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Brain Questions (Page 2)

Displaying 84 questions associated with Brain.

What is a normal dose of liquid morphine for a terminal cancer patient?

My mother was dying of brain cancer and the family was kept away for the last week of her life while my step father took care of her... I want to know what a normal dose would be to keep my mom comfortable of liquid morphine.

I've been off Cymbalta 45 days. Zaps gone, but have profound depression. Success stories, anyone?

I was on opiods for pain, but the withdrawal did not even come close to what I am going through with Cymbalta. The brain zaps and rapid moods swings have diminished to almost zero, but I am left with a profound depression, unlike anything I have experienced. I am determined to succeed. I am also... read more

How long before the brain returns to normal after stopping SSRI/SNRIs?

I took SSRI and SNRIs for almost 20 years and stopped taking them gradually, the latest of these being Abilify which I stopped in Nov. 2017 and Cymbalta which I stopped in February 2018. I understand that the brain has to relearn how to transport serotonin once you no longer take these type of... read more

Is mirtazapine also used for alcohol and benzo withdrawals?

Just started 45mg a day, stopped my benzo intake and just mirtazapine for sleep. I get that brain buzz all the time

Has anyone experienced cold turkey withdrawal of lexapro 20 mg taking for 20 years?

Did feel like brain damaged and partially functioning after headaches and mind zaps stopped? Did you experience deep depression afterward and high anxiety? I know now too late to taper, life destroyed is there hope?

What are "brain zaps" that everyone mentions as a withdrawal effect from venlafaxine/Effexor?

I have taken venlafaxine 37.5 mg for 3 months to help my anxiety. It worked well until about a month ago. I started getting nauseous, dizzy and headache an hour after taking. My nurse practitioner told me I should go off it. I asked about tapering off and she said to take one every other day for a... read more

I am having Lexapro withdrawal symptoms 3 months after terminating - will it get better?

I was on Lexapro for 1.5 years at 10mg. Upon discontinuing the medication I entered a state of constant dysphoria and brain fog. I also have the classic brain zaps and excessive sweating but I can live with those. It has been three months and I have slowly been getting better, but still suffering... read more

Venlafaxine - How long till I get past the withdrawal symptoms? It's been horrible.

I have tapered down until I got to 25 mg for two weeks. This is day 5. My mind is everywhere, brain zaps, yawning, anxiety through the roof, depression bad, odd dreams, nauseous, and just not feeling myself. I feel like I should be in the hospital with my crazy thoughts. I hate this.

I am on day 12 of starting citalopram. About 5-7 hours after taking my dose, I start to have?

... heightened anxiety. What I do not like it that it feels like my brain can't sit still. I am not dizzy, but it feels like my brain is almost vibrating if that makes sense. It is very uncomfortable for about an hour, and then it goes away. I am worried it is a serious but rare side effect.... read more

How long will I have to take Keppra after craniotomy for benign meningioma ?

I had a seizure and collapsed. They found a brain tumour in the hospital. I had surgery to remove a benign meningioma from the frontal lobe. The operation was ten weeks ago. I am taking 500mg Keppra twice daily. How long will I have to continue taking this for ? I do not have epilepsy.

Do I have to wean off Cymbalta to get on Lexapro, or can I just stop cymbalta and start Lexapro?

I have been on Cymbalta 60mg for several years. It's starting not to help anymore with depression. Someone suggested I switch to Lexapro but I tried to wean off the Cymbalta and have terrible brain zaps and dizziness with panic attacks so I'm still on it. I wasn't told about the... read more

Long term effect of Lyrica?

I have been on Lyrica for 9+ years. I am beginning to question this long time use, questions like, "What kind of effect will Lyrica have on my memory", or "will Lyrica change the way my brain develops?" I wonder about the way my synapses are forming, is the Lyrica making them... read more

Will cognition return after discontinuing the topamax?

I have been taking Topamax now for 3 years and have suffered the side effects of word finding difficulty, cognition deficit, brain fog and cannot take it any longer. If the migraines come back I will just deal with them. Does anybody know if my brain fog will lift if I quit taking this drug?

Viibryd - I’m having extreme lethargy, no motivation, and brain fog. It’s my second week on?

... Viibryd and I’m at 20mg. My doc has suggested that I should not go above 20mg. My anxiety has dramatically decreased and I can say that I’m no longer majorly depressed. But the exhaustion and lack of motivation is a bit concerning for me. Has anyone else experienced this? Does it go... read more

How long does it take for Celexa to start working?

I was put on Celexa for my depression and anxiety and I wanted to know when I will start to feel better? And is there any long lasting affects on my brain?

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