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Contrave Questions (Page 6)

Displaying 118 questions associated with Contrave.

Contrave - shouldi take pills before or after I eat?

Contrave VS Phentermine?

Hi. I'm 5'3" weigh 212lbs! I went to my dr today she gave me a script for both contrave & phentermine and told me to make an educated choice. She's pushing contrave. I'm not to keen on it because of the Wellbutrin (I was on lexapro for 2 yrs and took my last dose dec... read more

What kind of food do you eat on contrave?

Why do I need to take contrave at night?

Does anyone know why you need to take contrave at night? I don't need it to suppress my appetite before I go to bed, so what's its function at night?

Does Contrave make you constipated?

Can't get Contrave because I have medicaid!?

I've tried twice to get Contrave but have been denied using the discount card because I have medicaid. I don't understand why they won't help people who have this type of insurance. My insurance will not cover it, I'm paying cash but they still turn me down for it. Does anyone... read more

Contrave - What can I eat that wont make me feel sick?

I started taking my medication yesterday for the first time. I took it on a empty stomach then ate right after and felt so sick all day. I could hardly eat I wasn't hungry, but tried to eat something I would try a small apple could eat about half and would bloat and feel like I ate a large... read more

Any one take Contrave before bed instead of morning to alleviate side effects?

I was prescribed Contrave last week, I took a dose on Thursday after eating 3 boiled eggs for the protein, and drank a bottle of water. All was well until about 9:30 am, I wasn't nauseous, but felt like I was so seasick I has to go home. I never go home! I took a nausea pill and slept for 4... read more

Is it important to take 2 Contrave at night?

I'm in week 3. My appetite has diminished and I'm making better food choices. The morning pills do not bother me, but the evening pill wakes me up and makes me nauseous. I'm supposed to begin taking 2 at night Thanksgiving night, but is it really necessary? If so, why? I feel like... read more

I used Contrave for a month and 1/2. Lost 9 lbs. Super! But I got constipated?

Has anyone else had this affect? I quit because of it. Even tried MiraLax, stool softeners, fleets, etc. Anyone found a way to continue Contrave with using something that worked for them? Shawn

How long can you stay on Contrave, weeks, months?

Is contrave safe to take long term?

Contrave stopped working?

I started Contrave and now on the full dose. I was cruising along and so excited because my cravings and stopped my bad binge habits! I lost about 7-10 lbs over approximately 2 months when that time when the hormones take over. My habits came back. I thought OK... note to self watch my diet for a... read more

Contrave - Can anyone tell me if dry mouth will go away eventually?

I am 3 weeks in and My mouth is so dry that my teeth hurt and I'm accidentally biting the inside of my mouth. I drink tons of water and it's not helping. I just need to know if this is a side effect that will pass eventually??

Is it OK to take expired Contrave?

I found prescription bottle of Contrave during a move. The writing on the prescription says discard after 6/21/18 and on the bottle it says expires September 2018. I was just wondering if it would still be OK to start taking the medicine? Or better to just get a new prescription altogether?

Contrave - Is it absolutely necessary to increase the dosage gradually?

I found that one pill a day is getting me everything I've been needing to stop emotionally eating and it's also giving me an energy boost. The only bad side effect I've had is just a little bloating and a slight headache occasionally but not really even worth mentioning. I've... read more

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