My doctor has me on 600mg of Neurontin 3x a day AND 100mg of Lyrica 3x a day for fibromyalgia. I'm curious about the side effects. I have serious dizzy spells, blurred(double) vision, trouble with balance, major memory loss issues and I feel exhausted all day. Plus, I don't really have any relief from the pain. I know I should talk to my doctor, and I will. Just curious if anyone else has experiencd this or if it could possibly be a reaction from other medications I'm also on. No narcotics, btw. Thank you.
Should I be taking Lyrica and Neurontin together?
Question posted by AParsons on 22 Jan 2013
Last updated on 22 June 2019 by BKAzap
22 Answers
Simple answer... Yes you can. I am on 180 of the 600mg gabapentin a month from my phycologist for anxiety. I also take 90 of the 225mg Lyrica from my pain management doc. An also 60 of the 50mg Nucynta. Both doctors agree. If take right than there is no issue with taking them both. My pain management doctor said some docs think they can't be taken together. She said those doctors are just making an assumption that they can't be taken together because they are similar, but they have not actually done their homework. She says that their not doing their patience any good running their practice on assumption. Anyway, YES they can be taken together.
Btw, in response to your answer these are all side effects for gabapentin and lyrica. I also take these in a little lower doses but I have the same side effects as you. The blurred vision trouble with balance etc; maybe consider a lower dose can help also depending on what other medication your on can also contribute to these side effects your have. Hope this helped you.
My doctor has me on Lyrica 100mg 3xa day. I had previously had been on Gabapentin. She thought the Lyrica would work better for me. I do experience dizziness, my balance is off and short term memory loss as well.
I'm a woman that was taking 600 mgs 3x daily of gabapentin up until April 2nd. The dr. told me to stop taking gabapentin, as I was starting to take 50mlgs of lyrica on April 2nd. My question is what was your experience taking the two medications together. If it's safe to take together & it helps better w/ your fibromyalgia I would like to know either way. Then I'll ask my dr. if she can prescribe it for me... too be honest I don't Believe the lyrica is helping any better than the gabapentin did. All I know is my condition seems to be more painful for the last 21 days! Not better.
Thank you,
Sincerely, Rose Bendixen
You may want to talk to your doctor about your Lyrica dose. 50 mg will not cover as much pain as 1800 total mg of Lyrica. Are you taking the 50 3 times a day?
To be honest I don't think any of these medications work. I am suffering with nerve pain which can be unbearable sometimes . I am prescribe the same medications which makes me tired with loss of memory so those symptoms are just added on to the problem not helping.
Using gabapentin together with pregabalin may increase side effects such as dizziness, drowsiness, confusion, and difficulty concentrating;
" the risk of the interaction outweighs the benefit. "
Some people, especially the elderly, may also experience impairment in thinking, judgment, and motor coordination.
You should avoid or limit the use of alcohol while being treated with these medications.
Also avoid activities requiring mental alertness such as driving or operating hazardous machinery until you know how the medications affect you.
Talk to your doctor if you have any questions or concerns.
It is important to tell your doctor about all other medications you use, including vitamins and herbs. Do not stop using any medications without first talking to your doctor.
Dr. Mohammed AlKhateeb
MD., Consultant - internal medicine & cardiology
My doc has me on 3600mg of Gabapentin and is now switching me to Lyrica 75mg 2x daily. I have severe pain from fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. I have tried Cymbalta and Effexor. I have Gulf War Syndrome and have been struggling for 25 years with no relief from chronic pain. Time has not been my friend in this respect. Add sleep meds, nightmare meds, anxiety meds and Prozac to the mix as well. My question is how to switch over to Lyrica without losing my mind. My pain isn't controlled at all. Am I even moving in the right direction?
Definitely do not take those 2 together!! Look for a new Dr.. And I don't know where UR from but here in Fl.the Walgreens pharmacy will let u know right away if u can take certain meds. Together.
Yes here in Miami , yes Walgreens pharmacy did not fill the Lyrics prescription due to my gabepatin.
Sorry I know I'm not a doctor and shouldn't give medical advice but I have Fibro and chronic pain and some other things but anyway no wonder your tired and dizzy omg it's a wonder your awake enough to type this question seriously! That is a lot of Neurontin and Lyrica to try and stay awake on and 3 of the medications you listed cause dizziness and blurred vision and 2 that I know of off the top of my head without looking the rest of them up cause memory issues. I have been on all of them at one time or another. In my personal opinion you need at least a second opinion and idk what that's suppose to mean "doesn't want you on pills the rest of your life" or something like that you said your doc said ??? What??? Well us know what it's not him that has to love with your symptoms and pain everyday, doctors make me so mad, sorry but they do !! Get another opinion please! You should not have to live like this and to top it all off your still in pain how crazy is that !!
Trust your doctor. If you don't, or if he doesn't listen to you, then you need a new doctor.
Are you on anything for depression? I had a little bout of serotonin syndrome, which gabapentin, tramadol, and others can cause. Made me feel like I was going crazy.
I was taking gabapentin and tramadol about 2 years ago for the burning and stinging in my feet. I got little relief. The Drs changed me to lyrica and cymbalta. I get a little more relief but still have a pain level of 4-6 every day. The Drs tell me there is nothing more to help. That is very discouraging! I also take remeron for depression. I am trying to research if I can take lyrica and gabapentin together.
I think it may be something that is the doctor's choice. I do not recall the pharmacy having red flags for this combination the way I've had to constantly reassure them about taking another combo my doctor has prescribed.
I'm on the max dose of neurontin and I am told my insurance will not cover lyrica but I had a friend who was on both. ..
My ins covers both. I take generic neurontin, i.e. gabapentin, which makes it MUCH cheaper than Lyrica.
I have MS and neuropathy in about 85% of my body with extreme pain. One dr. had me on both neurontin and lyrica, bad result, memory loss and personality change. My dr. has me just on the max of neurontin, much better. He said that both at the same time should not be done.
I don't know whether you *should*, but I can tell you that I've taken 150 mg of Lyrica 4x/day AND 800 mg of neurontin (gabapentin) 4x/day for 5 years with no problems other than mild side effects. Sure I don't enjoy "fuzzy-brain" or needing extra sleep, but it beats having tingling and burning pain in my feet!
My doctor had me try Cymbalta® 8 years ago, and *that* was a DISASTER! Before taking it, be sure you have family or a "buddy" who can help monitor your moods. The pain management was effective, but the total breakdown of my normal impulse control led to a spending spree that left me in serious debt, requiring family loans to help pay off. It can also increase suicidal tendencies in some people.
Just writing this to add:
You might check with your doctor about trying some of the anti-seizure (anti-epileptic) meds that are on the market. My new neurologist didn't like the neurontin+lyrica combination and convinced me that I ought to try some of his ideas. According to him, he had patients who found these effective for nerve pain also. I tried Oxcarbazepine, Lamotragine and then Zonisamide. They did not work for me, but I thought I'd pass along the tip for those still needing to find something effective.
I absolutely say the answer is NO you should not be taking them together. My doctor said so as well. I stopped Lyrica due to major memory problems and blurred vision. It gave me better relief than the Gabapentin I'm on now, but neither drug is good for me. I intend to stop Gabapentin as well. I have major back (scoliosis) issues and became dependent on opioids so this was dr's suggestion. I dislike both drugs. Gabapentin is for seizure and makes me feel lethargic and dispassionate about anything in life. It's like a major depressant for me. Don't take them together. I don't want to end up with Alzheimers or other dementia issues so I don't like either drug. If it gives one or the other gives you great relief for fibromyalgia; that's up to you.
One more thought - why is it that it's WOMEN who are having all these issues with these two drugs? I have been on other forums for drug effect or interactions and there are plenty of men posting. It's only when we get to Lyrica that it seems to be a female problem. Gabapentin as well. It's just an observation and makes me think most dr's just have the ole script pad out with "Lyrica" pre-stamped on it.
It's not just woman. My father in-laws is a complete mess. Mumbling to people who aren't there. Twitching imensly. I'm trying to get him to stop but he won't listen
Tramadol is a narcotic and the withdrawals are intense. Use caution.
FYI, tramamdol is a NON-narcotic
Also, if u are taking too much it can make u feel very ill
Beware of serotonin syndrome with Tramadol...
Not to scare you but those also sound as symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis, (MS). MS also causes painful muscle spasms which could possibly lead to a misdiagnosis of Fibromyalgia. I have MS and Lupus and frequently suffer the same symptoms you described, including the anxiety. One of my old doctors also diagnosed me with Fibromyalgia but I think it is easy for doctors to diagnose you with this instead of looking further. Have you had MRI's of your brain done, with and without contrast? I ask because when I described these same symptoms to my rheumatologist, he has me take them and they found lesions in my brain which is one of the major factors when looking in a possible MS diagnosis. I hope this is not the case for you since it is a horrible disease to deal with. I wish you lots of luck.
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lyrica, neurontin, vertigo, fibromyalgia, side effect, vision
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