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Amitiza Questions

Displaying 15 questions associated with Amitiza.

Amitiza not really working - any advice or suggestions?

I am a 28 year old female who prior to about 1 1/2 years ago, had absolutely no medical issues, let alone GI issues, to speak of. I'll also say there are no GI issues in my family history, with the exception of my brother who developed ulcerative colitis around the same time I started having... read more

Amitiza - Has anyone noticed there hair falling out?

I have been on and off it for years and never put two and two together till recently when started taking it again and two weeks in my hair started falling out just like it did last time but still don't know if it is the amitiza. Has anyone noticed this?

Is it possible for amitiza to cause weight gain?

Hello- for the past 3 months I have been taking amitiza for my ibs in combination with dulcolax. After months of not seeing results from other medications, this actually worked! I am no longer chronically constipated, and my doctors are considering dropping the dosage given my progress. HOWEVER in... read more

Problems with Fecal Impaction?

I was given some amitiza samples to try for opioid induced constipation. In four days I was impacted. It is terrible. I have gone back to miralax and stool softeners every day. It works, but at 3-6 days I have a huge cramping BM. Anyone else with OIC have anything that REALLY helps??

Amitiza - Do you absolutely have to eat to take this medication?

I'll spare all the years I have had not having a BM and get to the point. I was prescribed this medication last week and I will say after the first day(2doses) I had major productivity ( I wanted to cry). But for me eating and taking this is a chore! most morning I eat a banana and coffee, BIG... read more

How does Linzess compare to Amitiza?

I have been on 24 mcg of Amitiza daily for several years. Now my health insurance has taken Amitiza off their preferred list. They suggest Linzess. I need a comparison before I switch medications. I am lactose intolerant and have chronic constipation due to my milk insensitivity.

Amitiza - How long does it take to work?

I have been taking Amitiza for 3 days and still no BM. I ended up having to get some magnesium citrate in order to get things moving, but even a day later, I am constipated again. How long does it take to work?

Can you drink alcohol while on Amitiza 24mcg?

Amitiza - Why did it stop working?

Took 8 mcg bid and it immediately helped. 1-2 healthy movements daily. Then it abruptly stopped working after about a week. Switched to 24 mcg bid and it still didn't work. Taking 24 mcg bid for a week now and have not had a movement. No nausea or headache side effects, as I always take it... read more

Amitiza - Question is, how long does it take before this stuff clears out from my system?

Was placed on Amitiza 24 mcg and almost immediately experienced coughing, dry mouth, tiredness, and swelling of ankles. Looked up side affects and found all of them listed. Question is, how long does it take before this stuff clears out from my system? I stopped taking 3 days ago and my feet still... read more

Amitiza - will the nausea and gas stop and if so when?

I have been on Amitiza-24mg 3 weeks now for severe constipation. Because of the side effects? first I took it twice a day and then this past week once a day (in the morning). It took almost a week to start working but now seems to be doing its job. The only problem is that I have several issues... read more

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Further information

Related condition support groups

Chronic Idiopathic Constipation, Irritable Bowel Syndrome

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