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Prednisone Questions (Page 8)

Displaying 330 questions associated with Prednisone.

Does prednisone cause organ damage?

I was talking with a friend I hadn't spoken with for a while. She told me she was taking prednisone , a bell went off in my head, when my pain issues began over 15-17 yrs ago the Dr gave me shots of cortisone in knees and elbows. I was good for few months. As pain spread thru out body the... read more

Prednisone - I have just been prescribed 10 mg for 12 days. I have a small inflamed bone spur on my?

... right back heel. Pain is present when I go down stairs mostly. The side effects I am reading about are freaking me out now. I am on no other meds and have no other health issues. I don't want any either. Does anyone have any experience with this dosage size and limited time of 12 days... read more

I was prescribed 40mg of prednisone for 4 days for asthma then just stopping. Is it safe?

I had an allergic reaction and asthma attack so they prescribed me it. I usually ween off but not this time. Just want to calm my anxiety since today was the last day and won't be taking it again tomorrow.

COPD Suggestions?

I am having a horrible COPD Flare and taking antibiotics, prednisone, and using my inhaler with little relief. I would like to know others opinions what might be better to use for congestion: Humidifier or Vaporizer? Any suggestions for relief will greatly be appreciated. Thank you in advance!

I recently was put on Prednisone for 1 week. After I finished the medication, I found that I was?

... getting Canker sores inside my mouth. I have never had so many Canker sores at one time. They have been very painful and have been having trouble eating because of the pain. Is this a side affect after the medication is stopped? I was put on Prednisone because I had a severe attack of Arthritis.

Depression - Does Prednisone effect your sex drive?

Or is it just from the depression side effect... I know my doctor warned me about the depression that may start after I had to increase my dosage to 20mg a day. She did not however warn me about any other side effects and I think I am losing my sex drive, either as a direct side effect or it is... read more

I have excessive sweating on face and head can prednisone cause this?

It hits when I exert or stress I get wring and wet! Is this dangerous? I am trying to get off slowly. On prednisone for one year. My sed rate is normal now.? What can I do to help this?

How do I treat the side effect of sleepiness from prednisone?

I was prescribed prednisone for back pain and this is my second day taking it. I have slept for 90 percent of the time. I don't have a regular doctor and I am concerned.. so how can I stop the tiredness other then stop taking the medicine? why is it making me sleep? how serious is this problem?

I am to take 6 , 10mg pills a day of Prednisone. Do I take them all at once or divide the 60 mg thr?

Do i take all at once (60 mg) or divide it out through the day?

How can I recover from taking methylprednisolone tablets alongside Ibuprofen?

I have horrible indigestion and stomach pains that feel like bloating and acid. I didn't realize you couldn't take ibuprofen with prednisone. I have one prednisone tablet left, but have stopped taking any ibuprofen. The last one I took was 8 hours ago.

Has anyone been on Lexapro and Prednisone at the same time?

I had a high ANA titer and they started me on the Prednisone as a precaution pretty high dose. I have been on it before for two years but not with Lexapro. Please help.

Can taking Prednisone cause constipation?

I have been on 4 10 mg for three days today started 3 10 mg for three days Will be decreasing to 2 10 mg and finally 1 10 mg each 3 days. I have not had a bowl movement for 2 days and have taken 3 stool softeners for two days 300mg. Any suggestions helpful.

How long does it take once you stop prednisone for the side effects to go away?

How long does it take once you stop Prednisone for the side effects to go away? I feel like I've been hit by a truck. It's a very strange pain that I have in my hips, my shoulders, and my neck. I am borderline nauseous and lightheaded. It's been 5 days off the drug.

Does a short term prednisone regimen cause significant weight gain?

I was on prednisone for only five days because I had bronchitis. Although I workout regularly I allowed myself to rest for a week because I probably got sick from running myself into the ground. I don't feel like I was overeating but now just a few days after stopping taking prednisone I blew... read more

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