I started Lexapro six days ago for Health Anxiety as I suffer from a chronic gut disease. I am taking 5 gr in the morning with some food. Day 1: drowsiness and diarrhea. Day 2, 3 and 4: dizzy, general feeling of unwell, lose of appetite due to nausea. Day 4: all the above plus a slight headache. Day 5: all of the above and a tight neck and shoulder. That night around 8.30 pm I totally crashed. Exhausted, nauseated, dizzy, blurry vision, extremely unwell. I was able to fall asleep around 10.30 pm but woke up at 6 am and it felt like I was going to have a panic attack. Took Ativan 0.5 mg but I was weak, shaky, cold with sweaty hands, dizzy, hungry, blurry vision, just very sick like I was coming down with a stomach flu. It felt like all the side effects decided to 'attack" me at the same time.
I decided to phone my family doctor and she gave me a choice: stop immediately or continue and we will talk about it next week (when I have an appointment).
My question: what is wise decision? Do I stick with it in the hope that I'll start to feel better, or do I stop and recover from the past six days? I've already lost 64 pounds in the past 5 months and I am pretty sure I've lost some more these past six days. What to do, what to do?
Started Lexapro 6 days ago to treat health anxiety but experience side effects. Continue or stop?
Question posted by An5018 on 17 March 2021
Last updated on 9 October 2021
3 Answers
Since you did contact your PP and she is aware, if it was me, I would taper down until you see your doctor. Stay aware of tje changes as you do and if you have time jot down any positives as well as negatives. I hope for the best for you. Keep an open mind when listening to your doctor. When explaining keep it simple and to the point. I myself could not tolerate this med..
Your doctors first recommendation to discontinue was correct and your decision to discontinue was also correct. There are a few who will encourage you to stay on the meds but it's YOUR body and effects that you have to endure. Symptoms are the result of your body trying to accept, adjust or decline what has been introduced into it. In your case you do not have to worry about withdrawals due to the duration you have been taking it. You do not get withdrawals unless you have been taking a drug long term which is supported by your doctor recommendation to IMMEDIATELY discontinue. The truth is what "works" for a few does NOT work for everyone regardless of duration of use. You have to find what works for YOUR body's chemistry. There are better choices for anxiety and gut conditions than Lexapro. As a pharmacist I also would have recommended to discontinue as your doctor did. Your decision was indeed wise. Wishing you wellness.
Thank you for your reply. I stopped taking Lexapro and the side effects went away within 24 hours.
Pharmacists can be a wealth of information for how/when to take medications, possible side effects, interactions, and OTC remedies.
They don't, however, render medical advice.
Veterinarians can be a wealth of help when it comes to advice for animals. Veterinarians however are not qualified to advise on medication for humans. That's what pharmacist are for.
You're rendering medical advice along with your pharmaceutical knowledge which is dangerous to people submitting questions on these boards.
Since you read my profile you might have noted that I hold a degree in psychopharmacology. Nonetheless, I refer patients back to their health care providers who know their medical history and are qualified to provide professional assistance.
Wow, I guess the med got into my system more than I anticipated. Last night I had a vivid dream, almost like a nightmare, and I woke up with my heart racing and sweating like crazy. Never experienced this before. After some breathing I calmed down but couldn't sleep anymore.
Hello, An5180!
As I said above,”it roughly takes 6 days for Lexapro to be fully out of your system. I know you have been on it for only 6 days but these medications increases serotonin even on the first dose. So it’s possible to experience few withdrawals.
Lexapro itself can cause abnormal dreams and stopping it might cause:
"Sleep problems: Nightmares, unusual dreams, excessive/vivid dreams, or insomnia"
The remaining drug in your system shouldn't be more than minimal at this point and you probably weren't on the medication long enough to have long lasting discontinuation symptoms.
Sorry this didn't work out for you. Take care and feel better!
Oh okay I guess you would know meds. I took sertraline for 4days and stopped because the side effects got to me. However I did call the doctors office 1st and he said ok, nothing would happen because I haven't been taking it long enough. You do what's best and what works for you. U know your body and what it will handle. All the best.
Oh okay I guess you would know meds. I took sertraline for 4days and stopped because the side effects got to me. However I did call the doctors office 1st and he said ok, nothing would happen because I haven't been taking it long enough. You do what's best and what works for you. U know your body and what it will handle. All the best.
@ Trallyn
Yes that is correct. 4 days is not long enough for the drug to really get into the system. Neither is 6 days but it is long enough to experience adverse side effects. No one would experience withdrawals from such a short time of use of antidepressants. This same time frame also applies to Benzos as well. Meaning that no one would experience withdrawals from only 4 - 6 days of use. Your doctor is correct -- pharmacist in Dallas
I’m sorry you’re going through these side effects. I also have health anxiety and started Lexapro 19 days ago. For the fist week, I took 5 mg and at week 2, 10 mg. That may have been too quick of an increase. I can tell you that things do get worse before they get better. It was two weeks of nausea, increased anxiety, loss of appetite, and for me, panic attacks during the night. At week three, those effects have started to slow down. One day can be much better and the next, not so good. I’ve been told it’s a rollercoaster ride until your body gets used to the drug. I kept reading reviews and decided I needed to stick with it. I’m sure others will have other thoughts. This is just my personal experience. Wishing you well.
Thanks for your reply. I decided to stop as I was so ill I couldn't walk anymore. I have become so weak that I just can't continue. So today I will stop taking it. I did the same thing as you, I kept reading reviews but it couldn't keep me going. Good for you to stick with it. I wish you good luck.
Thank you. I hope you will find something that gives you relief. All the best.
Thank you so much for sharing your story! It really helps!! Wishing you well too.
Stoping abruptly after 6 days may worsen your symptoms. It roughly takes 6 days for Lexapro to be fully out of your system. You should speak with your doctor to help you get off the medication to prevent withdrawals.
You are spot on me too!! Thanksfor sharing your experiences - it goes a long way. I'm wishing you well too. It's nice we can kind of hold hands here and help each other through that ride.
That's so true, I had to call my doctor when I was tapering off xanax. He lessen the dose and gave me escitalopram. Feeling sick is not easy 4 sure, but going thru withdrawals is no walk in the park. Trust me I know... call your doctor tell them your plans and let them advise you. Wishing you the best.
My dr started me on 5 mg and I’m on day 11 I have a few days that I feel good but then I’m not with major anxiety again and some days I can’t cry yet I want too and the worst feeling is the burning sensation I’m having all over esp my arms and legs. Is this normal and does it get better? I EEs as though I going backwards, am I rushing the progres and expecting too much? I have major anxiety from taking medication as it is.
Related topics
lexapro, depression, diarrhea, anxiety, vertigo, generalized anxiety disorder, major depressive disorder, side effect, chronic, food, disease, health
Further information
- Lexapro uses and safety info
- Lexapro prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Lexapro (detailed)
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