Hello, I have just been off of Xanax for about a month (my doctor cut me off at 3mgs a day - still pissed about it) and I have gone through the sickness of withdrawal 3 weeks ago but now, all of a sudden, I am experiencing these "brain zaps" and they are very hard to deal with. It has become hard to keep my sanity honestly. It happens during the day but they are far worse at night. I have a very hard time falling asleep because that is when they really hit me hard. As I am right about to doze off, my brain sends an electrical impulse from the back of my eyes, down my neck into my body. It causes me to literally jump up from lying perfectly still and feels like I just jumped off a building. I experience that kind of shock associated with being scared from something. It is extremely unsettling. It causes me to shake uncontrollably for a few seconds and I guess they could be a "mini seizure" or something, I wouldn't be surprised if they are related. The stress from not being on these kind of meds is almost too much to handle. I work 2 jobs , am a single dad with a daughter I'm trying to raise and my duties have to get done no matter what is happening in my head. I am trying to stay off but it is becoming very hard because my relationships and responsibilities will start to suffer and that is unacceptable. Seriously considering going back to another doctor to get back on them. Anyone have any info on this subject?
Hi bigwheat, Well you've been advised my some of our wisest gurus here on the forum to get a new fix ASAP so ill just add a message of support. This is no time to try to be brave!! My heart goes out to you-trying to get to work, care for and be emotionally present for your family while feeling tired, fearful and miserable about all of this. It makes me very angry to hear that a physician left you in a such a lurch, not to mention that it could be life threatening. I don't know if the worst is over for you but don't delay in getting some help. You clearly still need some med support and your family deserves that too! Best of luck. Please keep us informed. 4N Substances aka Frenchie
Votes: +1
30 Jan 2013
Hello Bigwheat. Welcome. Everyone else said it, and I'm going to say it too. Get you another doctor hon. I've taken Xanax then changed to Klonopin for years, and I dont feel one bit bad about it. I have both medical and mental diseases. A couple being PTSD, extreme paranoia and depression, and finally the one I want you to think about is Anxiety/Panic attacks. Theres nothing worse I can think of, well kinda..but. lol, than stopping a benzo cold turkey. I had a doc. try to do that to me before, and omg. I had a mini stroke, and my right arm was completely paralysed feeling. I'm not a priss, but I am a make up and hair girl, and my arm and hand was so bad I couldn't hold the curling Iron in my hand. I cried and cried. I thought it would stay that way forever. It didn't... Thank God. One of my aunts told me years ago... It's wrong to take medicine when you don't need it. But it's also wrong to not take it when you do need it.
Now think about that. It definitly sounds like you need it, and there is nothing wrong with that. Especially with that precious daughter to raise. You need to be stable, and in good medical condition. So, yes, that doctor needs a good switchin like my momma used to give me. lol. Find you someone who cares, or at least will help you. Please. Your Friend, Ruthie
Votes: +3
30 Jan 2013
Gotta agree with babyr! There is almost nothing worse than a good old panic attack, they make one feel as if one is going completely round the bend and not in a good way.
30 Jan 2013
Amen to that Mac. :)
30 Jan 2013
Wow, thank you Ruthie, your story really hit home. You are absolutely right, what is most important is to be a healthy , happy functional adult for my daughter and wife. I can't imagine how I would feel if something like that happened to me and I couldn't throw my daughter in the air or hold her. The thought of it is making me sad right now. You really woke me up with your story, I need to get to a new doc. Thank you for sharing this with me Ruthie.
30 Jan 2013
Wow, thank you Ruthie, message received. I need to get to a new doc. I would be devastated if I couldn't hold my daughter and play with her like info. Your story really hit home. Thank you so much for sharing
31 Jan 2013
Bigwheat, No need for thanks. What's most important is your wife and daughter. I share my life experiences at times to try and Wake Someone up. We only have one life. We need to live it good. Have a great day, and enjoy your daughter. Ruthie
15 March 2013
I have been titrating down from Effexor 150 after being on it for 12 years for panic disorder. It's been a 2 month effort and have finally been off it completely for 4 days now. The brain zaps started long ago and have never gotten better and are driving me nutzo!! They are constant day and night - sometimes just one at a time and sometimes in rapid succession like a freaking machine gun. I'm also waking up with uncontrollable shivering (not due to being cold) and shakes!! How long do these horrible withdraws last?? My psych also has me on Ativan and a Magnesium powder drink to help but they're not working too well. Any suggestions?
15 March 2013
Yes, hon, I may have one, but you may not want to try it. My son was on Effexor. 19 yrs old. It was a nightmare at first. He couldn't handle it anymore and said something to the Dr. He put him back on it, and slowly titrating him off. It took a bit, but my son said, the way he did it, made him feel nothing. Just a thought. That's one, you have to wean off very slow, or you will feel side effects, among other things. Best of luck. Ruthie
Hi Bigwheat, Your ex doc really sounds like a total tool, in this gurls opinion! He should be horse whipped for cutting you off cold turkey because of the seizure situation! You may want to report him to the AMA, just a suggestion. Find a new doc, asap, IF you need a benzo. And it certainly sounds as if you do! That doc should have tapered you off very slowly.
The gabapentin may well help you to not experience the zaps. It also can calm you down a bit, if you become anxious. Some people have the opposite effect with Gab/Neurontin. Some people get all jacked up on it, but I believe that is a rarity.
Do you have another doc that will help you titrate off of Valium? Or do you need it for panic disorder?
My heart goes out to you, that is miserable to say the least, Lara
Votes: +1
30 Jan 2013
Ooops, xanax, not valium, sorry I got that wrong.
30 Jan 2013
Hi Lara, Thank you for your reply. I do have an anxiety disorder, my stress has been pretty bad to deal with as of late. My wife has been trying to get me to go to a doctor to get on a different benzo bc after doing a lot of research, Xanax is just not for long term use. I was prescribed clonopin a long time ago and that worked really well also. I am a typical hard headed man and have not gone to see one , I was trying to deal with it and get off completely but it's very hard to , being prescribed them for so long. Thank you for your concern, it feels nice to know there are sympathetic ppl out there during this tough time!
28 Jan 2013
Bigwheat, I was on valium for almost 30 yrs. and the Doc in rehab prescribed to me gabepantin which kept me from having seizures. There must be something terribly wrong with that Dr. There is a law that Dr's are to abide by about taking a patient off the medication like that,actually by law he wasn't suppose to do that. I am not saying to sue him, but I have read and heard that Dr's aren't suppose t leave a patient hanging like that. I would start asking some ??? and find out..
Votes: +1
28 Jan 2013
I don't know about law, but its sure as heck unethical to endanger a patient that way. Its probably the DEA pressure he's feeling, but you can't leave someone kick benzos cold turkey.
29 Jan 2013
I have a bottle of gabapentin I have been taking for that very reason. My old psychiatrist took mercy on me and prescribed it to me. I am going to make sure I am taking it every day. As far as the doctor goes, his nurses were telling me new DEA laws prohibited him from writing it. I know someone who sees him and she still gets prescribed meds from him. I have heard from others as well that it was unethical and he could get in trouble for doing this. Thank you for your comment!
30 Jan 2013
We've seen no laws that say they have to make you kick it cold turkey. There should be a law that says they can't do that. I do know that the government doesn't give a darn what happens to us, as long as they save one idiot who wants to crush oxycontin and then kills himself. My pain dr had his license taken, and if his office hadn't called me and told me there was trouble, I would have been left to get off methadone cold turkey. He left me know in time that I could wean off of it.
I would suggest you find another dr asap, if yours thinks you can stop a benzo at that dosage without problems. You could very well be having some seizure activity.
Votes: +1
28 Jan 2013
I think so also, and it is scaring me pretty badly. This doc has had me on xanax for 7 years , same dosage , then in December he denies my refill and tells me he cant write that anymore. He should have at least been responsible and ween me down. So pissed at him, he put me through hell, right at Christmas time too, when stress is high and good luck finding another damn doctor that time of year. I am no longer seeing him but I was going to try to tough it out until this started happening to me. Thank you for your reply!