I'm currently using this expensive eye drops, a vial has enough med for 2 dosages, what happens if I save the vial for the next dosage instead of discard it?
Restasis - what happens if you use the vial twice instead of once?
Question posted by rramsey on 6 Oct 2012
Last updated on 14 October 2018
The main reason for discarding it would be that once opened and left sitting, there is a risk of microbial contamination. There are no preservatives in this preparation. The single use vials must be discard after one time dosing.
I have been using the same restasis dropper morning and evening making its use four times for the past 9 years. The cost is $6000/year and I do not have any problems using it four times. I always put the twist off end back on and place it in a safe place in a drawer. I never touch anything to the dropper. I am wondering if anyone has used it for two days making it use 8 times. I can not longer afford to use this drug as well as another costing $6000/year.
Related topics
Further information
- Restasis uses and safety info
- Restasis prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Restasis (detailed)
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