I have the same issue the brain zapps going in my body making me jerk Ican't sleep, I was never ADD but since I start this medicationit seems that I am having a really hard time to focus on my job or anything that requires full attention, I can not concentrate, and the headaches are terrible, my doctor wants me to try for while longer but is being a month and is getting so much worst can someone please let me know how can I stop this medication without getting a lot of this brain zapps I am scare that I am going to have a seizure and I have a 2 year old baby please someone help me with this my husband thinks I am making it this up
Hey, danyalson, just wanted to mention to you that treatment resistant depression can also be treated through electroconvulsive therapy.
I started the treatment myself--after lots of research--back around october 2014. I still have some minor depression, but my suicidal ideation is basically gone, I no longer have these fleeting-but-persistent thoughts of absolute self-hatred or disgust, my OCD symptoms have been cut in half, and basic tasks like hygiene or follow-thru on chores, even responding to texts, have become more consistently good. ECT gave me a better "neutral" emotional state- like, I dont feel as low as I used to when just hanging about- and gave me real self esteem for the first time since I entered puberty, and my parents can expect me to be able to take care of myself at my appartment & trust that I'll go to my classes, which used to be a big issue for us.
So basically, highly reccomend. The treatment can be covered by insurance, depending on your provider, and it's not scary to go through at all, unless needles or anesthesia really bother you. You might want to look at the side effects-- I've experienced the memory loss, personally-- and weigh them against viibryds.
I have the same symptoms with the jolting feeling through my whole body! It's scary! My MD just took me off of VIIBRYD & put me on Busiprone, I think my body is going through withdrawals, I was on it for more than a year but now I'm getting these terrible side effects & the worst part is that i feel these jolts all the time, it happens when i look quickly in different directions so it happens alot!
I go through the same thing as you.I get them all over my body and its like pressure in my ears and the jolts actually scare me as I lose all control for a split second.One thing ive noticed in my case is usually when it happens most is when my stomach is upset and I need to use the bathroom.But sometimes It jars me from my rest as well and I wish I knew how to get rid of it
Hi 1toomany the Smothering feeling you get is called sleep paralysis its horrible
I am so glad to find this forum. I have been taking Viibryd for 4 weeks now. I have worked up to the 40 mg. The only side effect I have had is the "brain zaps". I tried describing them to my husband... the only way I could is by relating it to the feeling you get in your ears when you yawn really deep (kind of an echo-y sensation) times 100. It hits me when I am laying down ready to fall asleep. Sometimes it just a wave starting between my ears going down my arms, other times it actually shakes my body (I almost dropped my cell phone with the last one). As for the other side effects I have had none of them. My sex drive hasn't decreased, I haven't had any of the nightmares or sleeplessness. It has greatly improved my depression, I have an appointment with my doctor next week and will discuss these brain zaps. I think as long as the zaps are my only side effect I will most likely continue taking it. I just want to make sure that they aren't precursors to seizures or anything else.
Good luck to you! Viibryd can be a great medication but the side effects can be horrible to some people. Not all. Brain zaps are pretty scary and annoying. It's a normal side effect of Viibryd. You are still early into the medication to tell if you will have anymore side effects. Mine didn't get bad until three months in. But don't let that discourage you as I said it can be a great anitdepressant. Not everyone gets the side effects or gets all of them like me. lol My dr calls me the side effect queen, if there's a side effect to a medicine I'll get it. :) Best of luck to you. And no, the brain zaps aren't a precursor to seizures.
Thank you lennongirl
I am kind of discouraged because I am the opposite of you... I usually don't have any side effects to medications (or only very mild ones). Hopefully these won't get any worse and more won't occur later.
I hope so too! Best of luck to you!
I am a physician taking Viibryd for the last 6 months, or so. About two months in, I began to experience brain zaps at the 40mg dose, I have told my doctor about them at every visit since they began, and he's only shrugged them off—as long as I've been willing to do the same. I've been tolerating them.
Mine occur day and night. During waking hours they seem to be triggered by rapid head or eye moments. About one night in seven, I experience the worst ones as I drift off to sleep. Just as I'm slipping out of consciousness I experience a "loud" static-y ZAP! sound in my ears, sometimes accompanied by a visible flash of light. The zap wracks my body as I jolt awake most unpleasantly. One or two of these babies and I find myself afraid to fall asleep. I have noticed that 0.5mg Ativan helps me get through these sleep induction difficulties and into a good night's deep sleep.
Also on a bad night I might also experience loud, clamorous "noises" as I drift into sleep. I am suddenly awakened and disturbed to find it takes several seconds to move my muscles and sit up. When these gang up with the zaps, bedtime can really frighten the hell out of me.
All those on this forum who keep insisting that this is a withdrawal symptom should please listen to people and DROP IT, once and for all. It's not a withdrawal symptom with Viibrid. Again, NOT a withdrawal symptom. I take the medication on my very regimented work and sleep schedule; I have almost never delayed a dose.
My heart goes out to everyone who must endure this phenomenon.
To the doctor that left the comment: I have been having these for about 3 months. Have been on 40 of Viibryd for 6 months. My physician laughed and said ok??? At me.
However, I have had 1 grand-mal seizure 6 years ago. Unknown itiology. I am terrified I am going to seize again. I have the zaps with sudden eye movements too. Today I had both out symptom and zap at same time while grocery shopping with my daughter age 15. I couldn't talk and thought I had gone "out". Afterwards. My daughter is now also scared I'm going to seize. Is this a possibility.
JMichelleB: Seizures can occur on Viibryd, but whether it precipitates another seizure like the one you had before depends on your first seizure's cause. I'd be very curious what meds, if any, you were taking when you had that seizure. Bupropion, perhaps? I'm sure the doctors working up your idiopathic seizure went down that road carefully.
I have been taking Viibryd for several months now, at 20 mg dosage (never went up to 40 mg). I only experience the brain zaps when I am falling asleep, and in my case it seems related to missing a dose, or not taking it at the same time each day. My experience is similar to what others have described. As I'm drifting off, the ringing in my ears (I have chronic tinnitus) grows louder, and just as I start to lose consciousness, in an instant the ringing goes thru the roof and I feel like my brain gets a huge electric shock that makes me literally jump in bed. In addition to the nighttime zaps I usually also get a dizzy/out-of-it feeling during the daytime; my ears ring loudly and I experience a lot of "drop-outs" where it feels like I lose consciousness for a split second. I've never experienced the zaps during the daytime, that would be very scary.
Overall I find this experience very uncomfortable but I've been putting up with it as it doesn't happen every day. However, after reading about this on the web, I think I will discuss this again with my doctor (the first time he didn't seem to have heard of this before). I'm worried what would happen if I ran out of Viibryd for some reason beyond my control (I live in California and if we had a big earthquake, I could be without meds for a while). I'd rather not have to worry about that...
Update: The brain zaps and drop-outs continued, and worse, my sexual function declined to almost nothing. I was also taking Pristiq and Wellbutrin at the same time. I've since decided to get off of Viibryd and SSRIs altogether. I weaned myself off of Viibryd first, then Pristiq and am currently only taking Wellbutrin XL at half dosage (150mg, half of a 300mg pill). I am not having brain zaps anymore, just the drop-outs which are like mini-brain zaps without the strong shock sensation. I also have nausea and headaches which unfortunately are strong enough to negatively affect my work productivity. I have been halving the dosages once a week down to a quarter dose, followed by complete discontinuation. I should be done with the Wellbutrin in another couple of weeks. A coworker of mine recommended acupuncture for depression treatment and I am planning to see a licensed acupuncturist for that soon. Stay tuned.
I'm so relieved to hear others have experienced this odd sensation. I've switched from lexapro to viibryd for slightly increased depression and anxiety and am up to 40mg a day. Usually at night when lying down I get this mild to moderate electric zap feeling in my head that sometimes radiates to my arms. In only lasts a second but can actually cause by body to jump a bit. I've also had trouble sleeping and have some jitters. I don't even see on viibryds website that it treats anxiety so I'm questioning my doctors decision to treat me with this med. I think ill go back to lexa pro. Good luck everybody!
I have had nearly the same experience just last night. I DID take my dose later in the day than usual, however I've been experiencing sleep issues since I started it about 3 weeks ago. 10mg for 7 days and now I've been at 20 mg for 2 weeks, slightly afraid to up it to 40mg with al of the side effects. It feels like I'm about to pass out like I haven't slept well for days (which I haven't) and then I hear a loud buzz in my ears that shocks me awake. No pain, just extremely unsettling. Then I started crying which I haven't done in a couple of weeks, I was just so upset. My joints have been hurting almost to an unbearable point, I initially had a terrible headache that knocked me out for a good 2 hours. At first it was worth the side effects because I felt great, but after all I have mentioned plus 2 panic attacks (one in public) now I fear what may come next. :(
I get the brain zaps without missing a dose and like one of the others, I get zaps in my arm as well. I've actually had it happen while I'm driving - pretty scary. It may relate to the fact that I'm in my 50s, have sleep apnea, and work nights. I've also gained weight which isn't supposed to happen. The only advantage for me over the Paxil I used to take is that Viibryd doesn't seem to have negative sexual side effects.
Why did my doctor start me on 40mg and not 10 or 20 first?
I know these posts have been up for a while, but I just had to google what I have been experiencing at nights. I plugged in the only word I thought sensible and couldn't believe what I was seeing.
I am currently taking Viibryd for several months now and do well. i take it in the evening and honestly not exactly at the same time but within a very short range. I will say that I actually have played with my dose to see if this could be a cause for some of my symptoms. Being on the 20mg has decreased my bolts, but my anxiety and focus worse.
I asked my drug rep in the office about these and she had medical affairs call me. Stating this is not a common side effect.
Well, I am so glad and sad to hear that others are experiencing this. I feel like mine starts above my ears as I have read and only when I lay down at night, and it feels like an electric lasso or bolt that rips through me and actually hurts. My boyfriend has experienced my jumping when I was bombarded one night with multiples one right after the other. I thought maybe I was having night seizures. Most hurt, it ripples through my body leaving me feeling so bizarre, scared and very uncomfortable, followed by intense night mares. After reading about the drop outs I now as well understand what that is and it makes sense of some of my ringing and loss of hearing. I was more worried about getting the bolts during the day. I have dropped to the 20mg and still get them but I shut the TV off and close my eyes and hope I can get ahead. I've tried the am dosing but it doesn't work for me. I'm weaning off of the med now due to these, too scary to always wonder what my night will be like.
I will discuss this with my rep again, I have never experienced ANYTHING like this in my past on a medication.
Viibryd absolutely treats anxiety. It is a combination medication. One part ssri and one part very smoke to buspar. Zoloft saved my life 24 yesterday ago..but viibryd has changed my love. I am now able to get out of bed and get in the shower without hitting the snooze 10 times and forcing myself to move. I haven't been late for work in a year! I've been late for everything my entire adult life because my depression and anxiety wouldn't let me "do the next thing" I'm so glad to hear that my brain shocks could be from this Med.the shocks are awful... but praying every night to not wake up in the in the morning was no way to exist..I am no longer broken... just bent... with electric shocks in my head and ringing in my ears
I have commented before, regarding the brain zaps, and the conflict between people saying it's a withdrawal symptom vs a side effect. I started at 10 mg about 8 months ago. I immediately began getting the brain zaps, vivid nightmares, and sleep paralysis. It was most definitely not a withdrawal symptom as I never ever miss a dose, and take it at the same time every night. Now I am up to 40 gm on Viibryd. Let me tell you, the brain zaps are still there, but I also have hallucinations. When I fall asleep, I will wake up about 2 hours later and see floating objects in my room. I sleep in the pitch black, no light at all. But waking up half awake/half asleep, I see floating dishes, balloons, people. I hear whispering, even though there is no real sound. I see arms coming towards me, a fish tank full of black fish with long fins, and other crazy stuff floating around. I try to fully wake myself up, get out of bed and use the restroom, then I can fall back asleep.
But I will wake again several times during the night seeing these floating objects and getting the brain zaps. I wish there were a way to temper these side effects. It's INSANE. The best thing about it is that I am lucid enough during the hallucinations that I can tell myself it's not real, it's not real, it's not real, make myself wake up, and get past it.
Has anyone else suffered these types of hallucinations?? It's CRAZY.
NOT a withdrawal!
As the Viibryd website makes it clear that it's made to treat depression (not anxiety), I'm glad it's helping somebody with both. From my personal experience, I would never recommend this medication to treat anxiety. I actually had a nervous breakdown on this stuff.
Related topics
side effect, viibryd, medication, brain
Further information
- Viibryd uses and safety info
- Viibryd prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Viibryd (detailed)
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