I have been taking Lexipro for a year now and although it has helped with my anxiety it has also caused me to gain 10 pounds. I’ve asked my doctor if there’s a medicine that doesn’t cause weight gain and she recommended Pristiq, and mentioned that it might cause weight loss. As a slim guy I can’t afford to lose too much weight, but at that the same time I certainly don’t want to gain any more weight.
Pristiq - Has this caused weight gain or loss in you, and if so how much?
Question posted by TE Desire on 2 May 2013
Last updated on 21 February 2023 by notthereyet
38 Answers
I am considered treatment-resistant to medication for my major depression. I have tried EVERYTHING. Something will work for a year and then stop. So I was very encouraged when Pristiq got me off the couch, barely able to stay awake or walk due to severe fatigue (I also have chronic fatigue syndrome)
I was very thin when I started it, so I expected and was OK with a 10 lb weight gain. However, the weight gain would NOT STOP. I had no appetite, eating less than 1000 (healthy) calories a day and taking walks daily.
I had changed nothing with my diet or exercise, and just prior to starting Pristiq, I previously slowly lost 30 lbs without trying over the course of 2 years. The only thing that made me go from losing weight consistently and constantly and gaining 40 lbs in one year was Pristiq.
I am so uncomfortable. I feel like someone put me in a fat suit. I am literally going out to buy new dress pants every 3-4 weeks due to the severe abdominal distention. I literally look about five months pregnant.
I am torn because this medication is life-saving for my severe depression; however, I don't know if this weight gain will ever stop! My doctor even put me on metformin to combat the weight gain, which has not helped!
The last time I stepped on the scale, I had gained 6 lbs since the previous week! This is a nightmare, but Im so happy and productive and have the energy finally to stay awake and live my life.
I have been on Pristiq for 1.5 years. I have not gained weight. Through exercise and diet I have lost 30 lbs, had weighed 170lbs, now 140lbs. I think the Pristiq helped in that I had more energy and more motivation, i.e. enjoyed a substantial relief from Major Depressive Disorder.
I have been on pristiq for 4 months, I have lost about 24 lbs so far.
Pristiq helped me in the beginning immensely. However, it made me gain 45 pounds. It kills your metabolism. After 8 yrs of taking it it stopped working. I was very tired all the time.
Took this drug for like 15 years at 25 to 50mgs. I always had an extra 20 pounds from it. Got off it and lost it.
I have been on this drug since July of 2020 and I have officially gained 20 lbs. It has been great for my depression but I have noticed that it is not working as well anymore and now I am depressed because of the weight gain. I am going to try and ween myself off with my doctors approval of course.
Pristiq caused many side effects, after almost a year I am off of it. The main ones being weight gain, sexual side effects, insomnia, anxiety. Doctors will always recommend meds, that's how they make money. Try using natural alternatives/supplements. I gained 20 pounds and I'm hoping I can get it off and get my life back. What are the point of these evil drugs when they make you more depressed? Its ALL ABOUT MONEY.
Tens of thousands of people use this and most other psychotropic drugs and have benefited greatly with few, if any, side effects. For them these medications are life saving.
I'm sorry that you were one of the few who suffered a bad experience.
Interesting that you know tens of thousands of people! Wow! My statement stands true. I am sorry you don't want to believe it. People are led to believe that these drugs are safe! They are not safe in anyway! I wish people would wakeup and do their homework before taking these. Again, for the people pushing these drugs it is only about money.
Oh, excuse me, I should have said hundreds of thousands...
This is not to say that a small number of people do, in fact, have side effects but that doesn't make the medication a poison or evil or unsafe or a product of "money hungry" pharmaceutical companies.
If everyone was so negative there'd be a LOT of very unhappy people in this world...
I have been taking Pristq for just about 6 months now. My appetite is completely gone. I believe it is a side effect of the med. I lost at least 25pounds on it.
However, I feel Pristq has not treated my depression/anxiety well. Thinking of switching to Lexapro.
I have been on Pristiq for hot flashes and mild anxiety or 7 months. It has been awesome for both and I am very happy with the results. However... my weight has never fluctuated much more than 5 pounds plus or minus, and I have gained 20 lbs since taking this medication!!! I do have to consider other factors, including the pandemic (the “ Quarantine 15“) as well as possible hormonal changes. But I have been careful what I eat (I don’t eat fast food, etc.) and I can’t seem to get the weight off.
I want to start weening of this medication but not sure how, and for how long. Does anyone have experience with this?
Any time you stop a psychotropic medication it must be done with a tapering dose schedule provided by your prescribing doctor or you could suffer potentially serious symptoms of discontinuation.
How long it may take depends on many factors including dosage, length of time taken, and your individual metabolism. Don't try to do it on your own or with non-professional advice, okay?
I’ve been on Pristiq for about a month now and I’ve gained 7kgs!!! I’m bloated and am always hungry. I’m craving sweets and food food!!! It has added to my low self esteem and yet, Pristiq has made me feel better in other ways.
I’m coming off it, the weight has got me very down.
I have lost about 8 lbs. on this, I wasn't even trying. I was told I am borderline diabetic so I cut out sugars, salt,and am drinking lots of water. maybe that's why I lost.
I gained 15lbs on Zoloft and the weight gain didn’t help with my depression so my doctor put me on Pristiq saying it would help me lose or maintain my weight. 2 years later I am now 30lbs heavier. Another 15lbs with Pristiq. I am also in my 40’s and I hear that as a woman we can expect to gain 10lbs each decade so it could be part of that but based on what I have read here and in other forums, Pristiq does seem to cause weight gain. The side effects when trying to get off of it (or onto it) are terrible! I’m seeing a naturopath with a plan to move off of these in about a years time. I honestly can’t wait. I wish I had seen the naturopath decades ago. Not everyone can go all natural. Some people do truly need pharmaceuticals. Whatever you do, do NOT adjust your dose without your drs approval. Antidepressants can cause suicidal thoughts when going on them or coming off of them so it is critical that you are taping off under medical supervision.
During the first two years taking 50 mg of Pristiq, I lost 40 lbs, very rapidly. Entering year three, I have put on 65 lbs, with severe abdominal distension and constipation. After DNA testing, it was determined that Pristiq was the ONLY antidepressant compatible with my liver function. I desperately want to wean off of Pristiq, but it absolutely does work for my depression, and I have no other options. So, weight loss/gain seems to be an unknown with this drug, but initially, my dramatic weight loss lasted for 2 years, and significant weight gain followed.
I have been on Pristiq for 4 years now & put on severe weight. 80+ lbs. I have been stuck severely depressed & PTSD. 6.5 yrs. tried exercise & counseling first. Prestige probably saved my life, but still severely depressed. The weight gain has made me retract from going out & such, and I am a people person. Ready to try something new, as the weight gain is ridiculous.
I have been taking Pristiq 50mg in its generic form for 6 months now, and while it has been great for my anxiety, it has been awful for weight gain and not too good for the libido. I have gained approximately 15 lbs despite maintaining a healthy diet and moderate exercise. It's quite frustrating, especially since weight is something that contributes to my anxiety/depression. This is the fourth med we have tried. Zoloft turned me into a zombie, another kept me from sleeping no matter what time of day I took it, and one made me so edgy and mean no one could stand to be near me, including me.
I'm almost resigned to the weight because it otherwise works so well for me
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lexapro, pristiq, weight loss (obesity/overweight), anxiety, generalized anxiety disorder, weight, doctor, medicine
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