Hi this is my first post never been on this before :S I have been on venlaxafine for a year in aug was told I have postnatal depression I was absolutely fine when my daughter was born till she was 10 months old I started having really bad panic attacks and didn't want to leave the house I did t know what was wrong with me so I went doctors and they gave me that in aug was doing really good up until the feb so highered it to 112 .5mg and felt great for 2 weeks then I would have a horrible week so doc upped it again after 4 weeks to 150 75mg in morn and 75mg in the night I have been on that 6 weeks an I had a great first 2 weeks on it then a horrible week then another good 2 weeks now a really bad week on week 6 I don't want to do anything feel like I'm loosing my mind :S doctor has upped it to 187.5mg started yeastaday take a 75 mg and 37.5 mg in morn an 75 mg at night I feel really weird I feel such a bad mum being on medication I have never been on medication I'm 27 and I have always been quite a strong person any other reviews would be great I only want to hear good positive ones tho Cos I feel awful :(