Hey guys, any help on this problem would be amazing.
About 2 weeks ago, I came close to having sex with my partner. It was the second to last day of my period. After we were intimate, i continued bleeding that day. After speaking to him, we are worried that he may have ejaculated onto my skin, although we did not have sex. I took plan B one step about 3 days after this sexual encounter. About a week after taking plan b, i started bleeding for about 3 days with pretty bad cramps. these past two days, i’ve been spotting and i have lower backaches. I would immensely appreciate any help. Am i pregnant? Or is all of this just side effects of plan b. Thanks!!
Plan B One-Step: Can I still be pregnant?
Question posted by carlymartinez on 9 June 2018
Last updated on 25 June 2018
Also, i just started spotting light pink blood.
The only way you're going to be pregnant, is if pre-cum or sperm entered your vagina. If it touched your vaginal lips, there's a small chance. Otherwise you're not going to get pregnant.
Plan B is a huge dose of artificial hormone for your body to deal with. It's not as reliable as regular hormonal birth control, it's simply worth a try in an emergency.
You can get any hormonal symptoms that you'd get with a period or pregnancy, for example, & they vary in severity & length.
Thank you so so much!! I feel much more relieved. I am still super worried though because i’ve been having very faint light pink discharge for two days now. I heard that’s an indicator of pregnancy. Do you think that can also be from the pill? Thank you.
You're very welcome.
It's definitely possible with Plan B. Any spotting or bleeding that is brown, pink, red, dark red is common. Sometimes no bleeding at all.
Any symptoms that you might get with a period or pregnancy or other hormonal change in your body, are possible.
Okay thank you once again! I am also experiencing pain around my belly button too, but i have a bacterial infection. I also read that it could indicate pregnancy. Sorry for asking so many questions, i’m just very worried.
Also, I just took a pregnancy test and it came out negative. But I’m not supposed to get my period until the 23-24th. What are the chances of me still being able to get pregnant?
From what you've said, I'd say chances of pregnancy are low to impossible. If it were me, I wouldn't be concerned.
If he ejaculate right onto your vulva area, & you were ovulating, then it's possible, but even then it would be a low likelihood.
For future reference, Plan B works by delaying your ovulation until the sperm leaves your body (up to a week). If you were ovulating when you had sex, then you'd need one of the other methods of emergency contraception; either the other emergency pill called Ulipristal Acetate (Ella), or to have an IUD fitted by a doctor. Either of those things can be effective if done within 5 days/120 hours of the sex.
If using Plan B, it has more chance of delaying ovulation the sooner you take it. Leaving it until the 72 hours/3 days after, means it has less chance of preventing pregnancy.
Some believe Plan B works in other ways, but the Manufacturer does not claim that. They say it's possible, but don't go as far as saying it will.
One of the other methods is a better idea when you're fertile (ovulation & the week leading up to it).
Emergency contraception is not as effective as regular hormonal birth control. It's simply worth a try in an emergency. Don't rely on them for regular sex. They can really mess your menstrual cycles up for a while (differs for each person), too.
I am immensely appreciative of all this information. It’s definitely made me more aware of the side effects that may come with plan b. Thank you so so much. My last question would be, Ive been urinating frequently, so could that be a result of plan B? Once again, thanks so much.
Yes, as I say, any symptoms that you might get with a period or pregnancy or other hormonal change in your body, are possible.
I don’t know how i can thank you for all of this. I’ll definitely let you know what happens so everybody else going through this has some peace of mind. I really really hope i’m not pregnant.
No problem. Thank you for saying thank you. People don't tend to bother, & we don't get paid for doing this.
Alright so just to clarify, all these symptoms can be caused by antibiotics (im on them to treat an hyplori infection) and plan b?:
peeing frequently (could this just be because i’m on 8 pills a day bc of antibiotics so i have to drink a lot of water?)
loss of apetite
really bad lower back pain
pressure around belly button
bleeding like menstrual bleeding for a few days a week after plan b
then light pink spotting for only one day
clear discharge now
Once again, i can’t say thank you enough. I feel so alone and scared that the possibility of pregnancy is still in the air.
I've seen all of those symptoms except 1, after taking Plan B, both from women on this Site & personal experience.
I've no knowledge of the pressure around the belly button, but it could be due to the womb & bowel often being effected by the Plan B.
The peeing more is likely to be both the extra water intake, & the Plan B.
Don't forget to take prebiotic when you finish your antibiotics, as they rob your body of the good, necessary bacteria, as well as the bad. You can end up with stomach & bowel problems, without the necessary bacteria.
*Autocorrect! That should say probiotics, not prebiotics!
Yes i’ve been eating so much yogurt recently. Thank you thank you thank you!! I am just so scared and you’re bringing me peace.
Hey so the cramps that i had after a week of plan B went away, but now they’re back. I also have redness in some areas around my stomach and i keep needing to pee. I’m terrified that these could indicate pregnancy. Please help!
You need to see your doctor. Whether you're pregnant or not, there's something else going on.
Thank you so much for all of your input and advice. Today i took a home pregnancy test and it came out negative. I am still feeling some side effects but I’m hoping they’re from Plan B. How long do they last? Thanks for everything again.
No prob.
Everyone is different. It can affect you for days, weeks, or in some cases, months. It's a huge dose of artificial hormone for your body to deal with. It depends on how long your body takes to rebalance itself.
So what happened!? Did you end up pregnant?
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plan b one-step, emergency contraception, pregnancy, sex, period
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