Dear Friends, I'm concerned about a Myelogram CT that I'm having on the 19th. I have to stop my antidepressants and pain meds for 2 days before the test and resume then 24 hours later. These are meds I have been on for a long time. Here is my concern: will I have enough built into my system to get me thru this test? I will be skipping 4-5 days worth of meds. My pain meds, I know, are going to be a problem. I still have severe pain due to my left shoulder being frozen. I would appreciate any and all input regarding this. I'm very much on edge because I don't like being stuck in my spine. Please let me know your thoughts on this. Everyone here is always so helpful and gives such good, informative responses.
In peace, Tee
Added 14 Sep 2012:
My anxiety is starting to get the best of me. I cant help it because Im very anxious about someone sticking a needle and dye into my spinal column. Ive tried so hard to remain calm but I cant help it. Having anxiety disorders doesnt help either. I appreciate everyone's suggestions. It means a lot. Thank you.
Dear Tee, Did you speak to your primary care physician about the appropriate way to decrease your antidepressants. It may be worth putting your procedure off for a few days. Is there an alternative pain Med they can put you on? I have my CT Myleogram scheduled for Tuesday, September 18th. I was told that I could take my gabapentin, hydrocodone and Belbuca, which I take for pain. I was told to stop my antidepressant, my muscle relaxant, and trazodone, which I take for sleep. I was told to bring my Xanax and Valium with me, in my prescription bottles, and let them know how anxious I am about procedure. They may allow me to take one of these while at the hospital. I forgot to ask, if I could go immediately back on all of my meds,! after the procedure. That question, is what brought me to this forum. I wish you much luck and agree with you that it's a scary procedure.
However being in chronic pain for many many years has taught me how to weigh each medical decision. It is obvious that you have a qualified physician if they are even going this route. These procedures are done very routinely. I wish you the best of luck. I know every procedure, and surgery is a risk, but if there is a chance to resolve your pain, I hope you will try and trust the professionals! You can, and will, survive this procedure! God Speed, Jo
Votes: +0
16 Sep 2012
Hi Tee, I'm just praying your test goes as smoothly as Darling Di's did. (I once had an emergency injection (no local pain med for the injection) in my spine and it was not the least bit painful.) Keeping you in my thoughts, Mac
Votes: +1
16 Sep 2012
Dear Mac, I deeply appreciate your thoughts and words of encouragement. My anxiety is my biggest problem. I have a history of chronic headaches so that concerns me. And Im scared of having a panic attack. Thanks for the encouragement. In peace, Tee
22 Sep 2012
Tee, are you able to take a xanax or a benzo before the test? I would think it would help keep you still and allay your anxiety. Maybe you should get a couple weeks worth, it would help now, while you anticipate the test. Just an idea. Mac
7 May 2014
I saw this post and although it is very old (its 5/2014) since it is available on the internet I wanted to add several comments regarding stopping anti-depression medications as well as anti-inflammatory medications prior to performing a myelogram... We STOP these medications for a true medical reason. Hopefully the person who asked you to stop these medications explained the reason and that reason is... when you take medications there are side effects. Yes they may improve your depression but there is always risk when we take medicine. These side effects when mixed with the contrast for the myelogram can double the risk of a seizure. THAT IS WHY we stop all anti depression medications as well as anti spasmotics like Flexeril and Soma. We ask that you stop anit-inflammatory medications like Motrin/Iboprofen and Tramadol because they can cause bleeding which can be a bad thing when you are putting a needle in someone.
I really took offense at alot of the comments. Written by Anonymous (of course) "Doctors are so ignorant, only listening to what the drug reps tell them about the med. They should know that many people have trouble stopping TWO serotonin medications at once would really screw with your brain. But alas, it is US that have to educate THEM about what this stuff does to us. UGH!!" What brainless person would actually post something like that?! Sorry Anon, you couldn't be more WRONG. Get educated! If you are truly worried about stopping medications speak with your ordering provider. Most of the time these procedures are ELECTIVE and not worth the risk. By the way I do know what I am talking about as I have done approximately 298 cervical/thoracic/lumbar myelograms. Hope your procedure went well.
P.S. I NEVER use sedation for these procedures as I find that I can talk most people though it without. There is considerable risk when combining the procedure with sedation that patients never bother to consider. Valium would be the exception.
I too need to have a ct myelogram done in the next week or so. I appreciate all the info people have provided! I had one done in 2010 with no problems & was overall quite comfortable during & after. I had been really nervous about getting this injection in my spine- well more like petrified! But, I was pleasantly surprised! The doctor who did it was great. Now I'm in a new town/state & have to get one here. My nerosurgeon who wants it done straight up told me it would be painful. I then told him id had one before & had been fine. He got excited for a second thinking he could just look at that one but because it was over 2 years ago & not within 6 months he can't. But now I'm getting anxious & worried about it! I will definitely ask to be sedated. They did not have me stop taking any meds last time but I had gotten off a lot of meds at that time for a while but the pain has pushed me back to having to be on lots of pain medication again.
This doctor did not mention anything about meds but maybe the nurse who is scheduling it will. If I remember correctly, in 2010 at that time I had been on Lexapro. I will certainly make sure that who ever is the physician doing the ct with dye this time is also a seasoned veteran as was the last one. I think it made a huge difference! I remember being so relieved that the punture/injection was low on pain, quick, with no big deal afterwards. I do remember a slight dull type of headache but I just laid back for the next 24hours & it didn't worsen but gradually disipated. I should say that my 2010 test was done because my left hand became paralyzed & my doctors were worried that it was from my C5 & C6 discectomy/fusion back in 2008. They did the injection for the test slightly lower than my midback. Now, they know my C6-C7 fusion is a failed fusion but now this doctor thinks my C4 doesnt look good either. So, after almost 5 1/2 years of me saying that somthing wasnt right & the pain eas still excrutiating with shouldar pain, cervical dysplasia, & paralysis, i know will have o go thru corrective surgery plus add in another disc! Tee, I hope you & I (& anyone else having to undergo this test) get thru this quickly & painlessly!!!
Votes: +2
14 Sep 2012
Dear Di, I hope yours goes easy for you. They called this week and told me I must stop my Celexa, Mirtazapine, and my Tramadol. That will leave me 5 days with no antidepressants nor anything for pain. My anxiety is growing worse by the day. I have been prone to anxiety attacks in recent months and scared I will have another one. I hope for strength for you and they find the results needed to make you better. Good luck and be strong! In peace, Tee
Darling Di
16 Sep 2012
Thanks Tee! That's so weird that they are having you stop taking all 3 of those meds & for 5 days! That alone would give me an anxiety attack. Did they explain why? Now I'm really curious. I'll go back and read the really informative post since its been too long for my Lyrica induced short term memory losing brain- lol. I'll let you know as soon as I'm scheduled for my ct mylegram what they tell me to stop taking. I hope you get thru this waiting without too much anxiety or pain & hopefully your test turns out to be a walk in the park & that they figure out how to heal your frozen shouldar!
Darling Di
16 Sep 2012
Thanks Tee! That's so weird that they are having you stop taking all 3 of those meds & for 5 days! That alone would give me an anxiety attack. Did they explain why? Now I'm really curious. I'll go back and read the really informative post since its been too long for my Lyrica induced short term memory losing brain- lol. I'll let you know as soon as I'm scheduled for my ct mylegram what they tell me to stop taking. I hope you get thru this waiting without too much anxiety or pain & hopefully your test turns out to be a walk in the park & that they figure out how to heal your frozen shouldar!
16 Sep 2012
Di, They took me off Celexa, Mirtazapine, and Tramadol. They said the seritonin would cause severe backlash and headaches when they inject the dye into my spine. I'm going to do the best I can to try and keep my anxiety levels in check. Thank you for the encouragement and support. Keep me posted on when you go in for your Myelogram. In peace, Tee
Hi, you should be fine with regards to the Citalopram, i have missed a few days in the past and was OK. You may find you feel a bit of nausea, but overall it shouldn't be too much of a problem. The main problem will be stopping the Tramadol, you could feel quite ill from missing these for 4 or 5 days. People tend to have withdrawal symptoms very quickly when stopping. Headache, nausea, lethagy, depression, cramping... sorry, i don't want to stress you out, but i want to be honest with you. I think you need to discuss taking a break from the Tramadol with your doctor because you could be quite ill?
Votes: +3
16 Sep 2012
Dear Delila, I so appreciate your honesty within your response. I was very concerned about the Tramadol being stopped like that. It scares me but I have no other recourse for pain meds. I do have valium that I can use. I will just have to do my best. Thank you so much for your support! Peace, Tee
13 Sep 2012
I had a myelogram about 6 years ago. In my neck. I still can remember it and I don't want to. Look I don't want to ah ... Darn! I hated it. And after I was bed ridden for a week. The least of your worries will be that time you will be without meds. I hope your experience will be better than mine. I was awake for most of the procedure because they needed to see something.. I forgot why.They wanted me to see where the needle went or some such excuse. I do not remember them saying I had to stop all my meds maybe some of them. But it is good to not have reactions to do what your Doctor says. I hope it will not be in your neck. It is a useful way for Dr's to see clearly what is happening to your spine. Are you going to have surgery? If I had to do it all over I would say put me under or don't do it. I wish I could have written something here to reassure you but my experience was just not good. Good luck to you...
Votes: +1
13 Sep 2012
Thanks for your response, Bnagoh. I've had a spinal tap before. It was no pleasure trip by any means. I'm having this procedure bc I'm having issues in my shoulders and lower arms. My left shoulder is "frozen" and very painful. Bc I have a steel plate and screws from C3 to and including C7. They feel the damage in my shoulder might be nerve damage as a result of the fusion. Therefore, they want to do the Myelogram. I'm just hoping they get some answers. I've had other tests that came up normal. But I can barely move my shoulder and its making me crazy. I'm so tired of being in pain. Thanks for your support, Bnagoh.
In peace, Tee
12 Sep 2012
Hey sweetie, ok, here's my answer. Being stuck in your spine is a scary thought, but it's not as bad as you think. The worse part, as always, is the Novocain. I'm sure that you have had those kind of shots before, and although they are not pleasant, they are not unbearable. the other thing about a myelogram is that they take a bit spinal fluid out, and replace it with a dye, so that they can get a picture of your spinal column, and your brain, which your spinal fluid surrounds. It just depends what they are looking for, but I am guessing that it is your shoulder problems. Are you allergic to contrast dyes? If so, you must tell them so they can accommodate for this. You can be sedated for this procedure, as they have to put an IV in, so if you are very nervous INSIST! If this doctor won't do that, then go to another doctor who will! I see no reason to suffer, and I happen to be highly excitable, so I need sedation. You on the other hand, might not need it.
They will probably take you for a CT scan afterwards.
The most IMPORTANT thing regarding a myelogram is stay flat, or sometimes a bit elevated, your doctor will tell you, for 24 hours after the procedure! This is IMPERATIVE to avoid the headaches that everyone talks about. Should you follow their advice, no bending, lifting, just lie down for 24 hours, you should NOT get the headaches. The test itself is relatively painless, though for us, nothing is painless, but from what I have read, it only lasts for a few moments when the dye hits the nerves that are irritated. One important thing is to make sure that the doctor who preforms the myelogram has had PLENTY of experience doing this. That way you avoid problems. I have heard about stopping antidepressants, but not about the pain medication. Reading your tags, I see that you are on tramadol, and that could be why. I would ask for another pain medication that you can take for the few days before and after, as tramadol has a serotonin component. I have read where they give you an sedative and demerol during the procedure, but INSIST!! Sometimes doctors just don't think, and don't realize that you will go through w/d, even though it is for a few days. Also, make sure that you are well hydrated before the test. The more fluid you take in the few days before the test, the less chance of having any problems afterwards. I do wish that I could tell you that you will have no problems, but they do happen sometimes. Should you get a headache a few days afterwards, call the doctor immediately, as there are things that they can do for that. Don't be stoic, and wait it out. Call the doctor ASAP, so they can take care of it immediately, ok??
I will be thinking about you and I truly hope this is as easy as can be!! Best wishes to you Tee.
Votes: +5
12 Sep 2012
Dearest Ellen, Thank you SO much for all your research. I really appreciate the information you have given me. It has really answered some questions I had. I know I can count on you to look out for me. Thank you very much, my friend! I will be reading this again and again, and I will try to remain calm until the test. In peace, Tee
13 Sep 2012
Hey Tee, reading the other answers, and reading in the past about Tramadol, I think that you should inform your doctor NOW to switch your pain meds, and possibly postponing the entire procedure until you are through the changeover. That way, you won't be uncomfortable during and after the procedure, where it is imperative that you remain as still as possible. Doctors are so ignorant, only listening to what the drug reps tell them about the med. They should know that many people have trouble stopping TWO serotonin medications at once would really screw with your brain. But alas, it is US that have to educate THEM about what this stuff does to us. UGH!! Perhaps a call to your pharmacist might help also.
13 Sep 2012
PS: you might want to talk to lmariani, she knows her meds really well, and she was an RN, so she can tell you about myelograms better than any of us can.
My thought is that its inhumane to expect you to go without pain meds for 4 days. You'll probably have to wean off of them too. Is it all pain meds that you couldn't have? I'd talk to my doc about that one. Anti depressants, should probably still be in your system but not at the level you need. You may feel down the first few days you are back on it. Hopefully you won't start withdrawal before you get back on them.
Votes: +1
12 Sep 2012
I currently take Tramadol, which as Ellen mentioned below, has some serotonin effect. That is all the doctor has me on right now. I'm hoping the antidepressants will be in my system enough to make it thru. Thanks for your concerns. I'll keep in touch once I'm able to get around normally. In peace, Tee
16 Sep 2017
Have you spoken to the pre-procedure nurse coordinator. I am having the same procedure on Tuesday of next week. I was told to stop my antidepressants two days prior to procedure. In addition I have to stop my Trazadone, which I take to sleep, and my Tizantidine, which is a muscle relaxer. I called my primary care Dr. And she ordered decreased dose of antidepressants. I was told it was okay to take my gabapentin, hydrocodone and Belbuca. I can also continue my allergy and constipation meds.