I have had extreme anxiety that left me in a non-functioning state I have tried several pills and nothing helped until Lexapro! I have been on 10 mg of Lexapro since February 10th. I started taking it around 10am, this last week I started taking it at night. I feel awesome but I also feel like I could sleep 24 hrs a day! I've read where some people were over the fatigue in 4 weeks, has anyone had it longer? Should I cut it down to 5mg? Will this extreme fatigue ever war off? I am on Klonopin, but I have cut the dosage way down. Could someone please help. Also, please no negative feedback, I don't need that in my head.
So sleepy with Lexapro, help!?
Question posted by Breathe2 on 2 April 2014
Last updated on 21 February 2021 by SowberryHagan
46 Answers
You will get only help from me, I promise. I have had the same experience, so let me help you with what I did. I have started breaking the 10mg tablet in half, taking only 5mg and only at night, some hours before I go to bed. I have found that Lexapro works on anxiety even in this small amount. And my anxiety was very bad! When I was on 10 milligrams I was tired the whole day. So try to take only 5mg, and I can just about assure you that you will feel the same low anxiety effect but with less fatigue. And you are doing the same thing with the Klonopin that I'm doing. I take the smallest possible amount, because Klonopin is very strong. You'll see: this will help you. I wish you the best! Don't worry; you'll be just fine. I hope this helps.
I take lexapro 20mg at bedtime. My doctor had to add abilify because my insurance company wouldn't pay for a higher dose of lexapro. The combination works well. Although, the lexapro makes me hungry. I try to stick to fruits mostly.
Be careful with fruits because many are very high in sugar and just because it comes from fruit it still is carbs. Some common fruits that are high carb are apples, pears, grapes, and bananas (which are the worst).
Google "which fruits have the most carbs" for more info.
All I can say with my experience that is everyone is different, and it affects every single person differently. It made me so tired that I was unable to do all the things that i wanted to do because of the fatigue. I literally had to push myself and make myself do the normal things I normally do. I myself have stopped taking it and the fatigue has actually worn off and I can function again like a normal person..I've been tried on several different medications and none have worked. They say that lexapro has side effects when you stop taking it after so long well I didnt take it long enough thank goodness. I always research the meds and ask other people that have taken them to see what the benefits are and all. They have ones that do work that I have taken before but were I live it is hard for a dr. To get them to prescribe them for you. I did for most my life until my dr. Moved to California and the DEA has came down so hard on certain meds that it makes it hard for people.
There are drs out there that will it's just you haft to go around unfortunately until you find one. I have severe anxiety and the pain I go through everyday has caused depression were I used to not have that but I have many injuries unfortunately and trust me I wish I was like a normal person who could wake up and not haft to take any pain medication or anxiety meds. They dont know how lucky they are to have never been hurt and been thru so many surgeries. Doctor's can be frustrating until you find the right one, and the right med that works for you. I hope that they could put me on something were I can sleep because I have insomnia so bad as well and it's horrible. The older you get, the worse it gets. But all I can say is go with your gut and talk to your physician about it and maybe they can give you the answers you need and im the type of person who likes to be in control and I wanna wake up and not feel sluggish after taking something for sleep and anxiety and they do have meds out there that works. Just like I said its finding the right physician that cares and one who will give you something that works for you because I don't like being tired especially during the day. I just wanna be out of pain and be able to sleep. Best luck and I hope you find the answers.
I actually just started taking lexapro last night 10 mg after trying so many other ones. They told me that it would take at least one to two weeks to get into my system. I have been reading other people's comments and I pray that it doesn't make me tired because I already have thyroid issues that make me tired as it is, and I dont need anything else to make my fatigue worse. I did some research on the internet to see and learn all about the drug, because it was prescribed to me for severe anxiety and also depression because of the pain of my health conditions. I'm not always depressed and never was until I got hurt really bad and going through horrible pain will make you be depressed after awhile no doubt because I can't do some of the simple normal things that I used to do. If I try I end up paying for it dearly and I ended up loosing my job about a year and a half ago.
I also started seeing a therapist last year to see if they could help me cope with the bad anxiety I go through and after a little bit. I've learned how to control it up to a certain point. It's no cure by no means but it does help me to a point. I take my lexapro at night and because I get tired already from my thyroid problems I pray that this med doesnt make it worse. I have insomnia really bad and always have most my adult life and stress plays a major part in it, but I'm just a stressful person period and I hate it because it's something that I can't control, and I don't like it because I like to be in control of my body but it's something you can't help. They teach you exercises that may help but it doesn't work like a medication would at all. I bought some B12 a vitamin that is used for energy. I haven't taken it yet but I plan to In Hope's that it will give me more energy like I used to have before the thyroid issues. I had to take Iron and B12 for months till my levels came back up because after a surgery in the past I was already anemia and it went to being severely anemic and it took months but it got my levels back up as well. I also take 10 meq of potassium from my kidney specialists due to a kidney problem and my body for some reason doesn't store potassium like normal people so I take that twice a day. My potassium levels go up and down and the last time before they put me back on the potassium I didn't know what was going on. I felt so very very tired and then got short of breathe and when they did my blood work my potassium level was only a 2 so they gave me the potassium at the hospital and have been on it every since as I was when I was younger. If your potassium falls to a very low level it can cause a heart attack and to much is dangerous as well so I've gotta have blood work done every so often to check my levels. Having other medical conditions already that's why I'm hoping that the lexapro doesn't make me tired because I need energy not the opposite. All I can do is wait and see and I was reading everyone's comments to see how each person reacts to it. I know everyone's body is different and I just hope it works and doesn't make me tired otherwise I will haft to be changes again and I'm tired of changing meds all the time, there has to be something out there that works I pray. God Bless All and i hope things get better for those who suffer from being tired all the time I can relate unfortunately, I likes it better when I had actually to much energy because it makes it hard for me to stay awake during the day somedays and I never used to be like that. Good luck to all!!
I’m also taking 10mg of lexapro, and have been for 3 months now. It’s made me EXTREMELY tired, so I talked to my doctor and she suggested I try taking it at night instead. I gotta say, taking it like 2-3 hours before bedtime has actually helped me sleep! It still works just the way it’s supposed to, and now I’m not constantly tired anymore.
I can totally relate as Lexapro makes me extremely sleepy too! I've been taking 5mg daily of it for a year this month. My doctor told me at first to take it in the morning, but it made me so tired I couldn't function at work, and it also caused my vision to blur (which is a normal side effect apparently). I reported that to her & she said to take it at night before bed. I take it now around 11 or 11:30pm and within about 30-45 min I am OUT, even a year later. I don't feel fatigue anymore unless I don't get a solid night's sleep. You should definitely mention to your doctor how you're feeling. I took Klonopin before and that stuff made me feel so sloshy it was hard to do anything, just had no energy. For anxiety attacks, I have a prescription for something called Hydroxyzine Pamoate (brand name is Vistaril). It works very well and is non-addictive but very relaxing.
I have GAD as well as SA and tripophobia (don't look it up, it's anxiety-producing) which is basically a fear of certain patterns. I don't know why, it's just always been there since I can remember. I've had anxiety since I was a kid but didn't know what it was until I was an adult, I just worried constantly & obsessed over thoughts. The Lexapro has helped a LOT. It works best if you set a reminder & take it at the same time every night, that way the level stays the same in your system. Also, my dr wanted to start me on 10mg but I asked for a lower dose because I was thinking that if 10mg is too much then it might make me feel weird, but if I started lower & needed more I could always take a higher dose. She said 5mg is the lowest dose you can get & prescribed that instead. Definitely talk this over w/ your doctor (maybe ask about the Vistaril too, instead of Klonopin, if you're interested in that) but so far what you've said seems pretty normal for a Lexapro patient. :) Good luck and I hope/pray you get to feeling better very soon! God bless,
First - NEVER change your medication without your doctor's approval/supervision. Just don't do it. There are drug interactions we don't know about and some interactions depend upon the amount of the drug in our system. So, just don't change your medication without your doctor's approval/supervision.
As for the fatigue -- it depends, but you have some hope. I had been taking Lexapro in the morning for 3-1/2 years and I was tired all the time. Started taking it at night, and suddenly I'm not tired during the day. So hang in there. If you are on other medications, if "fatigue" is one of the first side effects mentioned, you may want to see if you can take it at night. If you are having difficulty falling asleep or maintaining sleep, try taking some Melatonin and/or AlevePM. It should knock you out for at least 6-7 hours and without the risky side effects of sleep medication. Hope this helps.
I have taken lots of psych meds. Sleepiness is always the black monster because I believe those drugs need to keep you calm. Calm, sleepy, tomato/tomoto, if A drug makes me sleepy, and most do, I move another direction. What kind of life is being sleepy all the time? I started Lexapro a few days ago and a couple people said take it at night if it makes you drowsy, well I did, it’s 3 am. See most drugs peak in your blood around 5 hours and that is what has happen. I can meditate back to sleep, but I am going back to taking it in the morning. I take Bupropion 150sr2x day so I figure I have all the transmitters covered now that I added Lex. Keep up the good fight!
I know this thread is old... I am hoping someone responds. I just started on Lexapro (I had been on it before after a late term miscarriage without any issues back in 2015). My MD suggested starting out on 2.5 mg for 1 week and then increase to 5 mg and to take it with dinner and a Xanax for GAD. I find I am waking up at 0400 with palpitations, sweats and severe anxiety that even the Xanax and meditation doesn't help at that time. My 5 mg increase is tomorrow and I am nervous that I am going to be in a worse situation then I am now. How are you all coping with the increased anxiety with fatigue? I am a nurse and could pass out at my workstation. I am also being treated for Lyme which I think is compounding my issue with Doxycycline (I have one more week of that). Any help or words of encouragement would be welcomed. How do I make the "magic" 4 week mark...
I’m having the same issues on 2.5 mg. Did you end up going up to 5 mg? How did it work out for you? Thanks!
It did not work for me because of the chronic fatigue and nightmares. If, I was socially less anxious it was useless because I was too tired to even care about having friends. Lexapro works for some so I am not totally negative about it because it does work for anxiety. I will say that getting off of 20mg of Lexapro has taken more than a year, and I still have detoxing problems. But, there is nothing better than coming back from the walking dead with the help of a good psychologist that can help a person understand how to cope with problems. Good luck, and I would say listen to your own response in your mind and body. We are all different in the way we respond to chemicals.
I'm having the same issue. I've been on 5mg of Lexapro for about 7 weeks, to treat anxiety/panic attacks and PTSD. It works GREAT and my anxiety is pretty well under control. (I also have a prescription for 25mg of Hydroxyzine just in case I do feel on the edge of a panic attack.. it's an allergy pill that is also used for anxiety, but non habit-forming.. I would say it kind of works the same as a mild sedative, doesn't work as quickly as a Xanax or Klonopin does, but it definitely helps.) I take the Lexapro at night because the pharmacist told me it could cause drowsiness, which it does. What I've noticed is that if I don't get like 9 hours of sleep, the next morning I am very groggy. You could try taking it earlier in the evening and going to bed earlier than usual. That seems to help me anyway.
Also, if you shower in the morning, you could try starting off with a warm temperature shower and slowly reducing the temp down to where it is cold, spraying on your head. That also works, AND studies have shown it's a natural way to help your body fight off anxiety too. Good luck, I know this post is like 4 months old but I hope you are doing well and feeling better! :)
I’ve taken Lexapro for years, and I’m sleepy all day, nap frequently. Frustrating!!
I know this is an old post but I am on 22 days right now but still super sleepy all day. I read it takes 2 to 4 weeks for most people to get over side effects. It this takes longer than that i may be quiting. I can barely function.
I’ve been on lexapro 5mg for 5 days now and became very tired and sleepy which concerns me since my job requires a lot of focusing and critical thinking. I know it’s only been 5 days but I hope this side effect doesn’t effect me long term. Did it get any better for you or did you have to quit lexapro altogether?
I cant really relate to your experience but I take Lexapro 20mg each day around 9am and I never experience it making me tired, usually it wires me out a LOT or completely stones you to where you stare at a wall for 30 minutes smiling harder than you ever could (so you think).. pretty weird for me. 10mg I couldnt even feel so my doctor upped it to 20 but I think tiredness is a common side effect of Lexapro since it raises the serotonin in your brain, a good factor in sleep. You should be alright, and taking it at night is also an acceptable choice in my mind. Side effects usually subside after awhile.
I have been on lexapro on and off for 10 years I took myself off it in Jan 2017 due to being told my extreme perspiration could be a side affect of lexapro. Within a few months I realised i needed to go back on it as my anxiety was becoming debilitating. I went back on my original 5mg dose, but after 2 months, I was still not right. My doc increased the dose to 10mg. I have always taken my lexapro at night. Over the last year I have noticed I am struggling with fatigue more and more (I've always been tired in the mornings My whole life). But now I can sleep all night and all day at times. I am at an age where perimenopause could be affecting me. I have also been looking at chronic fatigue syndrome as I seem to crash the day after a busy day at work (I have a physical job). I am so confused. I don't know where to start. My Gp, who has known me for 25 years, says that it is my stressful life (I am a single mother of three, my eldest has a severe disability). He suggests therapy. I just want to be able to function day to day.
After seven years, or so, of taking 20 mg of Lexapro, the fatigue became worse, and I began having vivid dreams that awakened me with sweating so awful I had to change my gown.
I am down to 10mg, but still have the dreams every single time I sleep. I am also always tired even though there are many things I want to do, and am interested in doing. Detoxing from Lexapro is awful for me because of the fatigue. It gets worse before it gets better, or so I am experiencing. It is like my body became saturated with this drug and it starts to suppress your rem sleep capacity. This causes stressful dreams and sleep that does not revive you. (learned this by researching the drug and my personal problems getting off of it.) I have to function in my job, but I want to detox totally off this drug that for me has been like a chemical lobotomy! I look forward to a day I am free of this drug!
I just want to add that i am dealing with something similar. I’ve been on varying doses of Lexapro for 11 years straight, and for the first 3 years or so it helped and everything was good. After that, I began having issues with sleeping and waking up feeling totally unrefreshed. I dream a lot as well. It is so brutal. I am exhausted all the time and can’t focus. My eyes hurt. I never had this problem before starting this drug. I’m assuming that I’m not getting into the phases of deep sleep.
The odd thing is, my sleep will just magically go back to normal for a few months at a time, while still taking the drug. Then, out of nowhere, the poor sleep will come back for months at a time. I’ve been to numerous doctors and they all tell me to increase me dose. Not one has ever said it could be because of the drug. Ugh. I don’t know what to do. I want to come off of it completely and see if that helps, but i’ve tried before and my sleep gets even worse. I may try tapering much more slowly and see if that helps.
Related topics
lexapro, depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, generalized anxiety disorder, pill
Further information
- Lexapro uses and safety info
- Lexapro prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Lexapro (detailed)
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