... disorder and I suffer from severe PMS, I feel like I am only PMS free for about 1 week out my cycle. I am 35 years old and will not BCP or horomone replacement therapy, I am hoping the Wellbutrin will help with this. It gets so bad I feel like i turn into a completely different person. Just wondering what helps others, any advice or suggestions would be helpful. Thanks
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder - I am taking 150 mg of Wellbutrin XL for mild depression, anxiety?
Question posted by 35girl on 16 Feb 2012
Last updated on 22 November 2019
5 Answers
Hi, this response is coming late but hoping you are doing ok. I was treated with Zoloft for PMDD, but due to SSEs my doctor switched me to Welbutrin. I've been taking 150mg and it's doing great. It's about the time of month when my episodes start and I felt them coming on but handled it much better. My dose probably needs to be increased so that the episodes don't come at all, so I'll be speaking with my doctor about it. Hope this helps you.
Just in case you are still on this board :) did you find a dose that worked for you? Are you taking Wellbutrin XL or SR?
I know this is an old post, but I wanted to share my experience. I also have pmdd and I am 38 years old. My Obgyn prescribed Wellbutrin about two years ago. I started out on 100mg twice a day then after a year I called and had them to increase my mg to 150mg twice a day. This medication has done wonders for my hormones and my periods. I hope that you found relief with yours
35girl I know this post is old but am very curious if you found relief. I'm a 38 yr old woman for the last year my PMS has gotten severe. I no longer feel like myself, I'm crampy, irritable and emotional for about 2/3 of my 23 day cycles!!
I already take Wellbutrin XL 150 mg once a day for mild depression. Now I feel like I'm back at square 1 and it starts about 10 days after I start my period. I was thinking of getting the dose raised to 300mg a day as an alternative to the Zoloft/Paxil that my Dr was mentioning a few months back.
Hope you have found relief!
Great answer echo. My daughterinlaw (ex)also suffered thru this disorder & tried everything in the world! She even had my son in therapy to deal with her bad, horrible moods over this. After many years of suffering, her doctor decided she needed a hysterectomy (not sure it they left the ovaries, but probably) Anyway she had the two children she wanted, so it was not a problem for her to do this, & WALLA! No more problems what so ever. She was still a bitch (inborn), & divorced my son who now has custody of the two kids because she just couldn't deal with it, but the menstral disorders are gone forever. No more depression all month long that was always worse before & after her period. Now this is an extreme solution, but if you have to go that far, it will help you I am sure. Hope this gives you something to think about. I know how bad she was, & it helped her extrememly...
My first thought was start writing ur congressional reps about the huge disparity in R&D money for men vs women! But since might take awhile... my ob/gyn prescibes Elavil, an old school antidepressent that has several off label uses (migraines, pain, insomnia, etc.) & it really seems 2 help at a very low dose. He's also prescribed Soma which I take w/ either Rx naproxen or Rx ibuprofen. I also get 10 5mg Norco & 5 10mg Valium (the valium works 4 sleep & is also like a muscle relaxer 4 cramps). This doesn't make my month peachy keen but it's the best I've felt in the past 2 yrs. He's talked about something like Xanax but I haven't decided if I want 2 do that. I'm sorry u have 2 suffer from PMDD too. Here's hoping 4 some better research & solutions that don't invole hormone. Just started yesterday & have been up 3 hrs with my heating pad, peppermint tea, & a box of kleenex :-(
Thanks, but I have tried Elavil before at a small dose 20 mg and it did help a bit but over the 2 years that I was on it I gained over 30 lbs which in itself was horrible, as soon as I stopped the weight dropped off so that was lucky I guess. I cannot tolerate narcotics at all, only extra strength Tylenol and I have tried Xanax and for me that was a horrible expierence, I ended up in my room for 6 days that I was on it, couldn't sleep, made me extremely aggitated, muscles were twitching for me it was a horrible drug but my doc thinks I had an adverse reaction to it because it is the complete opposite of what it was suppose to do and I take Clonazepam aka Klonopin 1 mg in evening and this helps relax and sleep and they are both in the same drug family. For me Clonazepam is much more effective than Valium so maybe you might want to give that a try! This is so hard I just wish there was some magical cure. I hope you are feeling better soon.
Oh wow. In my awful attempt 2 help (in retrospect), I learned more from u than I gave. I take 10mg of Elevil but haven't been on it that long & the last thing I need is weight gain so thank u so much 4 that info. With the Xanax I know there's people who have paradoxical reactions 2 benzos - so sorry that happened 2 u. It's also interesting 2 find someone like me - *low* tolerance 4 narcotic pain meds. I can handle 2.5mg of oxycodone or hydrocodone & have 2 take nausea meds just 2 do that. Most people I know have the opposite issue - too high a tolerance. I also want 2 check out ur alternative 2 Valium. My sister is a nurse practioner & she recommends Valerian, an herbal root 4 people who can't take benzos. It's available at places like GNC. Again, I'm so sorry that I was pretty much useless & yet grateful that u ended up helping me. Thanks & good luck!
Thanks for the info on Valerian root, I will look into it. With Elevil you only have to worry about weight again if you notice your appetite increasing, mine definatley did so that was why I gained the weight, so I would just watch it and see what happens, everyone reacts differently so good luck and let me know how the Valerian works for you if you try it.
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wellbutrin, wellbutrin xl, depression, anxiety, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, premenstrual syndrome
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